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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

R4P2D23/33 - I've shed the world's largest ball of tape is

August 14, 2012

Round 4 (R4), Phase 2 (P2), Very Low Calorie Day (VLCD) 23 of 33

Ten days left in R4P2.  Ten days and at least 5 pounds more to go.  I'd really like to lose 7 more pounds, to have me securely in another decade (that means, 2 pounds into that decade).  It'll be a decade.  On the scale, if you remember, I call every 10 pounds a new decade.  For example, if I weighed 140 pounds (ha!  I wish!), when I got to 139, I'd call that a new decade.  So, at least I'm moving towards a new decade, even if I am inching there, 1/10th of a pound at a time.

This morning, I lost another 0.6 pounds from yesterday when I stepped on the scale.  Normally, I don't like losing anything, but I am LOVING the numbers I am seeing on the scale, so I happily say good-bye to pieces of myself one little ounce by another.  I'm currently close to another personal milestone for me, which is the bottom of this "decade" -- I believe I haven't weighed that weight since maybe April of 1996.  There were lots and lots of years where I just didn't step on the scale.  Obviously, you do not get to be the weight I was by staying conscious of your weight.  So, I measure my progress by the weight-loss attempts I've tried over the years.  I did a weight-loss attempt in the Spring of 1996, Spring of 2001, 2003, 2006, 2011 ... and then by the fall of 2011, I tried HCG.  HCG has been the only thing that works.  80.4 pounds down this morning, and still going strong.  As of Friday, I will have stuck with this for 10 months.  Never stuck with anything that long, so that bodes well for future success.

I'm getting to the place where, I'm over 1/2 way to my weight-loss goal (in fact, in about 12 pounds, I will be at 2/3 of my weight loss goal!).  I'm very happy about that.  I definitely have lost the World's Largest Ball of Tape (that's right, they weighed it!), or, maybe a 10 year old girl (?) at this stage.  No wonder I'm wanting to swim, right by bicycle and hike (which I did, all 3 days last weekend, and wasn't at all sore).  I'm trying to live it up before it gets too cold to do my 3 favorite physical activities.

I don't have much more to say at this point, besides repeating myself, so I guess I'll sign off.  I hope you have a wonderful day, and, if you feel like it, reach out to me and let me know how I can pray for you.  It's SO honoring to be able to pray specifically for my friends.

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