January 31, 2012
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 30/35
I'm not sure if it's because I'm doing HCG (where you pay very close attention to the days in the Phase that you are in), but January has FLOWN by. I still am in denial that we're in 2012 ... I keep thinking it's 2002. So, there went 31 days (and 23.8 pounds) before I knew it.
Something else seemed to disappear ... that 1.5 pounds (and an extra 0.3 to boot) that I gained on Monday morning is gone today. I was Perfectly on Plan (POP) and dropped 1.8 overnight. Yep, that large number at this stage in the game tells me, my little oopsies on Sunday (however good-intentioned they were) created the gain on Monday morning. I've lost a total of 54.1 pounds since October 17. Praise the Lord!
Here's something I have just discovered about myself. This Phase, I can't seem to get enough of tomatoes and honeycrisp apples. I slice the apples really thin at each meal, and they really do a lot to boost my "lots of food" feeling. Well, I had run out of them, so I was eating no sugar added Mott's applesauce. It's yummy -- don't get me wrong -- but I found I was hungrier when I'd eat it. You know what? I think it's because of the fiber in a real apple that is missing in applesauce. My mouth needs something to munch and my tummy needs something to process (I mean, applesauce looks processed going IN, so not a lot of tummy work needed there). So, I've decided, for the duration (no matter if my last day in R2P2 is Sunday, or I extend it), I'm having honeycrisps at every meal.
That brings me to what my title is talking about ... I'm on the fence. Do I start P3 on Monday (meaning, I end my drops on Friday night, making that my Last Dosage Weight), or do I go on? I really don't know. I'd like to be in P3, but I LOVE.LOVE.LOVE losing weight and (if you remember), P3 is not about losing (but maintaining) already lost weight. Here's something I love about P2 ... this morning, I put on (and am wearing right now) a pair of knee-high boots (again, that I bought on major sale in December) which were too small last week. They fit perfectly! It's exciting. Although, that makes the argument for the "start P3 on Monday" thing, because, my current clothes (most of them) are getting so baggy that if I keep going, I'll have to buy MORE winter clothes (which I don't want to waste my money on) to get me through. I really don't want to spend money getting something altered, only to have to get it altered again in early May when I'm done with R3. Or, buy new stuff that will only work for 2 months. What an awesome "dilemma" to have! I believe, this weekend, I will be going through my closet to make a donate, alter, can-wear-now and can-wear-next-round piles. It's going to be a bit overwhelming. But, in a good way.
So, there I am. Undecided. Perhaps my journey into the depths of my closet will decide for me.
Oh, and here's another praise to share --> remember how I shared (yesterday) that Sunday I went to my cousin's teenage childrens' baptisms? Well, when I got there, I knew 2 people outside of the family (one is a friend of my Mom's who has known me from the moment I was born, and the other is my cousin's mother-in-law). Both (separately) said they wouldn't have recognized me (which I still say, "huh" about) because I have lost a "ton" of weight. Well, thank you God -- I've been telling people that I'm not sure if my loss is noticeable by those who aren't reading my blog (and, I swear I'm not begging for a fake compliment). So, that brings me to this request ... I have decided that since I have those 2 pictures (front and side) of me from November 19 (my first day on Round 1 Phase 3), I need someone to take full body pictures of me this time when I start P3. Any takers? I can't BELIEVE I'm asking this, but I'm wondering if they will look different to me. Evidently, I am the one who needs convincing! I will need the pics taken Monday (on my camera -- I'm not giving them to anyone!). If I'm in P3, that is. : )
I hope you enjoy reading about my weight-loss journey: the good, the bad and the ugly (but, I hope, not for long)!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
R2P2D29/35 - The old "slip up"
January 30, 2012
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 29/35
Yesterday was a slip up, but a well intentioned one. First, I didn't eat anything until after 2 p.m. (because I was at church & then ran errands with my friend Linda). By the time we got back to her house, it was after 2. I scarfed down my lunch. Then, I got a call from my cousin's wife inviting me to a 6 p.m. (30 minutes away) baptism for 3 of their 4 children. So, off I went, but I scarfed down my dinner before going, thinking I'd need to eat before I'd get home at 8 pm. So basically, I had all of my food within 2 hours of each other. Since I'm not supposed to take the HCG drops until 30 minutes after eating has passed, I waited until I got to Morton before taking my drops. But, I forgot! So, I didn't get to take them until AFTER I left the church (at 7:45). By the time I got home, I had completely forgotten that I had eaten dinner already, so, in an attempt to not scarf my food, I ate my 2 tomatoes and thought I'd sit and wait for the rest. Um, yeah. Right after I ate them I remembered ... I ALREADY ATE MY DINNER. Uh huh. So, I overate -- TOMATOES. Funny. And, to top off my colossal bumbling yesterday, I couldn't get to sleep until after 1 a.m., so I ended up with 5 hours of sleep (no sleep is a no-no on this diet).
I went up 1.5 today as a result of my shenanigans yesterday, but I'm okay about it. I didn't cheat. I didn't even plan to cheat. And, I ate real food when I waltzed backwards into extra food. So, in the big picture, it's okay. Today's a new day, and at least I've lost 52.3 pounds!
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 29/35
Yesterday was a slip up, but a well intentioned one. First, I didn't eat anything until after 2 p.m. (because I was at church & then ran errands with my friend Linda). By the time we got back to her house, it was after 2. I scarfed down my lunch. Then, I got a call from my cousin's wife inviting me to a 6 p.m. (30 minutes away) baptism for 3 of their 4 children. So, off I went, but I scarfed down my dinner before going, thinking I'd need to eat before I'd get home at 8 pm. So basically, I had all of my food within 2 hours of each other. Since I'm not supposed to take the HCG drops until 30 minutes after eating has passed, I waited until I got to Morton before taking my drops. But, I forgot! So, I didn't get to take them until AFTER I left the church (at 7:45). By the time I got home, I had completely forgotten that I had eaten dinner already, so, in an attempt to not scarf my food, I ate my 2 tomatoes and thought I'd sit and wait for the rest. Um, yeah. Right after I ate them I remembered ... I ALREADY ATE MY DINNER. Uh huh. So, I overate -- TOMATOES. Funny. And, to top off my colossal bumbling yesterday, I couldn't get to sleep until after 1 a.m., so I ended up with 5 hours of sleep (no sleep is a no-no on this diet).
I went up 1.5 today as a result of my shenanigans yesterday, but I'm okay about it. I didn't cheat. I didn't even plan to cheat. And, I ate real food when I waltzed backwards into extra food. So, in the big picture, it's okay. Today's a new day, and at least I've lost 52.3 pounds!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
R2P2D28/35 - One week and (hopefully) at least 4 pounds left to go
January 29, 2012
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 28 of 35
I lost 0.9 pounds this morning! Yesterday, it was 0.6. That means, since I upped my drops last Monday, I have consistently lost weight every day. Thank you Lord! I'm thinking I like this "more drops" thing. Gee, following the correct dosage works? Go figure.
So, my grand-total of weight loss is at 53.8 pounds off (or 21.3 this round -- I'm not counting the loading weight I gained and lost). Not bad. I would like to lose another 1.8 (for sure) to put me in the next decade (the decade I hoped to be at the bottom of when I started Round 2 all large-and-in-charge ... pun intended). Ideally, I'd like to lose at least 6.7 pounds in the 6 weigh-ins that I have left (taking me to Saturday's Last Dosage Weight weigh-in), so I can be solidly below the top end of that decade, so if I do go 2 pounds above my LDW (which will happen, probably at least once in P3). That'll bring my total dreaming of loss to 60.5 pounds. I know that sounds greedy, but I at least want to challenge myself. No senior-itis or coasting in the last days for me!
Honestly, I think I might extend my P2 days if I'm not where I want to be. I'll take a page from my HCG guru friend, Abbie, who just wrapped up 60 days on P2. That's right ... 60! She just hit 80 pounds off (she started in May 2011, I believe) and wrapped up her 3rd Round. That's amazing in my book. And, I told her that -- if HCG were an Olympic sport, she'd have a gold medal. I'd like to try for maybe a Bronze this time around. My Round 3 is going to be a short one (compared to the 31 days + 2 loading days I did in Round 1, and the (at least) 35 days + 3 loading days I'm doing in Round 2, because I want to start Round 3 loading days over Easter (also, my Dad's birthday) and end before my Gram's 98th birthday (and Mother's Day weekend). I plan my Round around special days. Brave Abbie just goes right through them! She did P2 through Christmas! See, brave. Not me ... I try to be out of P2 for business trips (I think the China or UK business trip is still on for the end of March when I'm in P4). But, since my Round 3 will be a short Round of 25 days, at best, I'll only lose about 15 - 20 pounds in that Round. Unless I take a "planned break" -- which are on protocol, but I don't understand them, so I'll have to probe Abbie's wealth of info on how to do it before I even contemplate doing it. If I do it, I'll tell you what it means at that time.
Okay, enough about me already! I think I'll end today's post as I did last week --> let's all sign off of our computers and go to church!
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 28 of 35
I lost 0.9 pounds this morning! Yesterday, it was 0.6. That means, since I upped my drops last Monday, I have consistently lost weight every day. Thank you Lord! I'm thinking I like this "more drops" thing. Gee, following the correct dosage works? Go figure.
So, my grand-total of weight loss is at 53.8 pounds off (or 21.3 this round -- I'm not counting the loading weight I gained and lost). Not bad. I would like to lose another 1.8 (for sure) to put me in the next decade (the decade I hoped to be at the bottom of when I started Round 2 all large-and-in-charge ... pun intended). Ideally, I'd like to lose at least 6.7 pounds in the 6 weigh-ins that I have left (taking me to Saturday's Last Dosage Weight weigh-in), so I can be solidly below the top end of that decade, so if I do go 2 pounds above my LDW (which will happen, probably at least once in P3). That'll bring my total dreaming of loss to 60.5 pounds. I know that sounds greedy, but I at least want to challenge myself. No senior-itis or coasting in the last days for me!
Honestly, I think I might extend my P2 days if I'm not where I want to be. I'll take a page from my HCG guru friend, Abbie, who just wrapped up 60 days on P2. That's right ... 60! She just hit 80 pounds off (she started in May 2011, I believe) and wrapped up her 3rd Round. That's amazing in my book. And, I told her that -- if HCG were an Olympic sport, she'd have a gold medal. I'd like to try for maybe a Bronze this time around. My Round 3 is going to be a short one (compared to the 31 days + 2 loading days I did in Round 1, and the (at least) 35 days + 3 loading days I'm doing in Round 2, because I want to start Round 3 loading days over Easter (also, my Dad's birthday) and end before my Gram's 98th birthday (and Mother's Day weekend). I plan my Round around special days. Brave Abbie just goes right through them! She did P2 through Christmas! See, brave. Not me ... I try to be out of P2 for business trips (I think the China or UK business trip is still on for the end of March when I'm in P4). But, since my Round 3 will be a short Round of 25 days, at best, I'll only lose about 15 - 20 pounds in that Round. Unless I take a "planned break" -- which are on protocol, but I don't understand them, so I'll have to probe Abbie's wealth of info on how to do it before I even contemplate doing it. If I do it, I'll tell you what it means at that time.
Okay, enough about me already! I think I'll end today's post as I did last week --> let's all sign off of our computers and go to church!
Friday, January 27, 2012
R2P2D26/35 - Out with the old, in with the new
January 27, 2012
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 26 of 35
I lost another pound over night. That brings my grand total to 52.3. I think it's safe to say, I'm rather happy about that. Big surprise! According to my "What Have You Lost Comparison" chart that I linked to in November, I am smack dab in between losing a small bale of hay and a 5,000 BTU air conditioner. Awesome.
I'm wearing (for me) skinny jeans to work (jeans day on Friday) today ... a comfortable 3 sizes smaller than when I started. I'm starting to think a little differently about when I end Phase 2 and go through my wardrobe. At the beginning of this Round (a mere 27 days ago), I thought I would keep my old clothes "just in case." I even bought 2 Rubbermaid containers on sale after Christmas just to store them. And, if you know me at all, you know how I HATE holding onto things that aren't useful anymore, so I was definitely giving into the "what if I screw this up" fear. Now, I'm thinking, "Um, yeah. I'm donating those clothes. I'm NEVER getting that high again (Lord willing)." This reality JUST might be sinking in. After 3 months & 10 days (but who's counting?) of being on this and 6 weeks of planning before-hand, I'm JUST deciding this isn't a fluke or short term? Hm. I'm an interesting duck, that's for sure. But, I've never, ever lost 50+ pounds, I've never stuck with something this long (and had a full-steam-ahead mentality about it) and, frankly, it'll be fun to jettison those clothes to the Esther House.
Last night, I went to a visitation with my Mom. She hadn't seen me since I started back at this in early January, and when she came to the door, she said she really noticed a difference. Good! I'm not sure when my brain is going to catch up with the reality that my eyes aren't playing tricks. My brain just doesn't compute what my eyes are seeing. Maybe it's my inner self-critic that, until I see the scale register at (what 99 pounds?!) something small, my head won't believe my eyes? That's just plain silly. I have to remember the adage, "Progress, not perfection." And, after all, I don't want to be 1) ungrateful for the success I've had with God's help (and yours) and 2) constantly begging for affirmation. It's like my brain is telling me, "This isn't real until you get enough random encouragement from people who don't know you're doing this." Really, Julia? Really? So what would that look like? A random person, maybe a stranger? Oh yes, how many of us walk through the day and tell a random person that they look like they've lost some weight? Um, how about none of us? But, yes, that's the irrational loveliness that is me. Meh. (That's me sticking my tongue out at myself.)
I have 9 days left on hHCG (homeopathic HCG for you newbies to the lingo), which means, next Saturday will be my last weigh-in weight that I need to stabilize at in Phase 3 (proteins) for 3 weeks (at least). At this point, I'm beginning to play fast-and-loose with my schedule, because I found out I can be on it longer, and I don't have to be in Phase 4 as long as I thought (as long as I stabilize in Phase 3 long enough). Funny, how I'm wanting to extend the rigid low-calorie Phase 2, and decrease the sensibly-eat-carbs Phase 4. Who am I, and what have I done with the old Julia. Oh yes, she's melting. : )
Have a great weekend! See you tomorrow!
