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Friday, July 27, 2012

R4P2D5/33 - 11.7 pounds down

July 27, 2012

R4P2D5 of 33

So far, Round 4 (R4) Phase 2 (P2) has been a success.  I've lost weight each day, which is a joy to see and feel.  I lost 4.5 on Tuesday morning, 3.2 on Wednesday morning, 2.8 yesterday morning, and 1.2 today (total of 11.7 pounds).  That's about right for losses in the first few days if you follow the protocol.  In fact, I'm just a smidge (0.7 of a pound) lower on Day 5 than I was in Day 5 of Round 3.  Cool!  I beat my record.  I love beating my own records.  May God continue to bless me with good losses and strength to power through this.

I think a very good thing about "struggling" through Round 3 (because of work stress) was that it makes this Round feel a little better.  I am able to remind myself that this round feels easier (I made my homemade mayo and horseradish, and chocolate delights this week, and I didn't even think about making them in Round 3, my brain was so fried with being freaked out about work).  And, I'm able to remind myself that I'm saying, "NO!" to foods now that I can (and will!) eat later, because this is the only Round where I lose weight -- and I've got some ground to make up (as of this morning, exactly 5 pounds).  I want to be in the 85 - 90 pound off mark by the end of Round 3.  That's a bold goal, but if I've learned anything, I need to give myself a bold goal,or I'll "phone it in" (sort of what I did in all of Round 3) and not make the most of it.

Here I am with my friend Linda last weekend (hi, Linda!) as I was loading at the British Tea Room in the area ... yes, we are wearing crowns:

Therefore, here I am, ready to face a weekend (WHEW!) of relaxing (Lord-willing).  And, ready to see the scale (dare I say it) go BELOW my Last Dosage Weight from May 30 ... I actually "only" have 4.4 pounds to get to that ... by next Monday's weigh in.  Then, it's new territory.  I fully plan on being Lewis (or Clark) in my weight loss in the coming weeks.  Charting new territory, fitting into clothes better -- or new ones -- seeing myself look different -- feeling less of me when I put my hands on my hips (Hallelujah!) ... oh, so many exciting things are coming.  I need to focus on those, instead of what I can't eat right now -- or what job I'm in that I'm hoping to be able to get out of in a year.

I'll leave you with one more picture -- of me and my new best friend:

She would tell me to have a stiff upper lip and get cracking on this weight loss and job thing.  So, here I go.  So, happy weekend! 

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