Julia's progress

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Commenting on my blog -- GO for it!

Just an FYI.  I've heard from several readers that they are having troubles posting comments to this blog.  I've made the comments instantly post, as well as, you should be able to post anonymously.  Here's how you do it:
  1. Write a comment.  Please leave your name if you want me to know who is writing it (no other info needed).
  2. Click on the pick box under what you write.
  3. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the selections & choose ANONYMOUS. 
  4. Type in the squiggly word underneath (so the blog can tell you're not a hacker or a computer writing ads).
  5. Hit okay.
Your comment should post!  If not, Facebook me.  ; )

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