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 26 of 35
I lost another pound over night. That brings my grand total to 52.3. I think it's safe to say, I'm rather happy about that. Big surprise! According to my "What Have You Lost Comparison" chart that I linked to in November, I am smack dab in between losing a small bale of hay and a 5,000 BTU air conditioner. Awesome.
I'm wearing (for me) skinny jeans to work (jeans day on Friday) today ... a comfortable 3 sizes smaller than when I started. I'm starting to think a little differently about when I end Phase 2 and go through my wardrobe. At the beginning of this Round (a mere 27 days ago), I thought I would keep my old clothes "just in case." I even bought 2 Rubbermaid containers on sale after Christmas just to store them. And, if you know me at all, you know how I HATE holding onto things that aren't useful anymore, so I was definitely giving into the "what if I screw this up" fear. Now, I'm thinking, "Um, yeah. I'm donating those clothes. I'm NEVER getting that high again (Lord willing)." This reality JUST might be sinking in. After 3 months & 10 days (but who's counting?) of being on this and 6 weeks of planning before-hand, I'm JUST deciding this isn't a fluke or short term? Hm. I'm an interesting duck, that's for sure. But, I've never, ever lost 50+ pounds, I've never stuck with something this long (and had a full-steam-ahead mentality about it) and, frankly, it'll be fun to jettison those clothes to the Esther House.
Last night, I went to a visitation with my Mom. She hadn't seen me since I started back at this in early January, and when she came to the door, she said she really noticed a difference. Good! I'm not sure when my brain is going to catch up with the reality that my eyes aren't playing tricks. My brain just doesn't compute what my eyes are seeing. Maybe it's my inner self-critic that, until I see the scale register at (what 99 pounds?!) something small, my head won't believe my eyes? That's just plain silly. I have to remember the adage, "Progress, not perfection." And, after all, I don't want to be 1) ungrateful for the success I've had with God's help (and yours) and 2) constantly begging for affirmation. It's like my brain is telling me, "This isn't real until you get enough random encouragement from people who don't know you're doing this." Really, Julia? Really? So what would that look like? A random person, maybe a stranger? Oh yes, how many of us walk through the day and tell a random person that they look like they've lost some weight? Um, how about none of us? But, yes, that's the irrational loveliness that is me. Meh. (That's me sticking my tongue out at myself.)
I have 9 days left on hHCG (homeopathic HCG for you newbies to the lingo), which means, next Saturday will be my last weigh-in weight that I need to stabilize at in Phase 3 (proteins) for 3 weeks (at least). At this point, I'm beginning to play fast-and-loose with my schedule, because I found out I can be on it longer, and I don't have to be in Phase 4 as long as I thought (as long as I stabilize in Phase 3 long enough). Funny, how I'm wanting to extend the rigid low-calorie Phase 2, and decrease the sensibly-eat-carbs Phase 4. Who am I, and what have I done with the old Julia. Oh yes, she's melting. : )
Have a great weekend! See you tomorrow!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
R2P2D25/35 - Daily Inspiration
January 26, 2012
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 25/35
I lost 0.6 pounds over night. That brings me to 51.3 off since October 17!. Woo hoo! Just a few more days to go until I move into Phase 3 (the low/no carb 3 weeks) and I'm starting to gear up. I'm going to make tuna/salmon/egg/chicken salads to eat during that Phase this time. Also, I saw a pizza "recipe" on Pinterest that was zuchini cut long ways with pizza toppings on it. Well, I can modify that (with my homemade, no sugar sauce) and then cheese and sausage and pepperoni and mushrooms and onions. OH MAN! That sounds so good. My favorite part of pizza is the toppings anyway, so I've wondered how to make it (without having to make almond flour or coconut flour crust -- which I can do, I just haven't tried it yet).
So, I've reached the time in this Round where I'm starting to think about Phase 3. Smack dab in the middle, I try not to think about it. But, when I'm around the 10-days-til-Phase-3 mark, I start plotting what I will eat. Cottage cheese and yogurt and salad with chicken breast and blue cheese and oil & vinegar or my YUMMY homemade dressing ... ah, February will be a yummy month. I love the food in Phase 3 (can anyone say Lara bars?!). I'm praying I will end well in Phase 2 this time, and that I will stabilize well in Phase 3.
Here's today's Bible verses that have inspired me today (and I hope they will for you too) because God is in control:
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 25/35
I lost 0.6 pounds over night. That brings me to 51.3 off since October 17!. Woo hoo! Just a few more days to go until I move into Phase 3 (the low/no carb 3 weeks) and I'm starting to gear up. I'm going to make tuna/salmon/egg/chicken salads to eat during that Phase this time. Also, I saw a pizza "recipe" on Pinterest that was zuchini cut long ways with pizza toppings on it. Well, I can modify that (with my homemade, no sugar sauce) and then cheese and sausage and pepperoni and mushrooms and onions. OH MAN! That sounds so good. My favorite part of pizza is the toppings anyway, so I've wondered how to make it (without having to make almond flour or coconut flour crust -- which I can do, I just haven't tried it yet).
So, I've reached the time in this Round where I'm starting to think about Phase 3. Smack dab in the middle, I try not to think about it. But, when I'm around the 10-days-til-Phase-3 mark, I start plotting what I will eat. Cottage cheese and yogurt and salad with chicken breast and blue cheese and oil & vinegar or my YUMMY homemade dressing ... ah, February will be a yummy month. I love the food in Phase 3 (can anyone say Lara bars?!). I'm praying I will end well in Phase 2 this time, and that I will stabilize well in Phase 3.
Here's today's Bible verses that have inspired me today (and I hope they will for you too) because God is in control:
God Is Our Healer: "Father, I praise You because You are the God who heals me physically, emotionally, and spiritually" (Exodus 15:26).
God Is Our Burden Bearer: "Praise be to the Lord, to God my Savior, who daily bears my burdens" (Psalm 68:19) & "Father, I praise You because You are a shield around me. O Lord, You bestow glory on me and lift up my head when I am weary or despised (Psalm 3:3).
God Is Justice: "Lord, I praise You and magnify You because You are just and the One who justifies those who have faith in Your Son Jesus Christ" (Romans 3:26).
God Is Our Provider: "I praise You today, Lord, as the Lord who will provide, who makes all grace abound in me and generously provides all I need" (2 Corinthians 8:9).
God Is Our Protector: "Father, I praise You because You are a shield around me. O Lord, You bestow glory on me and lift up my head when I am weary or despised (Psalm 3:3).
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
R2P2D24/35 - I've begun pulling out clothes from 2001!
January 25, 2012
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 24/35
11 more months til Christmas (don't kill me)!
I lost 0.8 ounces this morning. That brings my total weight-loss to 2.8 in the 2 days of week 4 as opposed to 2.1 in the entire week 3 (last week). I am praying that trend of consistent loss (can it be called a trend when it's only 2 days in a row?) continues. I've lost 50.7 pounds since October 17. That number hardly seems real, but I know it is. I still struggle with this idea ... do I look different to people? I look different to me ... I feel different ... but, I just don't "get" that I look different to people who don't know I'm doing this (or even those who know I am). Yet, when I was dreaming about / plotting / planning to do this, when I thought about what I'd look like at almost 51 pounds off, I figured I'd be getting stopped all the time with people saying, "Wow! You've lost weight!" I'm not getting that a lot, but it is happening from time to time. Uh, wait ... that sounds like I think the world revolves around me. Yikes! Talk about the good, the bad and the ugly, Julia. But, I'll leave it in this blog. My belief is, it's better to be transparent about my personality pit falls, because that'll help me change. Yowsah, am I self-centered.
Okay, enough self-depricating.
This morning, I pulled out a dress that I bought on major sale (kind of like those 2 pairs of corduroys I talked about on Sunday) in December, which is 3 sizes smaller than when I started. It fits perfectly. Awesome. I also pulled out 3 dresses that I saved over the years (only 3, but I loved them) from 2001 & 2003 that I was able to wear when I weighed about (at most) 10 pounds less than now. I fit in them (1 is actually too big, so I believe I'll be donating it after wearing it once or twice)! Of course, I look like a sausage in the other 2, so I'll wait for the public debut until I lose another 10 (or close to it). But I couldn't even get these over my head when I started this on October 17! Perhaps I can wear them as Phase 2 wraps up in 11 days? I know, for sure, one of the dresses I wore (and I have a picture of myself in it) on Mother's Day in 2003 (and it was getting just a bit tight). So, I'm pretty certain that I will be able to wear it (it'll probably be too big since I will just have finished Round 3 before) Mother's Day this year! If you see me that day, look for a very long lilac colored dress (with me in it). : ) That's my favorite and my "blue dot" of mini-goals for now. After that, I'll have to buy the services of my friend JoEllen to alter the clothes I actually like or start buying new (discounted!) clothes. It's rather exciting to think about being able to buy off of the sale rack. When you are a plus-sizer, clothes that look normal are almost never discounted, or if you find something that fits and you're comfortable in, you have to snap it up right away, or you'll never find it again. I'm looking forward to buying discounted, regular-sized clothes!
Here's a lovely verse for today from Job. "... the hand of the Lord has done this. In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind." Job 12:9-10
Upwards and onwards today, folks. See you tomorrow!
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 24/35
11 more months til Christmas (don't kill me)!
I lost 0.8 ounces this morning. That brings my total weight-loss to 2.8 in the 2 days of week 4 as opposed to 2.1 in the entire week 3 (last week). I am praying that trend of consistent loss (can it be called a trend when it's only 2 days in a row?) continues. I've lost 50.7 pounds since October 17. That number hardly seems real, but I know it is. I still struggle with this idea ... do I look different to people? I look different to me ... I feel different ... but, I just don't "get" that I look different to people who don't know I'm doing this (or even those who know I am). Yet, when I was dreaming about / plotting / planning to do this, when I thought about what I'd look like at almost 51 pounds off, I figured I'd be getting stopped all the time with people saying, "Wow! You've lost weight!" I'm not getting that a lot, but it is happening from time to time. Uh, wait ... that sounds like I think the world revolves around me. Yikes! Talk about the good, the bad and the ugly, Julia. But, I'll leave it in this blog. My belief is, it's better to be transparent about my personality pit falls, because that'll help me change. Yowsah, am I self-centered.
Okay, enough self-depricating.
This morning, I pulled out a dress that I bought on major sale (kind of like those 2 pairs of corduroys I talked about on Sunday) in December, which is 3 sizes smaller than when I started. It fits perfectly. Awesome. I also pulled out 3 dresses that I saved over the years (only 3, but I loved them) from 2001 & 2003 that I was able to wear when I weighed about (at most) 10 pounds less than now. I fit in them (1 is actually too big, so I believe I'll be donating it after wearing it once or twice)! Of course, I look like a sausage in the other 2, so I'll wait for the public debut until I lose another 10 (or close to it). But I couldn't even get these over my head when I started this on October 17! Perhaps I can wear them as Phase 2 wraps up in 11 days? I know, for sure, one of the dresses I wore (and I have a picture of myself in it) on Mother's Day in 2003 (and it was getting just a bit tight). So, I'm pretty certain that I will be able to wear it (it'll probably be too big since I will just have finished Round 3 before) Mother's Day this year! If you see me that day, look for a very long lilac colored dress (with me in it). : ) That's my favorite and my "blue dot" of mini-goals for now. After that, I'll have to buy the services of my friend JoEllen to alter the clothes I actually like or start buying new (discounted!) clothes. It's rather exciting to think about being able to buy off of the sale rack. When you are a plus-sizer, clothes that look normal are almost never discounted, or if you find something that fits and you're comfortable in, you have to snap it up right away, or you'll never find it again. I'm looking forward to buying discounted, regular-sized clothes!
Here's a lovely verse for today from Job. "... the hand of the Lord has done this. In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind." Job 12:9-10
Upwards and onwards today, folks. See you tomorrow!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
R2P2D23/35 - Keep Your Friends Close
January 24, 2012
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 23/35
I have found a helpful key to success in this program. Being on Facebook, and taking part in the private (meaning, it's only open to those 3,000 people accepted by the page owner) HCG forum. It's run by the ladies who run the two websites called Miracle Skinny Drops (MSD) & Little Choices Matter. They aren't selling anything (in fact, they don't care what type of HCG you use because), they'll answer any HCG question you have. They (Carol and Shawna) are now my FB friends, and can give private advice to me, just as a real friend would, in my FB private in box. Some times, I love technology (how many times can we actually converse, at the drop of a hat, with an owner of a business and website?)!
For example, I had a discussion with Shawna yesterday when I asked the question, "Can you stall from taking too much hHCG?" In Round 1, I was taking 6 drops under my tongue 3x a day. This round, I've been more liberal with them, and have been using about 8 - 10 drops 3x a day (and holding them under my tongue for at least a minute before swallowing (which I found out from Abbie C., I should have been doing in Round 1!).
Shawna asked me the hHCG formula I've been using (not their brand) -- she wanted to see the % of hHCG, among other things. After she got the formula from me, she wrote back that I actually have been way under dose, and that people usually increase drops in subsequent rounds. She suggested that I go to the "normal" dose (what this company, healingpowerwithin, and others selling this particular homeopathic formula) say to use -- 80 drops a day or 1/2 a dropper 4x a day. I had been massively underdosing (my 18 - 30 drops compared with the 80 drops I should have been taking each day)! So, I immediately upped by drops around lunchtime yesterday, and I did 4 doses instead of 3. You want to know what happened?
So, I've lost 49.9 pounds as of this morning. My new goal, set a bit higher than it was when I started this Round, is to lose at least another 8.6 pounds in the 10 weigh-ins I have until I get to my Last Dosage Weight (LDW) on Saturday, February 4 (meaning, my last day is Sunday, February 5). I'd like it if my LDW was a perfectly round number (and, of course, prime) so I can remember it easier when I'm trying to stay within 2 pounds up or down of it in Phase 3 (proteins). 8.6 is a HUGE goal, but it's less total off than I had hoped when I started (I wanted to be at 30 - 35 off in this Round, and instead, that would bring me to 26 off ... but that's better than the other direction)!
