Julia's progress

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Round 1, Phase 2, Day 2/31 - Mischief Managed: no more fat clothes in my future!

October 18, 2011

Day 2/31

This is my first blog, ever.  I can't believe I'm writing about weight, or what my official starting weight was.  Yowsah.  I never thought I'd see these numbers, but, Lord-willing, it won't be for long.  At least not now that I'm following HCG.  So, I won't see them long, praise God!

Today is my 2nd day in the HCG Protocol Phase 2 (the Very Low Calorie Day).  Henceforth, known as P2 VLCD.  Yesterday, Day 1, went really well.  Of course, I was lucky to hit 300 calories consumed, not near the 500 calories.  Thanks to my friend Amy, I found out that I can eat a lot of veggies to get me to the 500 calories.  Of course, at 15 calories a serving on most of them, I'm still going to be hard-pressed to do it.  I think I'm going to have to buy some skim milk (the smallest container on the planet, since I L.O.V.E. milk and will be tempted to drink some) and add my Tbs to a cup of tea at night and I'll have to buy the Melba toast (which I have been avoiding like the plague, because I'm afraid if I eat one I'll eat 20).  But, I'm in-it-to-win-it, so no I won't.

In P1 (the loading 2 days), I gained 3 pounds, and I'm down 2.8.  Which actually excites me, because I did the math wrong this morning, and thought it was only 1.8! So, even though I'm still in the loading weight, I'm hoping that tomorrow, it will come off.  I'm thinking I'm going to have onions (grilled on my George Foreman Grill) and cottage cheese and tomatoes for dinner tonight.  I need to figure out some safe seasonings to use.  But, that will come in time, I'm sure.

Oh, yesterday I drank about 3 liters of water (a first in my life).  So far today, I'm about 1 liter (33 ounces).  They recommend 2 - 3 liters of water a day.  The big "they."

Man, this is all over the place.  I guess it's time for me to eat my first meal (lunch), as it's 12:52 and I took my drops at noon.  That about counts for the 20 minute wait time.

My daily food today will be:

3.5 ounce (100 g) of boneless, skinless chicken breast (grilled) + 1 red tomato (plain)

3.5 ounce (100 g) of skim milk cottage cheese + 2 red tomatos + 1 onion (grilled) + 1 orange

1 apple, 1 grissini breadstick

Maybe this will get me to my minimum (or near to it).

So, as I leave my first, and hopefully, most skitzo blog, I'm going to march onward into a new "decade" of weight (as I like to call each new "10" (you know, 150, 140, 130 ... I wish!).  Hopefully by tomorrow (Wednesday, October 19).  Definitely by Thursday.  Here's to you seeing less of me the next time you see me!

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