January 7, 2012
Round 2, Phase 2, Day 6/35
Before I get into my weight loss, I'm going to tell you a little story about my journey to weight-loss yesterday. Hang on, I'll get to the good part. (I'm so mean.)
I went to see a movie (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy) last night with my Dad (hi, Dad ... you can comment below if you want by following these directions to post). It had a bunch of great British actors in it (some of my faves) and was a 1970s MI-6 / Soviet spy piece. Sadly, even though the actors were good, it was a long, slow, violent, graphic, "Did I care at all about these characters?" and "I don't need to see this again" movie. Why am I mentioning a movie review in a blog about weight-loss? I'm mentioning this because, 1) I didn't want movie theater popcorn (success!) and, 2) we went to Steak and Shake afterwards so Dad could get dinner and I wasn't tempted (hooray!). Dad was hungry, but worried that it would be too tempting for me (which was very sweet). I've run into this several times from several of you (who are equally as considerate), so I just want to assuage your fears on that score. Please take my word for it, I am not at all tempted. I want to be with you, and, I want to see the scale go down. Therefore, I am satisfied consuming black tea or black coffee and using my mouth to talk instead of eat. After all, it is no longer about the food anymore. Talk about a life change for me! I honestly don't even think about the food in front of me. I have such a short window to lose weight in each round, and have to wait longer and longer between rounds (to give my body time to catch up & get used to the whole thing) that I want to make every day in the Phase 2 weight-loss period count. I really hope each of you can put aside your fears of tempting me and trust me that all is well. I'd hate to make you uncomfortable. : ) For the first time in my life, I understand the phrase, "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels."
Okay, on to what I know some of you have been waiting for: as of 1 hour ago, I have officially lost 40.3 pounds. For those of you who tune in for my progress, you can stop reading now (this has turned into the weight-loss blog equivalent of War & Peace ... you've put in your time). For the rest of you who want to read on, let me tell you, that 1 extra little ounce does a lot. First, it's 1 ounce below where I started WW in 2001 (a minigoal bites the dust). Second, it (and 2 of its little friends) puts me just over 40 pounds off (another minigoal explosion). Third, it brings me to 1/4 of my weight loss plan accomplished (the final minigoal smack down). Oh, and according to the, "what have you lost?" weight loss comparison chart, as of this morning, I have lost a five gallon bottle of water or an average human leg.
So, here comes new territory. I've actually had several people I know tell me that they are excited to see the new me. I concur. I told my Mom and a friend yesterday (you know who you are) that I feel like I'm watching myself slowly emerge from a fat cocoon that I've been encased in for 2 decades. Sounds kind of gross, but it's also kind of true. And, it's rather exciting (for me).
Have any of you watched The Biggest Loser? Well, when I used to watch it, part of the subconscious power of that show is watching these people (who have dramatic weight loss week in and week out in weight-loss boot-camp like settings) melt/emerge from their current cocoon into their former selves. That is very similar to what I'm doing, but I'm NOT melting. My body doesn't have (yet, but from what I've heard, it won't happen at all) that saggy skin look, because it's abnormal fat that is leaving, not normal fat. It seems like magic, but it's not because magic isn't real. God is. It was God, who gave Dr. Simeons (in the 1950s) the brain power to come up with this. It was God who gave my friend Abbie the people in her life who introduced her to HCG. It was God who pointed my friends in the direction of putting their kids in a school that was right for them and, because of that, I met Abbie, Amy and Carrie (whose kids attend there), so over time, I could see the changes in them because of HCG and be ready for my own. Pretty cool. I serve a pretty cool God!
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