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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

R2P3D3/21 - What was that I said about not doing a Correction Day?

February 8, 2012

Round 2, Phase 3 (Proteins) Day 3 of 21

So, um, yeah ... today, I'm doing a Correction Day (CD).  The scale was up today, to exactly 2.0 above LDW!  Yowsah.  I knew I was eating too much yesterday (& even the day before).  I believe I need to start tracking my P3 food.  I didn't do that in Round 1, but, since every round is different, I might need to start doing that in Round 2 P3.

So, while I'm not technically over 2.0 pounds above LDW, I'm doing a CD today.  I've chosen to do the steak and tomato day.  That's up to (I think) 26 ounces of steak + 1 tomato for dinner, plus all of the water I can drink today.  If it's anything like P3 last time, I'll be down by 1.5 - 3 pounds in the morning, and I'll go back to regular P3 eating (just less of what I ate in the last 2 days). 

The first week of P3 is always the most see-sawing, so I'm not taking this as a failure, but, actually as an encouraging thing.  Why?  For several reasons, really. 

1) I'm not hiding that I gained 2.1 pounds overnight.  I'm transparent about my losses, so I'll be transparent about my gains.  I ate too many "approved" carbs, and I knew it.  I ate LOTS of veggies yesterday, 2 LARA bars, peanut butter AND I drank a caffeine free diet soda at lunch (it was a business lunch and there was nothing else to drink). 

2)  Basically, it's like life -- not everything can or should be controlled so tightly, so, there will be days when (notice I didn't say IF) I get to my goal weight that I will gain due to the food choices I make or what's available to me.  Well, if that happens, and I go 2 pounds above my goal weight, I finally know how to get those pounds back down and start back with mostly proteins (and NORMAL amounts).  I never knew how to do that before.  I don't feel defeated and hopeless!

Life moves on.  It's not all about food, or size, or abilities.  It's about loving and trusting God, having a good attitude in the middle of struggles and enjoying life.  And, that's what I choose to do.  I hope you do too, in the middle of whatever struggles you may be facing.  I know personally that some of you are having REAL struggles in your lives right now, and me being all worried and in a wad about a number on a scale seems to pale in comparison.  Chin up, everyone.  God will bring us through our current struggles, no matter how big or how small they are. 

Exodus 14:14 - The Lord will fight for you.  You need only be still.

Amen, Lord.  Amen!

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