That means, I still have a lot of hard work to do. But, I'm definetly on the home front of this Round (meaning, I have less than 2 weeks left in this Round of Phase 2). I feel a bit like I did last Round this time -- relieved that I am coming to an end with this Phase (ready for proteins in Phase 3!) and like I might, just might, be able to extend this a little longer. Funny, that's what I felt like when I was graduating from college ... "I could go on to get my Masters," but I decided to be sensible and get a job to pay off my loans. I'm betting I'll follow suit and be sensible and move into Phase 3 so I can start Round 3 on time, the day after Easter. After all, I want to load on Good Friday - Easter (which also happens to be my Dad's birthday).
Okay, that's enough of me for the day. Happy Tuesday. See you tomorrow, hopefully, a bit lighter.
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 23/35
I have found a helpful key to success in this program. Being on Facebook, and taking part in the private (meaning, it's only open to those 3,000 people accepted by the page owner) HCG forum. It's run by the ladies who run the two websites called Miracle Skinny Drops (MSD) & Little Choices Matter. They aren't selling anything (in fact, they don't care what type of HCG you use because), they'll answer any HCG question you have. They (Carol and Shawna) are now my FB friends, and can give private advice to me, just as a real friend would, in my FB private in box. Some times, I love technology (how many times can we actually converse, at the drop of a hat, with an owner of a business and website?)!
For example, I had a discussion with Shawna yesterday when I asked the question, "Can you stall from taking too much hHCG?" In Round 1, I was taking 6 drops under my tongue 3x a day. This round, I've been more liberal with them, and have been using about 8 - 10 drops 3x a day (and holding them under my tongue for at least a minute before swallowing (which I found out from Abbie C., I should have been doing in Round 1!).
Shawna asked me the hHCG formula I've been using (not their brand) -- she wanted to see the % of hHCG, among other things. After she got the formula from me, she wrote back that I actually have been way under dose, and that people usually increase drops in subsequent rounds. She suggested that I go to the "normal" dose (what this company, healingpowerwithin, and others selling this particular homeopathic formula) say to use -- 80 drops a day or 1/2 a dropper 4x a day. I had been massively underdosing (my 18 - 30 drops compared with the 80 drops I should have been taking each day)! So, I immediately upped by drops around lunchtime yesterday, and I did 4 doses instead of 3. You want to know what happened?
- I felt satisfied with my food. In fact, I ate a little less because I wasn't hungry like I'd been feeling in pretty much all of this Round. Not ravenously hungry, but, for lack of a better term, pining.
- I wasn't tired. I've been struggling a bit with the sleepies at around 8 - 9 pm (usually, I'm a midnight go-to-bed-er).
- I lost 2 pounds overnight. And yes, I ate the same food I had the day before (but I did up my water a bit to 3L, since I probably had 2 the day before).
So, I've lost 49.9 pounds as of this morning. My new goal, set a bit higher than it was when I started this Round, is to lose at least another 8.6 pounds in the 10 weigh-ins I have until I get to my Last Dosage Weight (LDW) on Saturday, February 4 (meaning, my last day is Sunday, February 5). I'd like it if my LDW was a perfectly round number (and, of course, prime) so I can remember it easier when I'm trying to stay within 2 pounds up or down of it in Phase 3 (proteins). 8.6 is a HUGE goal, but it's less total off than I had hoped when I started (I wanted to be at 30 - 35 off in this Round, and instead, that would bring me to 26 off ... but that's better than the other direction)!
That means, I still have a lot of hard work to do. But, I'm definetly on the home front of this Round (meaning, I have less than 2 weeks left in this Round of Phase 2). I feel a bit like I did last Round this time -- relieved that I am coming to an end with this Phase (ready for proteins in Phase 3!) and like I might, just might, be able to extend this a little longer. Funny, that's what I felt like when I was graduating from college ... "I could go on to get my Masters," but I decided to be sensible and get a job to pay off my loans. I'm betting I'll follow suit and be sensible and move into Phase 3 so I can start Round 3 on time, the day after Easter. After all, I want to load on Good Friday - Easter (which also happens to be my Dad's birthday).
Okay, that's enough of me for the day. Happy Tuesday. See you tomorrow, hopefully, a bit lighter.
Monday, January 23, 2012
R2P2D22/35 - Less than two weeks to go!
January 23, 2012
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 22 of 35
I may have gone up 0.6 pounds overnight (I'm blaming it on not drinking very much liquid yesterday and eating too much sea salt on my steamed asparagus), but I'm still happily pluging ahead.
I told my friend Linda this weekend that I have begun to see some parallels in this HCG journey and her journey when giving birth to her 5 children. She (like many women) goes through about 3-4 months of very intense morning sickness. It feels as if the journey is all up hill, but she knows, in the end, her current, temporary discomfort and major effort will pay off in the end with a new life for a person. While my journey is much less enternally-minded (I'm not giving life to another living soul), my journey is long (a year at best), and it can be painful to put in effort and see no results -- denying myself because it's the right thing to do. Even though I'm not nurturing another life, I am, in a sense, nurturing another life in myself -- one where I'm not looking to food to assuage uncomfortable human emotions (sadness, fear, anger, lonliness). I, too, hope a new person will emerge after all of this effort -- a mentally, physically and spiritually more healthy person. I am allowing God to shape my life for the better (relying on him, not food, or myself, to sustain me).
So, I have 13 days left in this round of Phase 2. I might even go longer. Can you believe I'm even considering that? This Round has felt VERY long, but I'm not ready to be done. I could quit, right now. I've gone the required 21 days in Phase 2. But, it'll sort of feel like a failure if I don't go at least to 35 days, because that is what I promised myself, God and you when I started this Round. I think it'll depend upon if this weight-loss slow down picks up, stops, or continues to creep up ounce by ounce. If it picks up and I'm feeling good, why not continue on?
Oh, and I discovered some good news about the program yesterday that I didn't know about in Round 1 -- I can actually lose weight in Phase 4 (eat what you want, but sensibly). That means, I can EXERCISE! Okay, that may sound like a DUH moment to you, but in Round 1, I thought I had read in Dr. S's protocol that you had to stay within 2 pounds up or down of your Last Dosage Weight (LDW) all through Phase 3 (proteins, no carbs) and Phase 4. Well, I was wrong. It's only in Phase 3, until my weight stabilizes for 3 weeks. AWESOME! That means two things:
So, see you tomorrow. Thanks for all of your notes and words of encouragement. They mean a lot to me!
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 22 of 35
I may have gone up 0.6 pounds overnight (I'm blaming it on not drinking very much liquid yesterday and eating too much sea salt on my steamed asparagus), but I'm still happily pluging ahead.
I told my friend Linda this weekend that I have begun to see some parallels in this HCG journey and her journey when giving birth to her 5 children. She (like many women) goes through about 3-4 months of very intense morning sickness. It feels as if the journey is all up hill, but she knows, in the end, her current, temporary discomfort and major effort will pay off in the end with a new life for a person. While my journey is much less enternally-minded (I'm not giving life to another living soul), my journey is long (a year at best), and it can be painful to put in effort and see no results -- denying myself because it's the right thing to do. Even though I'm not nurturing another life, I am, in a sense, nurturing another life in myself -- one where I'm not looking to food to assuage uncomfortable human emotions (sadness, fear, anger, lonliness). I, too, hope a new person will emerge after all of this effort -- a mentally, physically and spiritually more healthy person. I am allowing God to shape my life for the better (relying on him, not food, or myself, to sustain me).
So, I have 13 days left in this round of Phase 2. I might even go longer. Can you believe I'm even considering that? This Round has felt VERY long, but I'm not ready to be done. I could quit, right now. I've gone the required 21 days in Phase 2. But, it'll sort of feel like a failure if I don't go at least to 35 days, because that is what I promised myself, God and you when I started this Round. I think it'll depend upon if this weight-loss slow down picks up, stops, or continues to creep up ounce by ounce. If it picks up and I'm feeling good, why not continue on?
Oh, and I discovered some good news about the program yesterday that I didn't know about in Round 1 -- I can actually lose weight in Phase 4 (eat what you want, but sensibly). That means, I can EXERCISE! Okay, that may sound like a DUH moment to you, but in Round 1, I thought I had read in Dr. S's protocol that you had to stay within 2 pounds up or down of your Last Dosage Weight (LDW) all through Phase 3 (proteins, no carbs) and Phase 4. Well, I was wrong. It's only in Phase 3, until my weight stabilizes for 3 weeks. AWESOME! That means two things:
- I can start building in exercise into Phase 4 -- toning and all of that good stuff!
- I can lose weight in P4 and not sabotage my next Round -- I was afraid last time because I dropped 4 pounds below LDW that I was doing a no-no (what other diet plan doesn't want you to lose too much weight?!). This means, I WILL exercise. In Round 1, I didn't, because I thought, how on earth will I not lose too much? Well, now I can lose in Phase 4 and be on track!
So, see you tomorrow. Thanks for all of your notes and words of encouragement. They mean a lot to me!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
R2P2D21/35 - Getting noticed isn't such a bad thing after all!
January 22, 2012
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 21 of 35
So, yesterday, a couple of fun things happened. Yes, I lost 2.7 pounds (I miscalculated when I wrote my last post ... it was 2.7 not 1.7)! But, it was WAY better than that.
First, when I got ready to go to my friends' house last night, since it was really cold, I decided to wear corduroys instead of my typical dress and knee high boots. I have three old pairs of cords & an old pair of jeans (meaning, they are REALLY baggy on me). I've been cinching them in with a belt (which is 2 sizes smaller than when I started this, by the way), and I'm almost at the last (smallest) hole in that belt. Basically, I'm starting to feel like I'm wearing a potato sack. So, on a whim, I decided, that I was going to try on some new cords that I bought on major sale right before starting P2, in the hopes that I'd be able to wear them at the end (or during) this round. I put them on, and, while they are a little (and I mean, just a little) snug, they fit. Yep. And, they are three sizes smaller than when I started this 3 months ago! SHUT UP! (Sorry for saying that, Mom.) On top of that, the shirt I wore was 2 sizes smaller than when I started this. Yep, you guessed it ... like a lot of fat people, I have a couple of the same shirts in 2 different sizes. That way, I could keep wearing the same style as I grew out of the old. Sad what we do to hide the unhideable gluttony! I think I understand why people say over-eating is a drug.
But, I digress. So, there I was, looking at myself in the mirror, wearing a shirt that was 2 sizes smaller than when I started, and pants that were 3 sizes smaller. And, I could move. You know? I could sit down, bend over, etc., and I wasn't uncomfortable, and I didn't look like a sausage in them! Woo hoo!
So, there it was. The proof was in the (non-existent) pudding that I've lost weight. Yes, the scale is going down (almost 49 pounds), and the measuring tape is getting smaller. Yes, my clothes are getting too big. But, I haven't had people stopping me saying, "WOW! You've lost a ton of weight!" So, honestly, I haven't been sure if this isn't just a mind trick I'm playing on myself. Yes, people who know I'm doing this have noticed, but, then, I've wondered (every once in a while) if it's not THEIR minds playing tricks on them. You know, they see me eating my 3.5 ounces of orange-dill chicken (which was AWESOME last night, by the way ... I'm making that again!) and my mountain of tomatoes and think I've lost weight just because I'm not eating their food? Well, instead, I realize, it's my mind getting whispered to by you-know-who trying to get me to give up. You may think he doesn't care about weight-loss, but he-who-shall-not-be-named knows that if I go back on my promise I've made to God that I'm relying on HIM and not food to sustain me emotionally, then I'll hate myself for it. And, I'll binge eat. Well, not this time.
Good thing #2 is this:
When I got to my friends' house last night, after about 5 minutes, JoEllen said, out of the blue, "Okay, I can see in your shirt that you've lost weight." I couldn't believe it! She said she hadn't read my blog yesterday to see my apple day result, but she could tell I had. And, she just saw me last week. I asked her what she meant about seeing it in my shirt. She said it was baggy (and she pulled on where) and then said it wasn't baggy there a little while ago (over my back side). I couldn't hide my excitement ... since that's the shirt I have shrunk into! Awesome! I needed to hear that unsolicited comment about my weight-loss, because, again, somewhere in my little pea brain, I was afraid I DID look like a sausage in that outfit, and that my eyes were deceiving me that I looked okay. I mean, for years, I see pictures of myself and think, who is that person who has swallowed a small house? But, see? Again, I was giving in to fear. I've said it before, and I'll say it again .. fear is a liar. So, I rejoiced then (and now) about that little encouragement gift from God.
That brings me back to today. When I got on the scale, I was talking to God. I asked Him (and I quote here), "Lord, thank you for sustaining me. Help me have a good attitude today, regardless of the number, because I don't want to make the scale an idol in my life." I looked down, and the scale was UP 0.3 pounds. And, I was happy! Here's why:
First, in Round 1 when I did an apple day and lost 3 pounds, I gained a pound back the next morning (which is typical), so 0.3 felt like a gift; and, second, because it was a nice, easy-to-remember number. So, instead of 48.8 pounds off, I'm at 48.5 pounds off. The ---.0 type of round number. I like that.
So, that's it for today. It's been a long post and I've taken up enough of your time by processing this out loud. Before I sign off, let me thank you, again, faithful reader, for listening to me process this journey by blathering on and on about it. I know I'm all over the place most days, but it helps me to unjumble my thoughts onto cyber paper. And, it helps me to know that I have people pulling for and praying for me, as well as checking in to help keep me accountable. So, keep up the good work!
Now, let's all shut off our laptops and go to church. : )
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 21 of 35
So, yesterday, a couple of fun things happened. Yes, I lost 2.7 pounds (I miscalculated when I wrote my last post ... it was 2.7 not 1.7)! But, it was WAY better than that.
