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Thursday, October 27, 2011

R1P2D11/31 - Baby step goals

October 27, 2011

Day 11/31

I just got off of the scale.  I lost 2.1 pounds.  That makes my grand total 16.4 pounds (not "just" the 16 that little heart on the ticker is showing).  : )  I have moved into another decade too.  Awesome!

I realize that my weight loss is a bit higher than average (so I'm sure I will hit a plateau sooner rather than later).  But, it also is a testimony to how much JUNK I put into my body.  Junk, junk, junk.  I was in denial about it before.  Not anymore!

Immediately, after thanking God for giving me the strength to do this with joy (and it's really not been a problem, which in itself is a TOTAL miracle), my mind moves to the next mini-goal.  I decided for today's short blog, I'm going to make a list of what some of them are:
  1. Get to 20 pounds lost
  2. Start cooking HCG Phase 2 recipes this weekend (cookbook is coming in the mail)
  3. Get to 25 pounds lost (and a new decade) 
  4. Organize my closets (I'm getting a LOT more done, now that I'm not spending so much time eating!)
  5. Get to 30 pounds lost
  6. Measure myself again to see the difference from starting the protocol (mid-Oct) & 1 month on the protocol (mid-Nov)
  7. Get to 35 pounds lost (and a new decade)
  8. Start planning menus for Phase 3 (which starts on November 21 at the latest)
  9. Get to 40 pounds lost
  10. Re-plan my next three/four cycles on HCG (I had put too much time in P4 ... it's 3, 5, 7, 10, 18 weeks, not 6, 8, 10, 12, 20).
So, that's it.  Big list.  But, it all seems like a fun list to me.  I might, just might, hit 40 pounds off.  My magic number is 35 - 40 off, which is the most I've ever lost.  I think it was really 35, but in my mind I had rounded it up to 40 over the years.  If I can get to 35 off, I'll be a happy girl, but 40 off this round would be spectacular.  It'll make me less weight than I've been in 8 years.

Now, it's time to get ready for work.  I wonder if the clothes I pick will fit more normally today?  No more looking like a sausage in my clothes, I hope.  I suppose that depends on the clothes (some were tighter than others, even though they were the same size).  I do have a dress reserved for when I lose 20 pounds.  I'll hold off on that.  But, I'm going to find something today ... 16.4 off is something to celebrate!

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