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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

R3P2D28/43 -- Let's try this again ...

May 16, 2012

Round 3, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 28 (or is it 3?) of 43 (or is it 18?)

Yep, I've started back up after over a week of a planned break.  You know what happened?  I didn't bother stabilizing, I didn't go hog wild and I DIDN'T maintain.  I gained.  Up a bunch (almost 11 pounds).  That's what happens when you don't ease into Phase 3 (proteins).  When you jump in with both feet (lots of meat, cheese, peanut butter, etc.), it's easy to gain. 

So, I learned a lot of things that week.

1) Don't do a planned break for "fun" -- do it only when I have to (emergency, work trip, etc.).
2) Ease in, no matter what (slowly reintroduce foods like nuts)
3) I didn't go completely hog wild
4) I didn't need to load again (which I did, slightly, on Saturday and Sunday, May 12 - 13)
5) The weight drops back off

I like #5 the best.  Because, my first 2 weigh-ins after being back in P2 (yesterday and this morning) have me down 7 pounds exactly of the almost 11 I went up from my lowest weight (2 days after Last Dosage Weight).  I'm 1.9 above LDW today, and I'm 3.6 above the lowest I got (the day before my Planned break, and 2 days after LDW).  So, I'm getting there.  The planned break will put me back only a 1/2 a week or so (Lord-willing), so I'm okay with that.

I'm going to be P2-ing it until May 31.  I will be in P3 on Friday, June 1.  And, I'll be easing in, thank you very much.  I'll be in P3 for most of June (through June 21), and then, I'll be in P4 (eating in moderation) until July 21, when I load again (R4P1).  Back on P2 the rest of July and most of August.  Not bad.  I'm hoping I can get down another 15 pounds (from where I am today), bringing me to a total of 32 pounds off in a 43 Day Round 3.  We'll see.  If I can get to that, it'll mean I've moved out of (and thanks to the planned break, back into, but right back out of) 3 decades in this round.  Hallelujah!  Even if I don't, I've moved out of two decades and into a third already.  I'm pleased with that.  I'd like to lose these last 6.8 pounds.  Why? 

Wait for it ...

Because I will be in a new decade that I have not seen since 2001 (August 27 to be exact), AND, on my way solidly into the onederlands (100s) for R4.


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