First, when I got ready to go to my friends' house last night, since it was really cold, I decided to wear corduroys instead of my typical dress and knee high boots. I have three old pairs of cords & an old pair of jeans (meaning, they are REALLY baggy on me). I've been cinching them in with a belt (which is 2 sizes smaller than when I started this, by the way), and I'm almost at the last (smallest) hole in that belt. Basically, I'm starting to feel like I'm wearing a potato sack. So, on a whim, I decided, that I was going to try on some new cords that I bought on major sale right before starting P2, in the hopes that I'd be able to wear them at the end (or during) this round. I put them on, and, while they are a little (and I mean, just a little) snug, they fit. Yep. And, they are three sizes smaller than when I started this 3 months ago! SHUT UP! (Sorry for saying that, Mom.) On top of that, the shirt I wore was 2 sizes smaller than when I started this. Yep, you guessed it ... like a lot of fat people, I have a couple of the same shirts in 2 different sizes. That way, I could keep wearing the same style as I grew out of the old. Sad what we do to hide the unhideable gluttony! I think I understand why people say over-eating is a drug.
But, I digress. So, there I was, looking at myself in the mirror, wearing a shirt that was 2 sizes smaller than when I started, and pants that were 3 sizes smaller. And, I could move. You know? I could sit down, bend over, etc., and I wasn't uncomfortable, and I didn't look like a sausage in them! Woo hoo!
So, there it was. The proof was in the (non-existent) pudding that I've lost weight. Yes, the scale is going down (almost 49 pounds), and the measuring tape is getting smaller. Yes, my clothes are getting too big. But, I haven't had people stopping me saying, "WOW! You've lost a ton of weight!" So, honestly, I haven't been sure if this isn't just a mind trick I'm playing on myself. Yes, people who know I'm doing this have noticed, but, then, I've wondered (every once in a while) if it's not THEIR minds playing tricks on them. You know, they see me eating my 3.5 ounces of orange-dill chicken (which was AWESOME last night, by the way ... I'm making that again!) and my mountain of tomatoes and think I've lost weight just because I'm not eating their food? Well, instead, I realize, it's my mind getting whispered to by you-know-who trying to get me to give up. You may think he doesn't care about weight-loss, but he-who-shall-not-be-named knows that if I go back on my promise I've made to God that I'm relying on HIM and not food to sustain me emotionally, then I'll hate myself for it. And, I'll binge eat. Well, not this time.
Good thing #2 is this:
When I got to my friends' house last night, after about 5 minutes, JoEllen said, out of the blue, "Okay, I can see in your shirt that you've lost weight." I couldn't believe it! She said she hadn't read my blog yesterday to see my apple day result, but she could tell I had. And, she just saw me last week. I asked her what she meant about seeing it in my shirt. She said it was baggy (and she pulled on where) and then said it wasn't baggy there a little while ago (over my back side). I couldn't hide my excitement ... since that's the shirt I have shrunk into! Awesome! I needed to hear that unsolicited comment about my weight-loss, because, again, somewhere in my little pea brain, I was afraid I DID look like a sausage in that outfit, and that my eyes were deceiving me that I looked okay. I mean, for years, I see pictures of myself and think, who is that person who has swallowed a small house? But, see? Again, I was giving in to fear. I've said it before, and I'll say it again .. fear is a liar. So, I rejoiced then (and now) about that little encouragement gift from God.
That brings me back to today. When I got on the scale, I was talking to God. I asked Him (and I quote here), "Lord, thank you for sustaining me. Help me have a good attitude today, regardless of the number, because I don't want to make the scale an idol in my life." I looked down, and the scale was UP 0.3 pounds. And, I was happy! Here's why:
First, in Round 1 when I did an apple day and lost 3 pounds, I gained a pound back the next morning (which is typical), so 0.3 felt like a gift; and, second, because it was a nice, easy-to-remember number. So, instead of 48.8 pounds off, I'm at 48.5 pounds off. The ---.0 type of round number. I like that.
So, that's it for today. It's been a long post and I've taken up enough of your time by processing this out loud. Before I sign off, let me thank you, again, faithful reader, for listening to me process this journey by blathering on and on about it. I know I'm all over the place most days, but it helps me to unjumble my thoughts onto cyber paper. And, it helps me to know that I have people pulling for and praying for me, as well as checking in to help keep me accountable. So, keep up the good work!
Now, let's all shut off our laptops and go to church. : )
Saturday, January 21, 2012
R3P2D20/35 - Whew!!!!
January 21, 2012
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 20/35
Well, the apple day paid off. I lost 1.7 pounds. The big sigh of relief is not because I feel like I'm "out of the woods" but because that probably means I was stalled in some small way. Now, what I do from here on out will mean a lot. I've got 15 days left on Phase 2 (Lord-willing), even though technically, I could say tomorrow is my last day in Round 2 Phase 2. Huh? Well, the minimum number of days you can be on drops in a Round in 21 days (hence, tomorrow, since I don't count my 3 days of loading with drops as "days on drops"). The maximum you are supposed to do is 40. Well, if you do injections (I don't). I just found out from my friend Abbie, who is a superstar and on day 50+ of Phase 2 in Round 3 (hi, Abbie!) that when you use homeopathic drops (like we are using), you can go until your body tells you its done (stops losing). I think, mentally, I'm going to be done by February 6. This has been a much harder (less lost) round on me mentally. I've even been hungrier. Not dying hungry, but hungrier.
I am hoping, though, like last time, that Week 4 shows better losses. Each Round of HCG is different, so Week 4 might be harder. Whatever comes comes. I'll get through it, and I'm praying, with a good attitude!
So, today's 1.7 pound loss brings me to 17 pounds off in 20 days (this Round) and 47.8 pounds off total. This week (5 days so far), I have lost 2.0 pounds total, which is "only" at 0.4 pounds off a day average (under the 0.5-1.0 daily average loss we are supposed to have). But, I'll take it. It's much better than the 0.03 pounds off a day average before today's weigh-in.
Before I sign off for the day, I want to share one of those minor things I think I stumbled on yesterday that might (just might) explain a little bit of my about-face this week. I decided yesterday, since it was an Apple Day, that I might want to scrap the chicken and fish I had prepared last Saturday for the remaining three weeks of lunches/dinners I had coming because maybe I prepared them (inadvertantly) with sugar. When I was preparing them, unlike every other time I've done it, they were still partly frozen, so I threw them onto cookie sheets and baked them for a while. Then, I measured out the 100g (3.5 ounce) portions of each and baggied them up for quick grab lunch/dinner packing. Frankly, it took less time measuring them after they were cooked than measuring them raw (which is kind of gross) and then standing there grilling one tiny piece at a time on my George Foreman Grill.
Okay, great. So, yesterday, since it was an Apple Day, I had a little time to think about what I was going to do different (if anything) in the coming days with my food. One of the things people on this protocol do when they hit times like this is think if they have done anything different. It hit me ... maybe I had prepared that food wrong. Maybe I was eating a veggie I shouldn't, or maybe I was eating a meat I shouldn't eat in P2 (for example, maybe my brain glommed onto Tilapia as an okay meat choice when it isn't). So, I dug out Dr. Simeon's original protocol (that book called Pounds & Inches) and re-read the menu choices (I was spot on with it food choice wise) and a few of his tips on things about the plateau for 10-15 day thing (which I do think I'm in), etc. I've already talked about that. But, one of the things that stuck out to me is his comment that (and I'm paraphrasing here) all of the meat portions must be measured out BEFORE cooking. Um, ooops. I measured them after cooking. Which means, I think I was getting too much meat every day. That makes sense, because when I was measuring the cooked meat, it seemed like it didn't go as far as in weeks past. So, right then and there, I decided I was going to buy more chicken breasts (boneless, skinless) and fish (tilapia, orange roughy, whiting) and cook them today ... but this time, I'll measure them out BEFORE cooking them. Uh huh. You know, following protocol? (Brother, Julia.) It's funny, so many people said Round 2 or Round 3 get to be the most difficult because we mess up since we think we are pros at this thing. And we get sloppy. Hello, my name is Julia, and I've gotten sloppy on this protocol. Not slopping in a "I cheat" sort of way (which I don't do). But, sloppy in the "follow the protocol exactly and it will pay off" way. You know, like measuring food before you cook it? Those "tiny" little, specific instructions. : )
Okay, so ... I go to Kroger and waltz over to the chicken area (wow, that sounds a lot more dramatic than me plodding through a busy supermarket on a snowy, freezing Friday night after work). I grab a package of chicken breasts (the exact kind I bought last week) and what jumps out at me in tiny, fine print from the front of the package? "Boneless, skinless chicken breasts" -- yes, yes. I see that. But, it was the fine blue print right underneath it ... "with rib meat." HUH? Okay, while I don't 100% understand that (I think I need to Google it), it either means they put pork or beef rib meat in with the chicken to plump it up OR that part of the chicken breast in the package is ALSO chicken rib meat (do they have ribs?). Either way, we are not supposed to have pork, OR meat that is off of a bone (that's the fattiest part of meat). So, I was rather excited that, once again, the dreaded invisible error happened and God revealed it to me. I must say, I felt a little like a modern day HCG Sherlock Holmes (yes, I've got the BBC's Sherlock on the brain)!
So what did I do? Of course, I put back that package and bought chicken breast tenderloins that are just (you got it) chicken breast meat. They are not plump, but flat. Now THAT'S what a chicken breast should look like. Funny, we are so plump breast focused in the US that it even translates to our chicken meat?!
Anyway, when I sign off today, I'm going to prepare my chicken and fish for the next 2 weeks. I've decided that the other meat I made last week won't go to waste ... I'll just eat 2 portions at a time in Round 3. I can make chicken salad with it (YUM) and some kind of a fish salad perhaps (or fish stew). Anyway, nothing is going to waste.
See you tomorrow (or Monday)!
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 20/35
Well, the apple day paid off. I lost 1.7 pounds. The big sigh of relief is not because I feel like I'm "out of the woods" but because that probably means I was stalled in some small way. Now, what I do from here on out will mean a lot. I've got 15 days left on Phase 2 (Lord-willing), even though technically, I could say tomorrow is my last day in Round 2 Phase 2. Huh? Well, the minimum number of days you can be on drops in a Round in 21 days (hence, tomorrow, since I don't count my 3 days of loading with drops as "days on drops"). The maximum you are supposed to do is 40. Well, if you do injections (I don't). I just found out from my friend Abbie, who is a superstar and on day 50+ of Phase 2 in Round 3 (hi, Abbie!) that when you use homeopathic drops (like we are using), you can go until your body tells you its done (stops losing). I think, mentally, I'm going to be done by February 6. This has been a much harder (less lost) round on me mentally. I've even been hungrier. Not dying hungry, but hungrier.
I am hoping, though, like last time, that Week 4 shows better losses. Each Round of HCG is different, so Week 4 might be harder. Whatever comes comes. I'll get through it, and I'm praying, with a good attitude!
So, today's 1.7 pound loss brings me to 17 pounds off in 20 days (this Round) and 47.8 pounds off total. This week (5 days so far), I have lost 2.0 pounds total, which is "only" at 0.4 pounds off a day average (under the 0.5-1.0 daily average loss we are supposed to have). But, I'll take it. It's much better than the 0.03 pounds off a day average before today's weigh-in.
Before I sign off for the day, I want to share one of those minor things I think I stumbled on yesterday that might (just might) explain a little bit of my about-face this week. I decided yesterday, since it was an Apple Day, that I might want to scrap the chicken and fish I had prepared last Saturday for the remaining three weeks of lunches/dinners I had coming because maybe I prepared them (inadvertantly) with sugar. When I was preparing them, unlike every other time I've done it, they were still partly frozen, so I threw them onto cookie sheets and baked them for a while. Then, I measured out the 100g (3.5 ounce) portions of each and baggied them up for quick grab lunch/dinner packing. Frankly, it took less time measuring them after they were cooked than measuring them raw (which is kind of gross) and then standing there grilling one tiny piece at a time on my George Foreman Grill.
Okay, great. So, yesterday, since it was an Apple Day, I had a little time to think about what I was going to do different (if anything) in the coming days with my food. One of the things people on this protocol do when they hit times like this is think if they have done anything different. It hit me ... maybe I had prepared that food wrong. Maybe I was eating a veggie I shouldn't, or maybe I was eating a meat I shouldn't eat in P2 (for example, maybe my brain glommed onto Tilapia as an okay meat choice when it isn't). So, I dug out Dr. Simeon's original protocol (that book called Pounds & Inches) and re-read the menu choices (I was spot on with it food choice wise) and a few of his tips on things about the plateau for 10-15 day thing (which I do think I'm in), etc. I've already talked about that. But, one of the things that stuck out to me is his comment that (and I'm paraphrasing here) all of the meat portions must be measured out BEFORE cooking. Um, ooops. I measured them after cooking. Which means, I think I was getting too much meat every day. That makes sense, because when I was measuring the cooked meat, it seemed like it didn't go as far as in weeks past. So, right then and there, I decided I was going to buy more chicken breasts (boneless, skinless) and fish (tilapia, orange roughy, whiting) and cook them today ... but this time, I'll measure them out BEFORE cooking them. Uh huh. You know, following protocol? (Brother, Julia.) It's funny, so many people said Round 2 or Round 3 get to be the most difficult because we mess up since we think we are pros at this thing. And we get sloppy. Hello, my name is Julia, and I've gotten sloppy on this protocol. Not slopping in a "I cheat" sort of way (which I don't do). But, sloppy in the "follow the protocol exactly and it will pay off" way. You know, like measuring food before you cook it? Those "tiny" little, specific instructions. : )
Okay, so ... I go to Kroger and waltz over to the chicken area (wow, that sounds a lot more dramatic than me plodding through a busy supermarket on a snowy, freezing Friday night after work). I grab a package of chicken breasts (the exact kind I bought last week) and what jumps out at me in tiny, fine print from the front of the package? "Boneless, skinless chicken breasts" -- yes, yes. I see that. But, it was the fine blue print right underneath it ... "with rib meat." HUH? Okay, while I don't 100% understand that (I think I need to Google it), it either means they put pork or beef rib meat in with the chicken to plump it up OR that part of the chicken breast in the package is ALSO chicken rib meat (do they have ribs?). Either way, we are not supposed to have pork, OR meat that is off of a bone (that's the fattiest part of meat). So, I was rather excited that, once again, the dreaded invisible error happened and God revealed it to me. I must say, I felt a little like a modern day HCG Sherlock Holmes (yes, I've got the BBC's Sherlock on the brain)!
