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Thursday, January 19, 2012

R2P2D18/35 - Sustained Spirit

January 19, 2012

Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 18/35

Before I start with this post, I need to mention something to you, reader.  Last week, I discovered a feature that would let me add up to 10 people to notify when I post a new blog.  Which, I did.  Then, I heard from one person that she checks this daily anyway, so she didn't need the reminder.  So, I removed everyone because I was afraid I was bugging too many people with my jottings.  Yesterday, I heard from one of the 10 that she wanted the emails, to remind her to view these (I guess an email comes with a link right to the blog).  So, I added several people back on (people who have commented that they read the blog).  If you don't want to get emails, please let me know.  I won't be offened.  I can remove you.  If you aren't getting email notifications and you want to get them, let me know and I'll add your email.

Okay, onto the business of today.

This week has been a testimony to Psalm 51:12b (thank you Abigail W., for reminding me of that verse earlier this week in your comments), "... grant me a willing spirit to sustain me" in this weight-loss journey.  For those of you who read yesterday's Eeyorish post, I think I was at my low point in the 3 months on this journey.  Today, things are different.  Not because of my weight loss (0.1 loss).  Yep.  After being perfectly on protocol (POP) for the last week, I have lost a total of 3.7 pounds (as opposed to 7.4 on these exact days in Round 1).  My first thought was, "What am I doing wrong?"  The second I thought that fearful thought, the next thought that immediately followed is, "I'm giving into fear!"  Wham!  Just like that, I felt it lift.  I think that's my biggest problem on this diet ... the fear I'm (or others who are doing it) are doing something wrong and wasting days.  It's SO specific in Phase 2 (the littlest, non-food-related thing, like using lotion with oil in it ... they all have it ... or a spice with hidden chemically-altered sugar, can cause a gain).  See, fear.

You know what?  Fear is a liar.  Fear is a tool of the devil, who wants to keep each of us down with doubt because it keeps us from pursuing a relationship with God (like dogs tucking tail and hiding from their masters).  Well, that's not for me!   I've lost 46.7 pounds.  That's a mid-sized child.  Actually, it is that elephant's heart + a human brain (in another 0.3 ounces).  I've lost MAJOR inches.  I'm going to measure myself again on Saturday, which will be 3 weeks since I last measured myself.  I should see a difference.  My clothes sure do!

But, regardless, I'm sticking with this.  I don't care if the next 16 days in Phase 2 are completely flat!  If they go up consistently, I'll have to do an about face on what I'm doing.  But, I'm NOT giving up hope.  I'm doing the right thing (NOT over-eating or putting chemically altered "low cal" things in my body).  God will reward me (He already has) with peace even if the scale doesn't go down.  And, if you're reading this and doubting that God cares about this, I'm a testimony that He DOES care.  Because, boy-o, when I looked down at the scale this morning, in those first 3 seconds, I did NOT have peace.  Then, I prayed.  I just talked to God (who is listed in the Bible as our Comforter, among other things).  Then, there it was.  Boy, faith is certainly a moment-by-moment exercise some days! 

So, here's my verse again ... God, "grant me a willing spirit to sustain me."  I pray that for me, and for you, dear reader, as we face the day.  Whatever we are facing (weight, money, love, job, family, health problems).  We are not alone.  God's got our back, if we just turn and face Him.

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