So what did I do? Of course, I put back that package and bought chicken breast tenderloins that are just (you got it) chicken breast meat. They are not plump, but flat. Now THAT'S what a chicken breast should look like. Funny, we are so plump breast focused in the US that it even translates to our chicken meat?!
Anyway, when I sign off today, I'm going to prepare my chicken and fish for the next 2 weeks. I've decided that the other meat I made last week won't go to waste ... I'll just eat 2 portions at a time in Round 3. I can make chicken salad with it (YUM) and some kind of a fish salad perhaps (or fish stew). Anyway, nothing is going to waste.
See you tomorrow (or Monday)!
Friday, January 20, 2012
R2P2D19/35 - She laughs at the days to come!
January 20, 2012
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie Day) 19/35
I gained 0.6 pounds over night. That brings me to 46.1 pounds off (instead of the lowest, 47 pounds off, that I achieved on Tuesday). So, I'm on Day 4 of Week 3, and I've lost (drum roll please) a grand total of ... 0.3 pounds (1.3 lost + 1.0 gained). Remember, we're supposed to lose an average of 0.5 - 1.0 a day during the Very Low Calorie Days of Phase 2 (my average in 4 days is 0.08 pounds a day)? That's okay. You know why? Because of prayer (mine and yours for me as I face this long, arduous road).
Again, Abigail W. came to my mental/spiritual aid by encouraging me in an email last night. She reminded me of part of Proverbs 31 (that she quoted at her wedding) -- (happy belated 16th wedding anniversary on January 4 by the way!) -- "she laughs at the days to come!" Amen to that. I am laughing. Why? Not because I've had great success (which I feel like I haven't in this round of 15.4 off in 19 days of hard work). Not because I've lost a ton of inches this round (9 inches off in 3 weeks). But because, I'm not supposed to look back, or stew as I look ahead (sadly, I do both -- usually the futurizing gets me). That verse reminds me, "Who cares about what was? Who cares what will be? Enjoy today." And, you know what? I am. I'm enjoying the fact that I feel good ... my body doesn't ache. I'm enjoying not getting winded when I walk or run (yes run) up 2 flights of stairs with laundry. I'm enjoying that I have a plan today -- an apple day (where I will eat 6 apples) -- to see if my body will kick into remembering I'm trying to lose weight, not stay flat. I'm enjoying that it's Friday. I'm enjoying that having an apple day takes all of the guess work out of what I will eat. I know what I will eat -- 6 apples.
If you just tuned into this blog, you might be wondering what an apple day is. Well, it's the only kick-start that can be applied in Phase 2 that was approved by Dr. Simeons in the 1950s when he developed this protocol. It's for people who have had at least 4 days of stall. A good way to see if you are in a stall is if the scale isn't moving, or it goes up and down within the same weight over 4 days in a row (or more). I'm at 4 days now. But, it's also this ... on this protocol our bodies may get to a weight where it feels like it should stay. This isn't your ending weight (it's laughable to me that my body would think it's there, when I'm a good 100 pounds at most above where I should be!). It's a weight that your body hovered at for a while before gaining a bunch of weight. HELLO!?!?!?! That's riiiiiiiiiiiiiight here. This is the weight that I hovered at or around in 2001 (and before) and 2003-2004, then I gained a BUNCH (hello 47 pounds worth of gain). So, I am convinced that my body thinks it should be here.
In that case, Dr. Simeons suggested eating up to 6 apples (and just that) in 1 day and, if I'm thirsty, drink water. The next day, there SHOULD be a loss. Of course, that loss only happens if a person truly was stalled. So, we'll see. But, you know what? I'm not anxious. I'm happy I'm trying it (to rule it out), and, if the scale stays the same or goes up, I'll try something else. I've been reading in forums that a lot of people (in various Rounds) are having stalls or gains, and some of the forum owners have been stating that seriously cold weather (hello, single digits) can cause water retention ... and it's true, I've been drinking like a fish and not exactly noticing an increase in pit stops (TMI, Julia, TMI!). Other than that, I'm not exactly sure what I can do different after that, but, in all probability, I won't do anything different. I'll just stick with the protocol. Why? Because, I "laugh at the days to come." Yes, I want to lose a bunch. Yes, I want all of this effort to be worth something. But, little by little, even if it takes me 3 years and countless amounts of effort, I'm going to plug ahead. Rome wasn't built in a day. I didn't gain all of this weight in a day. So, I'm just going to forge ahead.
See you tomorrow -- regardless of what the scale says -- laughing at the days to come. Even if I don't feel like it ... I will laugh, because soon, my heart will follow suit and be lightened.
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie Day) 19/35
I gained 0.6 pounds over night. That brings me to 46.1 pounds off (instead of the lowest, 47 pounds off, that I achieved on Tuesday). So, I'm on Day 4 of Week 3, and I've lost (drum roll please) a grand total of ... 0.3 pounds (1.3 lost + 1.0 gained). Remember, we're supposed to lose an average of 0.5 - 1.0 a day during the Very Low Calorie Days of Phase 2 (my average in 4 days is 0.08 pounds a day)? That's okay. You know why? Because of prayer (mine and yours for me as I face this long, arduous road).
Again, Abigail W. came to my mental/spiritual aid by encouraging me in an email last night. She reminded me of part of Proverbs 31 (that she quoted at her wedding) -- (happy belated 16th wedding anniversary on January 4 by the way!) -- "she laughs at the days to come!" Amen to that. I am laughing. Why? Not because I've had great success (which I feel like I haven't in this round of 15.4 off in 19 days of hard work). Not because I've lost a ton of inches this round (9 inches off in 3 weeks). But because, I'm not supposed to look back, or stew as I look ahead (sadly, I do both -- usually the futurizing gets me). That verse reminds me, "Who cares about what was? Who cares what will be? Enjoy today." And, you know what? I am. I'm enjoying the fact that I feel good ... my body doesn't ache. I'm enjoying not getting winded when I walk or run (yes run) up 2 flights of stairs with laundry. I'm enjoying that I have a plan today -- an apple day (where I will eat 6 apples) -- to see if my body will kick into remembering I'm trying to lose weight, not stay flat. I'm enjoying that it's Friday. I'm enjoying that having an apple day takes all of the guess work out of what I will eat. I know what I will eat -- 6 apples.
If you just tuned into this blog, you might be wondering what an apple day is. Well, it's the only kick-start that can be applied in Phase 2 that was approved by Dr. Simeons in the 1950s when he developed this protocol. It's for people who have had at least 4 days of stall. A good way to see if you are in a stall is if the scale isn't moving, or it goes up and down within the same weight over 4 days in a row (or more). I'm at 4 days now. But, it's also this ... on this protocol our bodies may get to a weight where it feels like it should stay. This isn't your ending weight (it's laughable to me that my body would think it's there, when I'm a good 100 pounds at most above where I should be!). It's a weight that your body hovered at for a while before gaining a bunch of weight. HELLO!?!?!?! That's riiiiiiiiiiiiiight here. This is the weight that I hovered at or around in 2001 (and before) and 2003-2004, then I gained a BUNCH (hello 47 pounds worth of gain). So, I am convinced that my body thinks it should be here.
In that case, Dr. Simeons suggested eating up to 6 apples (and just that) in 1 day and, if I'm thirsty, drink water. The next day, there SHOULD be a loss. Of course, that loss only happens if a person truly was stalled. So, we'll see. But, you know what? I'm not anxious. I'm happy I'm trying it (to rule it out), and, if the scale stays the same or goes up, I'll try something else. I've been reading in forums that a lot of people (in various Rounds) are having stalls or gains, and some of the forum owners have been stating that seriously cold weather (hello, single digits) can cause water retention ... and it's true, I've been drinking like a fish and not exactly noticing an increase in pit stops (TMI, Julia, TMI!). Other than that, I'm not exactly sure what I can do different after that, but, in all probability, I won't do anything different. I'll just stick with the protocol. Why? Because, I "laugh at the days to come." Yes, I want to lose a bunch. Yes, I want all of this effort to be worth something. But, little by little, even if it takes me 3 years and countless amounts of effort, I'm going to plug ahead. Rome wasn't built in a day. I didn't gain all of this weight in a day. So, I'm just going to forge ahead.
See you tomorrow -- regardless of what the scale says -- laughing at the days to come. Even if I don't feel like it ... I will laugh, because soon, my heart will follow suit and be lightened.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
R2P2D18/35 - Sustained Spirit
January 19, 2012
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 18/35
Before I start with this post, I need to mention something to you, reader. Last week, I discovered a feature that would let me add up to 10 people to notify when I post a new blog. Which, I did. Then, I heard from one person that she checks this daily anyway, so she didn't need the reminder. So, I removed everyone because I was afraid I was bugging too many people with my jottings. Yesterday, I heard from one of the 10 that she wanted the emails, to remind her to view these (I guess an email comes with a link right to the blog). So, I added several people back on (people who have commented that they read the blog). If you don't want to get emails, please let me know. I won't be offened. I can remove you. If you aren't getting email notifications and you want to get them, let me know and I'll add your email.
Okay, onto the business of today.
This week has been a testimony to Psalm 51:12b (thank you Abigail W., for reminding me of that verse earlier this week in your comments), "... grant me a willing spirit to sustain me" in this weight-loss journey. For those of you who read yesterday's Eeyorish post, I think I was at my low point in the 3 months on this journey. Today, things are different. Not because of my weight loss (0.1 loss). Yep. After being perfectly on protocol (POP) for the last week, I have lost a total of 3.7 pounds (as opposed to 7.4 on these exact days in Round 1). My first thought was, "What am I doing wrong?" The second I thought that fearful thought, the next thought that immediately followed is, "I'm giving into fear!" Wham! Just like that, I felt it lift. I think that's my biggest problem on this diet ... the fear I'm (or others who are doing it) are doing something wrong and wasting days. It's SO specific in Phase 2 (the littlest, non-food-related thing, like using lotion with oil in it ... they all have it ... or a spice with hidden chemically-altered sugar, can cause a gain). See, fear.
You know what? Fear is a liar. Fear is a tool of the devil, who wants to keep each of us down with doubt because it keeps us from pursuing a relationship with God (like dogs tucking tail and hiding from their masters). Well, that's not for me! I've lost 46.7 pounds. That's a mid-sized child. Actually, it is that elephant's heart + a human brain (in another 0.3 ounces). I've lost MAJOR inches. I'm going to measure myself again on Saturday, which will be 3 weeks since I last measured myself. I should see a difference. My clothes sure do!
But, regardless, I'm sticking with this. I don't care if the next 16 days in Phase 2 are completely flat! If they go up consistently, I'll have to do an about face on what I'm doing. But, I'm NOT giving up hope. I'm doing the right thing (NOT over-eating or putting chemically altered "low cal" things in my body). God will reward me (He already has) with peace even if the scale doesn't go down. And, if you're reading this and doubting that God cares about this, I'm a testimony that He DOES care. Because, boy-o, when I looked down at the scale this morning, in those first 3 seconds, I did NOT have peace. Then, I prayed. I just talked to God (who is listed in the Bible as our Comforter, among other things). Then, there it was. Boy, faith is certainly a moment-by-moment exercise some days!
So, here's my verse again ... God, "grant me a willing spirit to sustain me." I pray that for me, and for you, dear reader, as we face the day. Whatever we are facing (weight, money, love, job, family, health problems). We are not alone. God's got our back, if we just turn and face Him.
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 18/35
Before I start with this post, I need to mention something to you, reader. Last week, I discovered a feature that would let me add up to 10 people to notify when I post a new blog. Which, I did. Then, I heard from one person that she checks this daily anyway, so she didn't need the reminder. So, I removed everyone because I was afraid I was bugging too many people with my jottings. Yesterday, I heard from one of the 10 that she wanted the emails, to remind her to view these (I guess an email comes with a link right to the blog). So, I added several people back on (people who have commented that they read the blog). If you don't want to get emails, please let me know. I won't be offened. I can remove you. If you aren't getting email notifications and you want to get them, let me know and I'll add your email.
Okay, onto the business of today.
This week has been a testimony to Psalm 51:12b (thank you Abigail W., for reminding me of that verse earlier this week in your comments), "... grant me a willing spirit to sustain me" in this weight-loss journey. For those of you who read yesterday's Eeyorish post, I think I was at my low point in the 3 months on this journey. Today, things are different. Not because of my weight loss (0.1 loss). Yep. After being perfectly on protocol (POP) for the last week, I have lost a total of 3.7 pounds (as opposed to 7.4 on these exact days in Round 1). My first thought was, "What am I doing wrong?" The second I thought that fearful thought, the next thought that immediately followed is, "I'm giving into fear!" Wham! Just like that, I felt it lift. I think that's my biggest problem on this diet ... the fear I'm (or others who are doing it) are doing something wrong and wasting days. It's SO specific in Phase 2 (the littlest, non-food-related thing, like using lotion with oil in it ... they all have it ... or a spice with hidden chemically-altered sugar, can cause a gain). See, fear.
You know what? Fear is a liar. Fear is a tool of the devil, who wants to keep each of us down with doubt because it keeps us from pursuing a relationship with God (like dogs tucking tail and hiding from their masters). Well, that's not for me! I've lost 46.7 pounds. That's a mid-sized child. Actually, it is that elephant's heart + a human brain (in another 0.3 ounces). I've lost MAJOR inches. I'm going to measure myself again on Saturday, which will be 3 weeks since I last measured myself. I should see a difference. My clothes sure do!
But, regardless, I'm sticking with this. I don't care if the next 16 days in Phase 2 are completely flat! If they go up consistently, I'll have to do an about face on what I'm doing. But, I'm NOT giving up hope. I'm doing the right thing (NOT over-eating or putting chemically altered "low cal" things in my body). God will reward me (He already has) with peace even if the scale doesn't go down. And, if you're reading this and doubting that God cares about this, I'm a testimony that He DOES care. Because, boy-o, when I looked down at the scale this morning, in those first 3 seconds, I did NOT have peace. Then, I prayed. I just talked to God (who is listed in the Bible as our Comforter, among other things). Then, there it was. Boy, faith is certainly a moment-by-moment exercise some days!
So, here's my verse again ... God, "grant me a willing spirit to sustain me." I pray that for me, and for you, dear reader, as we face the day. Whatever we are facing (weight, money, love, job, family, health problems). We are not alone. God's got our back, if we just turn and face Him.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
R2P2D17/35 - I'm not feelin' the love ...
January 18, 2012
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 17/35
I know I've been a negative Nellie lately, and I'm sorry for that. I really prefer to be Tigger to Eeyore. Yet, here I am, with my little paper tail pinned on (random Eeyore reference), not bouncing on my bottom made out of a spring (a slightly icky Tigger reference).
The scale showed I gained 0.4 pounds. Yet, for the first time in days, I FELT thinner. I know this is all a numbers game, I should be measuring myself (I will on Saturday morning -- I like to measure on the weekend. Don't bother trying to figure that out. I can't) and I'm doing what I should. But (and here's the BIG but), I'm feeling discouraged. I looked at my losses in Round 1 each week and compared them to this Round, and, well, while they are still losses, they are WAY less. Sigh.
Round 1 Week 1 loss = 12.1
Round 2 Week 1 loss = 11.2
Round 1 Week 2 loss = 10.2
Round 2 Week 2 loss = 4.3 (no, I didn't calculate that wrong)
Round 1 Week 3 (2 days) loss = 2.1
Round 2 Week 3 (2 days) loss = 0.8
See why I'm discouraged? In week 2, there was almost an 8 pound difference! Yes, I know I still lost 4.3 pounds in a week. Yes, I know the average is 0.5 - 1.0 pounds a day by the time you end this. Yes, I've lost 46.6 pounds. Yes, I am in smaller clothes that I've held onto. But, shouldn't I be seeing more results? Will I have to do this for 3 years, just like people who do WW by the slow route? Sigh. See, I'm having a spectacular mope. But, I did tell you you'd be seeing the good, the bad and the ugly. I'll get over myself soon. Right now, I'm in the middle of the forest (eating minimally) and having a hard time seeing the forest (big picture of weight-loss compared to other programs I've tried) through the trees (stalls, gains, slow weight-loss).
I drank 144 ounces of water (you didn't read that wrong) yesterday, including 2 smooth move teas and a detox tea and I had a detox bath. When I stepped on the scale this morning, it was flat. I didn't believe it. So, I stepped on again (BIG mistake ... I've gotten in a bad habit of weighing too much) and I was up 0.4 ounces. Lovely. I think I weighed myself 12 times yesterday to get to my lowest weight. Not a smart idea. I need to take what I see the first time I step on the scale and be done wit it! Lesson learned.
So, since I don't want to make an idol of the scale, I'll get over myself. I promise. Right after this incredible mope I'm putting in writing. Nice job, Julia. ; )
There. I'm almost over it. Almost ...
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 17/35
I know I've been a negative Nellie lately, and I'm sorry for that. I really prefer to be Tigger to Eeyore. Yet, here I am, with my little paper tail pinned on (random Eeyore reference), not bouncing on my bottom made out of a spring (a slightly icky Tigger reference).
The scale showed I gained 0.4 pounds. Yet, for the first time in days, I FELT thinner. I know this is all a numbers game, I should be measuring myself (I will on Saturday morning -- I like to measure on the weekend. Don't bother trying to figure that out. I can't) and I'm doing what I should. But (and here's the BIG but), I'm feeling discouraged. I looked at my losses in Round 1 each week and compared them to this Round, and, well, while they are still losses, they are WAY less. Sigh.
Round 1 Week 1 loss = 12.1
Round 2 Week 1 loss = 11.2
Round 1 Week 2 loss = 10.2
Round 2 Week 2 loss = 4.3 (no, I didn't calculate that wrong)
Round 1 Week 3 (2 days) loss = 2.1
Round 2 Week 3 (2 days) loss = 0.8
See why I'm discouraged? In week 2, there was almost an 8 pound difference! Yes, I know I still lost 4.3 pounds in a week. Yes, I know the average is 0.5 - 1.0 pounds a day by the time you end this. Yes, I've lost 46.6 pounds. Yes, I am in smaller clothes that I've held onto. But, shouldn't I be seeing more results? Will I have to do this for 3 years, just like people who do WW by the slow route? Sigh. See, I'm having a spectacular mope. But, I did tell you you'd be seeing the good, the bad and the ugly. I'll get over myself soon. Right now, I'm in the middle of the forest (eating minimally) and having a hard time seeing the forest (big picture of weight-loss compared to other programs I've tried) through the trees (stalls, gains, slow weight-loss).
I drank 144 ounces of water (you didn't read that wrong) yesterday, including 2 smooth move teas and a detox tea and I had a detox bath. When I stepped on the scale this morning, it was flat. I didn't believe it. So, I stepped on again (BIG mistake ... I've gotten in a bad habit of weighing too much) and I was up 0.4 ounces. Lovely. I think I weighed myself 12 times yesterday to get to my lowest weight. Not a smart idea. I need to take what I see the first time I step on the scale and be done wit it! Lesson learned.
So, since I don't want to make an idol of the scale, I'll get over myself. I promise. Right after this incredible mope I'm putting in writing. Nice job, Julia. ; )
There. I'm almost over it. Almost ...
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
R2P2D16/35 - What a difference 3 months makes!
January 17, 2012
Round 2, Very Low Calorie Day 16/35
It's been a very slow "race" this time around. Of course, that is subjective. I'm not gaining weight, and I am losing, but a LOT slower than Round 1. Of course, as I've said before, I knew that was coming. But, like most people losing weight, when slow downs happen, we always wish it would have happened later. MUCH later. Like, when we hit our goal weight. ; )
But, as my dear friend Abigail W. shared with me yesterday, I ask God to "grant me a willing spirit to sustain me" (Psalm 51). I needed that, because, I've been struggling with not feeling very positive about this (sorry, Abbie, Amy, Carrie & Lisa for having to read that on My Fitness Pal!). For example, on Friday, in a most Eyore-ish way, I was talking to my dear friend Linda about how I don't want to get to the end of a 35 day cycle and find that I've "only" lost 10 pounds. She said (bless her heart), "Yes, but just think. If you were doing Weight Watchers, 10 pounds in a month is what they say is great. Think how happy you'd be then? So, 10 pounds is 10 pounds!" Wow. That was a perspective shift. A loving kick in the rear (thanks, Linda ... that's what friends are for!) when I was feeling a bit, well, woe-is-me-ish. She's right. Anything off is better than on! And, I'm at 16.6 pounds off this round. So, maybe I'll end up at 25 pounds off instead of the 35 I had hoped for. I mean, I still have 19 more days ... I'm not even 1/2 way done ... I could lose another 10 pounds, right? Of course right.
So, I've been plugging away, eating my protocol food and seeing ounces come off instead of pounds. But, they are coming off. And, there are "small-ish" victories too. I'll share them, because maybe it'll boost my positivity a bit.
Round 2, Very Low Calorie Day 16/35
It's been a very slow "race" this time around. Of course, that is subjective. I'm not gaining weight, and I am losing, but a LOT slower than Round 1. Of course, as I've said before, I knew that was coming. But, like most people losing weight, when slow downs happen, we always wish it would have happened later. MUCH later. Like, when we hit our goal weight. ; )
But, as my dear friend Abigail W. shared with me yesterday, I ask God to "grant me a willing spirit to sustain me" (Psalm 51). I needed that, because, I've been struggling with not feeling very positive about this (sorry, Abbie, Amy, Carrie & Lisa for having to read that on My Fitness Pal!). For example, on Friday, in a most Eyore-ish way, I was talking to my dear friend Linda about how I don't want to get to the end of a 35 day cycle and find that I've "only" lost 10 pounds. She said (bless her heart), "Yes, but just think. If you were doing Weight Watchers, 10 pounds in a month is what they say is great. Think how happy you'd be then? So, 10 pounds is 10 pounds!" Wow. That was a perspective shift. A loving kick in the rear (thanks, Linda ... that's what friends are for!) when I was feeling a bit, well, woe-is-me-ish. She's right. Anything off is better than on! And, I'm at 16.6 pounds off this round. So, maybe I'll end up at 25 pounds off instead of the 35 I had hoped for. I mean, I still have 19 more days ... I'm not even 1/2 way done ... I could lose another 10 pounds, right? Of course right.
So, I've been plugging away, eating my protocol food and seeing ounces come off instead of pounds. But, they are coming off. And, there are "small-ish" victories too. I'll share them, because maybe it'll boost my positivity a bit.
- I achieved 45 pounds off (on Saturday) and have maintained that (as of this morning, I'm at 47.0 off). That's nothing to sniff at, Julia ... nothing to sniff at.
- I have moved into a new decade! That's a good milestone. I think the last time I was in this decade was around 2004. So, score!
- I put on a pair of knee-high boots on Saturday for a work party and they zipped up with no problem. At the end of Round 1, they wouldn't zip up all the way (and it was a JOKE before I started this).
- I put on a dress (again, for the party) that was WAY too tight on the bottom (biggest) half of me at the end of Round 1 (again, a joke before I started this), and, it was too big. Yep. Too big. There's a positivity boost.
Friday, January 13, 2012
R2P2D12/35 - Jumbled!
January 13, 2012
Very Low Calorie Day 12/35
Well, I'm jumbled. Or, I should say, I jumbled. I jumbled up the amount of coconut oil allowed in a day. If I said 2 OUNCES in any of the last posts, I was wrong. It's 2 TABLESPOONS! Yikes. That's a BIG difference. Thank you, Abbie, for pointing that out to me! Hopefully, for those of you following HCG and reading this blog, I didn't point any of you wrong in the wrong direction!
It could be one reason why I had an abrupt about-face with my weight-loss. That's one of the things I struggle with most in this diet ... trying to figure out what the heck is causing the ups and downs in my body. Everyones' bodies are different, so we all have to figure that out on our own. But, I still think, mostly, it's because my body is used to this decade (I've been here several times before) AND my body needs time to catch up to my weight-loss.
As I wrote about the other day (yesterday, I believe), there can be many reasons for a slow down. Technically, I lost 0.4 pounds on the scale this morning (total of 43.8), but I did have to take a shower first and weigh twice. Otherwise, the first time I stepped on the scale, it was flat. But, I'll take it. Let's see what tomorrow brings!
Very Low Calorie Day 12/35
Well, I'm jumbled. Or, I should say, I jumbled. I jumbled up the amount of coconut oil allowed in a day. If I said 2 OUNCES in any of the last posts, I was wrong. It's 2 TABLESPOONS! Yikes. That's a BIG difference. Thank you, Abbie, for pointing that out to me! Hopefully, for those of you following HCG and reading this blog, I didn't point any of you wrong in the wrong direction!
It could be one reason why I had an abrupt about-face with my weight-loss. That's one of the things I struggle with most in this diet ... trying to figure out what the heck is causing the ups and downs in my body. Everyones' bodies are different, so we all have to figure that out on our own. But, I still think, mostly, it's because my body is used to this decade (I've been here several times before) AND my body needs time to catch up to my weight-loss.
As I wrote about the other day (yesterday, I believe), there can be many reasons for a slow down. Technically, I lost 0.4 pounds on the scale this morning (total of 43.8), but I did have to take a shower first and weigh twice. Otherwise, the first time I stepped on the scale, it was flat. But, I'll take it. Let's see what tomorrow brings!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
R2P2D11/35 - Exactly how does 1 ounce = a pound?
January 12, 2012
Day 11/35
I'll tell you where one ounce equals a pound. Riiiiiiiiiight over there in that little weight-loss ticker. I gained 0.1 pounds yesterday (I had lost 43.5, which means the ticker rounded up to 44, but now I'm at 43.4, which means the ticker rounds down to 43 pounds).
Now, don't you naysayers start saying (or thinking), "I told you Julia wouldn't stick with this." For many reasons, this 0.1 pound gain is not a problem.
Day 11/35
I'll tell you where one ounce equals a pound. Riiiiiiiiiight over there in that little weight-loss ticker. I gained 0.1 pounds yesterday (I had lost 43.5, which means the ticker rounded up to 44, but now I'm at 43.4, which means the ticker rounds down to 43 pounds).
Now, don't you naysayers start saying (or thinking), "I told you Julia wouldn't stick with this." For many reasons, this 0.1 pound gain is not a problem.
- I've lost 13.1 pounds in 11 days. That's pretty awesome for Round 2. My body needs a little time to catch up to my losses.
- I'm tracking pretty well with Round 1 (meaning, while I was at 16 pounds off by this time in Round 1, you always have better losses in Round 1 AND, I officially have less to lose). My weight loss slowed a bit in Round 1 around now, so that seems to be normal to me.
- I didn't "do" anything wrong -- I ate like I should, stayed on protocol and I even resisted the strong temptation last night to eat some of my (like crack-cocaine to me!) salad dressing on my impromptu green salad (instead of cucumbers) I had with dinner last night. Instead, I stayed on protocol (since I had already had my coconut oil in the Chocolate Delite at lunch) and used apple cider vinegar, salt, pepper and some dried chives. Not as good, but still not bad. AND, I knew I resisted temptation (eating what would have been totally against protocol for yesterday, since it would have put me at 4 Tbs or more of coconut oil). So, I made a right choice in the face of great temptation (I was hungry!). That's good enough for me ... the scale can virtually stay still today. Hopefully, it won't tomorrow.
- Most importantly, I am going to live up to my commitment to myself, staying positive and trying to encourage myself. Progress, not perfection.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
R2P2D10/35 - The Good News or the Bad News?
January 11, 2012
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie Day), Day 10/35
Well, I lost another pound overnight. It sounds like I'm either very scatterbrained (I keep losing these things!) or that it's magic. Neither is true. I've worked for this 43.5 pounds to be forever lost. Yet, that little voice in the back of my head keeps telling me this isn't real.
Take, for example, what I just experienced.
The Bad News (I always like to get that out of the way first)
My friend's daughter got married in November (which I blogged about in Round 1 ... when I moved my Phase 3 date up a couple of days so I could eat protein at the wedding, which worked out really well). She just posted some pictures on FB of her wedding. They were lovely, happy pictures. The only problem? I was in 2 of them. And, I look as big as a house. "You're on a diet, Julia, what's the problem?" you say? Well, these pictures were taken on November 19. Following me? That was the day I entered into Phase 3, which means, I had LOST 33.8 pounds. Uh huh. So, basically, when I started this thing, I must have looked like I was as big as a house and a small SUV, if people at the wedding were telling Sumo Julia that I looked, "Great." My my. How can it be possible that I (who already thinks I'm about the ugliest and biggest person I know) see myself in a picture and realize that I'm wrong. I'm WORSE than I thought? I thought people always see themselves in the mirror worse than they are? Not me. I like to be different. Meh. : P
The Good News (yes, there is some!)
So, you know what I did with those pictures? I saved them. Why? Because when I started this, I didn't like looking in a full length mirror. I avoided getting my picture taken. So, while I've done it all like the protocol (measuring myself, weighing myself, etc.) the one thing I didn't do was take before pictures. So, the reason I saved these pictures is NOT to torture myself. It's to remind myself that, had I not lost 33.8 pounds, those pictures would have looked even worse. AND, I've lost almost 10 pounds since then. AND, it's my incentive to lose more. Not because I hate myself (which I don't ... I hate what I look like, but I don't hate myself, because I know that doesn't define me), but because I want to see myself emerge. Remember my post from a few days back ... that emerging from a fat cocoon post? Well, these 2 pictures are a case in point. I've emerged from 9.7 more pounds that I was carrying around in that picture. And, since I didn't dare take before pictures (see, I was trying to "hide" from my weight even when I was marching head-long into this!), I now have 2 ... a side and front shot. And, let me tell you ... they are motivating.
So, here's to gentle reality helping to solidify good choices. I'm NOT going back. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me (I did say at the top of this blog that it was going to be the good, the bad and the ugly!) and helping me stay accountable!
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie Day), Day 10/35
Well, I lost another pound overnight. It sounds like I'm either very scatterbrained (I keep losing these things!) or that it's magic. Neither is true. I've worked for this 43.5 pounds to be forever lost. Yet, that little voice in the back of my head keeps telling me this isn't real.
Take, for example, what I just experienced.
The Bad News (I always like to get that out of the way first)
My friend's daughter got married in November (which I blogged about in Round 1 ... when I moved my Phase 3 date up a couple of days so I could eat protein at the wedding, which worked out really well). She just posted some pictures on FB of her wedding. They were lovely, happy pictures. The only problem? I was in 2 of them. And, I look as big as a house. "You're on a diet, Julia, what's the problem?" you say? Well, these pictures were taken on November 19. Following me? That was the day I entered into Phase 3, which means, I had LOST 33.8 pounds. Uh huh. So, basically, when I started this thing, I must have looked like I was as big as a house and a small SUV, if people at the wedding were telling Sumo Julia that I looked, "Great." My my. How can it be possible that I (who already thinks I'm about the ugliest and biggest person I know) see myself in a picture and realize that I'm wrong. I'm WORSE than I thought? I thought people always see themselves in the mirror worse than they are? Not me. I like to be different. Meh. : P
The Good News (yes, there is some!)
So, you know what I did with those pictures? I saved them. Why? Because when I started this, I didn't like looking in a full length mirror. I avoided getting my picture taken. So, while I've done it all like the protocol (measuring myself, weighing myself, etc.) the one thing I didn't do was take before pictures. So, the reason I saved these pictures is NOT to torture myself. It's to remind myself that, had I not lost 33.8 pounds, those pictures would have looked even worse. AND, I've lost almost 10 pounds since then. AND, it's my incentive to lose more. Not because I hate myself (which I don't ... I hate what I look like, but I don't hate myself, because I know that doesn't define me), but because I want to see myself emerge. Remember my post from a few days back ... that emerging from a fat cocoon post? Well, these 2 pictures are a case in point. I've emerged from 9.7 more pounds that I was carrying around in that picture. And, since I didn't dare take before pictures (see, I was trying to "hide" from my weight even when I was marching head-long into this!), I now have 2 ... a side and front shot. And, let me tell you ... they are motivating.
So, here's to gentle reality helping to solidify good choices. I'm NOT going back. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me (I did say at the top of this blog that it was going to be the good, the bad and the ugly!) and helping me stay accountable!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
R2P2D9/35 - What a Lovely Bunch of Coconut (Oil)!
January 10, 2011
Day 9/35
If you don't know what my title is, it's a take off from a silly song from (maybe) the 1940s. I'm not sure why that song is going through my head, other than the fact that my friend Heather (hi, Heather!) commented on my blog from yesterday, and her sweet Mom used to sing that song as we'd putter around together.
So, onto today's topic. I have a guilty little "pleasure" I'm about to confess. So, I hope you're sitting down and not drinking anything hot that you could drop into your lap.
I weigh myself twice in a day.
There, I said it. Are you okay? Did the shock of my confession cause you bodily or emotional harm? I hope not, because, it's true. I'm bucking the system and weighing myself once in the morning and once at night. I started doing that during Phase 4 in Round 1 and have kept doing it. Why on EARTH would I subject myself to twice daily weigh ins? Well, because it actually helps me see what I can expect in the morning, and, if I see something untoward on the scale, I know there are a few things I can do to correct it. For example, I have found that I usually weigh about 1 - 2 pounds higher in the evening than in the morning (totally normal ... try it, you'll see). So, I know that, roughly, the scale will be at such and such in the morning. It helps me not fret about what the scale will say in the morning. And yes, I know I shouldn't fret at all, so I'm trying to manage that as well! But, also if the scale is higher, I know that, most likely, I need to drink more water. So, I can drink another 28 ounces (my favorite cup holds 28 ounces) and I'm good.
Okay, so, that brings me to the reason for this post. When I stepped on the scale last night around 11, I weighed exactly what I weighed yesterday morning. So, my little pea-brain thought this, "Ooh, good. I should have at least a 2 pound loss tomorrow. Cutting out all of that extra coconut oil consumption really worked!" So, this morning, when I stepped on the scale, and put my hands on my hips, I could feel a difference (they are smaller ... even by feel). But, what did my little eyes see? The EXACT weight as yesterday morning (and last night). HUH?! I stepped off the scale and did something I never do. I stepped back on it. That's right. Normally, I take the first weigh-in weight as THE weight for the day, or I'll drive myself mad with trying to "play" with the number. And, that's not what this is all about ... it's about actually losing weight, not about manipulating numbers on a scale so I can pretend I've lost weight. That is exactly what I've done with past diets (which shall remain nameless) to "encourage" myself. Actually, it was enabling myself to work less hard.
But, I digress! Back to the story. When I stepped back on the scale, I laughed at myself and said, "WHAT are you doing?!" Then, I looked down. I actually had lost a pound. So, I stepped off and back on about 3 more times just to make sure I hadn't read it wrong. Nope ... I'm a pound (exactly) down from yesterday. So, I'm officially at 42.5 off and very grateful for it. I'm also right where I was (technically 0.2 ounces lost more this round) from last round. So, I'm tracking so far so good ("too far, too good" as my Mom tells me I used to say when I was a little girl). I'm 3 pounds exactly away from a new decade (which I REALLY want to get into and out of in this Round). And, I'm following my plan of less coconut oil (even though I've got a lot of lovely coconut-oil prepared things in my fridge) and sticking with 2 ounces or less in a day. Lord willing, I will keep losing.
My final thought for the day that I want to share with you is this -- as I was driving to work today, thinking about what's ahead for the day, the thought popped into my mind again about my hips (a BIG trouble spot for me) feeling smaller. And, it hit me -- you know, I've been diligently doing this for almost 3 months (1 week from today). I've been weighing myself and seeing the scale go down. I've been measuring myself every month and seeing inches coming off of everywhere (some major, some minor). I see clothes falling off of me (for example, yesterday I HAD to go buy a belt, because my pants are falling off of me when I walk, and I'm not ready to buy new ones ... my next size down are just a little too snug for me to want to wear them all day, so it's cheaper to buy a $12 belt than new in-between-sized pants/dresses). But, I still don't think this is real. Well, that little gesture this morning while I was weighing -- putting my hands on my hips and FEELING the difference? Well, that brought it home to me ... this isn't a scale manipulation, or a mind trick. I am losing weight. I am shrinking.
Well done, God, for giving me the fortitude to march onward!
Day 9/35
If you don't know what my title is, it's a take off from a silly song from (maybe) the 1940s. I'm not sure why that song is going through my head, other than the fact that my friend Heather (hi, Heather!) commented on my blog from yesterday, and her sweet Mom used to sing that song as we'd putter around together.
So, onto today's topic. I have a guilty little "pleasure" I'm about to confess. So, I hope you're sitting down and not drinking anything hot that you could drop into your lap.
I weigh myself twice in a day.
There, I said it. Are you okay? Did the shock of my confession cause you bodily or emotional harm? I hope not, because, it's true. I'm bucking the system and weighing myself once in the morning and once at night. I started doing that during Phase 4 in Round 1 and have kept doing it. Why on EARTH would I subject myself to twice daily weigh ins? Well, because it actually helps me see what I can expect in the morning, and, if I see something untoward on the scale, I know there are a few things I can do to correct it. For example, I have found that I usually weigh about 1 - 2 pounds higher in the evening than in the morning (totally normal ... try it, you'll see). So, I know that, roughly, the scale will be at such and such in the morning. It helps me not fret about what the scale will say in the morning. And yes, I know I shouldn't fret at all, so I'm trying to manage that as well! But, also if the scale is higher, I know that, most likely, I need to drink more water. So, I can drink another 28 ounces (my favorite cup holds 28 ounces) and I'm good.
Okay, so, that brings me to the reason for this post. When I stepped on the scale last night around 11, I weighed exactly what I weighed yesterday morning. So, my little pea-brain thought this, "Ooh, good. I should have at least a 2 pound loss tomorrow. Cutting out all of that extra coconut oil consumption really worked!" So, this morning, when I stepped on the scale, and put my hands on my hips, I could feel a difference (they are smaller ... even by feel). But, what did my little eyes see? The EXACT weight as yesterday morning (and last night). HUH?! I stepped off the scale and did something I never do. I stepped back on it. That's right. Normally, I take the first weigh-in weight as THE weight for the day, or I'll drive myself mad with trying to "play" with the number. And, that's not what this is all about ... it's about actually losing weight, not about manipulating numbers on a scale so I can pretend I've lost weight. That is exactly what I've done with past diets (which shall remain nameless) to "encourage" myself. Actually, it was enabling myself to work less hard.
But, I digress! Back to the story. When I stepped back on the scale, I laughed at myself and said, "WHAT are you doing?!" Then, I looked down. I actually had lost a pound. So, I stepped off and back on about 3 more times just to make sure I hadn't read it wrong. Nope ... I'm a pound (exactly) down from yesterday. So, I'm officially at 42.5 off and very grateful for it. I'm also right where I was (technically 0.2 ounces lost more this round) from last round. So, I'm tracking so far so good ("too far, too good" as my Mom tells me I used to say when I was a little girl). I'm 3 pounds exactly away from a new decade (which I REALLY want to get into and out of in this Round). And, I'm following my plan of less coconut oil (even though I've got a lot of lovely coconut-oil prepared things in my fridge) and sticking with 2 ounces or less in a day. Lord willing, I will keep losing.
My final thought for the day that I want to share with you is this -- as I was driving to work today, thinking about what's ahead for the day, the thought popped into my mind again about my hips (a BIG trouble spot for me) feeling smaller. And, it hit me -- you know, I've been diligently doing this for almost 3 months (1 week from today). I've been weighing myself and seeing the scale go down. I've been measuring myself every month and seeing inches coming off of everywhere (some major, some minor). I see clothes falling off of me (for example, yesterday I HAD to go buy a belt, because my pants are falling off of me when I walk, and I'm not ready to buy new ones ... my next size down are just a little too snug for me to want to wear them all day, so it's cheaper to buy a $12 belt than new in-between-sized pants/dresses). But, I still don't think this is real. Well, that little gesture this morning while I was weighing -- putting my hands on my hips and FEELING the difference? Well, that brought it home to me ... this isn't a scale manipulation, or a mind trick. I am losing weight. I am shrinking.
Well done, God, for giving me the fortitude to march onward!
Monday, January 9, 2012
R2P2D8/35 - Calmly moving onward & upward through the "stalls"
January 9, 2011
Day 8 of 35
As of this morning, I am 1/7th of the way done with Round 2 Phase 2. Remember, I'm all about mini-milestones! I "only" lost 0.3 this morning. It's still a loss (I'm officially at 41.5 off), so I'm not thumbing my nose at it. I figure that it is one of 4 reasons why I "only" lost that much, when I've been drinking water like a fish and I slept more yesterday than I have in a month (nap, early bedtime, etc.).
1st - I'm in the 2001/2003 WW start weight zone (I'm 1.5 pounds under the starting weight) and, while I lost about 40 pounds (2001) and 30 pounds (2003), I hovered around this weight for a couple of years (give or take). So, as Dr. Simeons (HCG's discoverer) says, it's possible to have a stall (some mini, some for as long as 2 weeks) when you reach a weight that you've been at for a decade. Well, as we all know, I didn't stay at this 2001/2003 WW start weight for 10 years, but I did stick to it for a while, so my body may be recognizing this as a weight I "should" stay at. I'll just have to teach it otherwise!
2nd - A lot of people (practically all) don't experience the same weight-loss rates in R2, R3, etc., as they did in R1. I lost 32.5 pounds in 31 days (as of my last dosage weight on November 16), so, realistically, I should not expect more in R2. I can hope for the same or more, but I should not expect anything.
3rd - I have lost a good amount for my 1 week back on HCG. My body needs a bit of time to catch up. I have lost 11.2 pounds and I'm on Day 8. By Day 8 last time, I had lost 12.1. So, that seems about right. Oh, and I slowed down just like this on Day 8 last time (and GAINED 1.1 the next day because I mixed my approved veggies which is a no-no!).
4th - I will admit that I have been a bit liberal in my consumption of the approved coconut oil in this Round 2 Phase 2, unlike last time. I have been eating green salads with that yummy dressing on it (and it's hard to measure dressing) which is made with coconut oil, as well as some of my yummy mayo (again, coconut oil) and about an ounce of chocolate delights every day (made with -- anyone? -- coconut oil). So, I'm probably having about 3 - 4 ounces a day. And, it's catching up with me. I'm supposed to have no more than 2. My thought was, keeping it in this time will help keep my skin moist, since it's VERY dry right now. Like that little bit of justification? ; )
In reality, I'm sure it's a combo of all, but I'm hoping #1 isn't it (the WW weight-stall thing). So, today, I'm continuing on in my quest to drink water (lemon, tea) like a fish, and I'm cutting out virtually all (except for one moderate serving) of coconut oil (dressing for my salad). Just like eating a grissini, or a piece of fruit or the Tbs of milk (all amounts approved), I want to keep eating coconut oil, because I want my body to stay used to the carbs (fruit, grissini), calcium (milk) and fats (oil) so when I bring myself into P3 and re-introduce them to my system. I love cheese (as you all know), milk, yogurt, and now, this dressing (I can't sing its praises enough!), so I will definitely be eating them in P3 unless this next time they cause a gain.
So, on to charging headlong into today! Here's to all of us being healthy, happy and safe!
Day 8 of 35
As of this morning, I am 1/7th of the way done with Round 2 Phase 2. Remember, I'm all about mini-milestones! I "only" lost 0.3 this morning. It's still a loss (I'm officially at 41.5 off), so I'm not thumbing my nose at it. I figure that it is one of 4 reasons why I "only" lost that much, when I've been drinking water like a fish and I slept more yesterday than I have in a month (nap, early bedtime, etc.).
1st - I'm in the 2001/2003 WW start weight zone (I'm 1.5 pounds under the starting weight) and, while I lost about 40 pounds (2001) and 30 pounds (2003), I hovered around this weight for a couple of years (give or take). So, as Dr. Simeons (HCG's discoverer) says, it's possible to have a stall (some mini, some for as long as 2 weeks) when you reach a weight that you've been at for a decade. Well, as we all know, I didn't stay at this 2001/2003 WW start weight for 10 years, but I did stick to it for a while, so my body may be recognizing this as a weight I "should" stay at. I'll just have to teach it otherwise!
2nd - A lot of people (practically all) don't experience the same weight-loss rates in R2, R3, etc., as they did in R1. I lost 32.5 pounds in 31 days (as of my last dosage weight on November 16), so, realistically, I should not expect more in R2. I can hope for the same or more, but I should not expect anything.
3rd - I have lost a good amount for my 1 week back on HCG. My body needs a bit of time to catch up. I have lost 11.2 pounds and I'm on Day 8. By Day 8 last time, I had lost 12.1. So, that seems about right. Oh, and I slowed down just like this on Day 8 last time (and GAINED 1.1 the next day because I mixed my approved veggies which is a no-no!).
4th - I will admit that I have been a bit liberal in my consumption of the approved coconut oil in this Round 2 Phase 2, unlike last time. I have been eating green salads with that yummy dressing on it (and it's hard to measure dressing) which is made with coconut oil, as well as some of my yummy mayo (again, coconut oil) and about an ounce of chocolate delights every day (made with -- anyone? -- coconut oil). So, I'm probably having about 3 - 4 ounces a day. And, it's catching up with me. I'm supposed to have no more than 2. My thought was, keeping it in this time will help keep my skin moist, since it's VERY dry right now. Like that little bit of justification? ; )
In reality, I'm sure it's a combo of all, but I'm hoping #1 isn't it (the WW weight-stall thing). So, today, I'm continuing on in my quest to drink water (lemon, tea) like a fish, and I'm cutting out virtually all (except for one moderate serving) of coconut oil (dressing for my salad). Just like eating a grissini, or a piece of fruit or the Tbs of milk (all amounts approved), I want to keep eating coconut oil, because I want my body to stay used to the carbs (fruit, grissini), calcium (milk) and fats (oil) so when I bring myself into P3 and re-introduce them to my system. I love cheese (as you all know), milk, yogurt, and now, this dressing (I can't sing its praises enough!), so I will definitely be eating them in P3 unless this next time they cause a gain.
So, on to charging headlong into today! Here's to all of us being healthy, happy and safe!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
R3P2D7/35 - Moving right along
January 8, 2011
Very Low Calorie Day (VLCD) 7/35
Maybe it's because I'm wearing the OPI Muppets nail polish, but when I weighed myself this morning, I had the Muppet Movie, "Moving Right Along" song start playing in my head. I am now 41.2 pounds down from October 17. Woo hoo!
Off to church! See you tomorrow (hopefully, in the 42+ pound off mark)!
Very Low Calorie Day (VLCD) 7/35
Maybe it's because I'm wearing the OPI Muppets nail polish, but when I weighed myself this morning, I had the Muppet Movie, "Moving Right Along" song start playing in my head. I am now 41.2 pounds down from October 17. Woo hoo!
Off to church! See you tomorrow (hopefully, in the 42+ pound off mark)!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
R2PD6/35 - Emerging from this cocoon
January 7, 2012
Round 2, Phase 2, Day 6/35
Before I get into my weight loss, I'm going to tell you a little story about my journey to weight-loss yesterday. Hang on, I'll get to the good part. (I'm so mean.)
I went to see a movie (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy) last night with my Dad (hi, Dad ... you can comment below if you want by following these directions to post). It had a bunch of great British actors in it (some of my faves) and was a 1970s MI-6 / Soviet spy piece. Sadly, even though the actors were good, it was a long, slow, violent, graphic, "Did I care at all about these characters?" and "I don't need to see this again" movie. Why am I mentioning a movie review in a blog about weight-loss? I'm mentioning this because, 1) I didn't want movie theater popcorn (success!) and, 2) we went to Steak and Shake afterwards so Dad could get dinner and I wasn't tempted (hooray!). Dad was hungry, but worried that it would be too tempting for me (which was very sweet). I've run into this several times from several of you (who are equally as considerate), so I just want to assuage your fears on that score. Please take my word for it, I am not at all tempted. I want to be with you, and, I want to see the scale go down. Therefore, I am satisfied consuming black tea or black coffee and using my mouth to talk instead of eat. After all, it is no longer about the food anymore. Talk about a life change for me! I honestly don't even think about the food in front of me. I have such a short window to lose weight in each round, and have to wait longer and longer between rounds (to give my body time to catch up & get used to the whole thing) that I want to make every day in the Phase 2 weight-loss period count. I really hope each of you can put aside your fears of tempting me and trust me that all is well. I'd hate to make you uncomfortable. : ) For the first time in my life, I understand the phrase, "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels."
Okay, on to what I know some of you have been waiting for: as of 1 hour ago, I have officially lost 40.3 pounds. For those of you who tune in for my progress, you can stop reading now (this has turned into the weight-loss blog equivalent of War & Peace ... you've put in your time). For the rest of you who want to read on, let me tell you, that 1 extra little ounce does a lot. First, it's 1 ounce below where I started WW in 2001 (a minigoal bites the dust). Second, it (and 2 of its little friends) puts me just over 40 pounds off (another minigoal explosion). Third, it brings me to 1/4 of my weight loss plan accomplished (the final minigoal smack down). Oh, and according to the, "what have you lost?" weight loss comparison chart, as of this morning, I have lost a five gallon bottle of water or an average human leg.
So, here comes new territory. I've actually had several people I know tell me that they are excited to see the new me. I concur. I told my Mom and a friend yesterday (you know who you are) that I feel like I'm watching myself slowly emerge from a fat cocoon that I've been encased in for 2 decades. Sounds kind of gross, but it's also kind of true. And, it's rather exciting (for me).
Have any of you watched The Biggest Loser? Well, when I used to watch it, part of the subconscious power of that show is watching these people (who have dramatic weight loss week in and week out in weight-loss boot-camp like settings) melt/emerge from their current cocoon into their former selves. That is very similar to what I'm doing, but I'm NOT melting. My body doesn't have (yet, but from what I've heard, it won't happen at all) that saggy skin look, because it's abnormal fat that is leaving, not normal fat. It seems like magic, but it's not because magic isn't real. God is. It was God, who gave Dr. Simeons (in the 1950s) the brain power to come up with this. It was God who gave my friend Abbie the people in her life who introduced her to HCG. It was God who pointed my friends in the direction of putting their kids in a school that was right for them and, because of that, I met Abbie, Amy and Carrie (whose kids attend there), so over time, I could see the changes in them because of HCG and be ready for my own. Pretty cool. I serve a pretty cool God!
Round 2, Phase 2, Day 6/35
Before I get into my weight loss, I'm going to tell you a little story about my journey to weight-loss yesterday. Hang on, I'll get to the good part. (I'm so mean.)
I went to see a movie (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy) last night with my Dad (hi, Dad ... you can comment below if you want by following these directions to post). It had a bunch of great British actors in it (some of my faves) and was a 1970s MI-6 / Soviet spy piece. Sadly, even though the actors were good, it was a long, slow, violent, graphic, "Did I care at all about these characters?" and "I don't need to see this again" movie. Why am I mentioning a movie review in a blog about weight-loss? I'm mentioning this because, 1) I didn't want movie theater popcorn (success!) and, 2) we went to Steak and Shake afterwards so Dad could get dinner and I wasn't tempted (hooray!). Dad was hungry, but worried that it would be too tempting for me (which was very sweet). I've run into this several times from several of you (who are equally as considerate), so I just want to assuage your fears on that score. Please take my word for it, I am not at all tempted. I want to be with you, and, I want to see the scale go down. Therefore, I am satisfied consuming black tea or black coffee and using my mouth to talk instead of eat. After all, it is no longer about the food anymore. Talk about a life change for me! I honestly don't even think about the food in front of me. I have such a short window to lose weight in each round, and have to wait longer and longer between rounds (to give my body time to catch up & get used to the whole thing) that I want to make every day in the Phase 2 weight-loss period count. I really hope each of you can put aside your fears of tempting me and trust me that all is well. I'd hate to make you uncomfortable. : ) For the first time in my life, I understand the phrase, "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels."
Okay, on to what I know some of you have been waiting for: as of 1 hour ago, I have officially lost 40.3 pounds. For those of you who tune in for my progress, you can stop reading now (this has turned into the weight-loss blog equivalent of War & Peace ... you've put in your time). For the rest of you who want to read on, let me tell you, that 1 extra little ounce does a lot. First, it's 1 ounce below where I started WW in 2001 (a minigoal bites the dust). Second, it (and 2 of its little friends) puts me just over 40 pounds off (another minigoal explosion). Third, it brings me to 1/4 of my weight loss plan accomplished (the final minigoal smack down). Oh, and according to the, "what have you lost?" weight loss comparison chart, as of this morning, I have lost a five gallon bottle of water or an average human leg.
So, here comes new territory. I've actually had several people I know tell me that they are excited to see the new me. I concur. I told my Mom and a friend yesterday (you know who you are) that I feel like I'm watching myself slowly emerge from a fat cocoon that I've been encased in for 2 decades. Sounds kind of gross, but it's also kind of true. And, it's rather exciting (for me).
Have any of you watched The Biggest Loser? Well, when I used to watch it, part of the subconscious power of that show is watching these people (who have dramatic weight loss week in and week out in weight-loss boot-camp like settings) melt/emerge from their current cocoon into their former selves. That is very similar to what I'm doing, but I'm NOT melting. My body doesn't have (yet, but from what I've heard, it won't happen at all) that saggy skin look, because it's abnormal fat that is leaving, not normal fat. It seems like magic, but it's not because magic isn't real. God is. It was God, who gave Dr. Simeons (in the 1950s) the brain power to come up with this. It was God who gave my friend Abbie the people in her life who introduced her to HCG. It was God who pointed my friends in the direction of putting their kids in a school that was right for them and, because of that, I met Abbie, Amy and Carrie (whose kids attend there), so over time, I could see the changes in them because of HCG and be ready for my own. Pretty cool. I serve a pretty cool God!
Friday, January 6, 2012
R2P2D5/35 - Lifestyle recipes
January 6, 2011
Round 2, Phase 2, Day 5/35
I lost 1.3 this morning, bringing my total for this round (started January 2) to 8.9 and my grand total (started October 17) to 39.2. I'll take it! Yesterday was a bit of a scatter-brained day for me. First, I forgot to pack my grissini breadstick for lunch, so I was without those calories. THEN, at dinner, I forgot to eat my apple. And, I upped my HCG drops by an extra 6 (as an experiment) and I actually was MORE hungry. So, no more upping drops. And, no more forgetting to eat part of my food (who knew THAT was a possibility). I think I ate about 400 calories (instead of the 500) yesterday. Oh well. I still lost!
But, back to the real reason for today's blog. I rediscovered a yummy homemade mayo that I made last round and decided I should share some of the homemade things (mayo, ketchup, bbq, cocktail sauce, chocolate, salad dressing) that were REALLY easy to make, totally sugar/preservative free, cheap and, did I mention EASY?
Before I get into that, let me tell you a little story. You know me and my stories. Well, heck, you've been reading my blog, so OBVIOUSLY I like to tell stories.
Last night, I made my dinner (3.5 ounces of no skin/no bone chicken breast grilled on my George Foreman grill with mustard spice & sea salt was the protein ... yum!) and decided, since I've been incorporating 1 ounce of coconut oil into my day eating a chocolate delite (and am allowed 2 ounces a day), I was going to use some of my homemade mayo (with coconut oil) from last Round with my chicken (to add the other 1 ounce of coconut oil in). I thought I'd try to jazz it up a bit. Since I hadn't cracked it since I made it (great investment, Julia!), it had solidified a bit, so I took a lump of it, put it on the chicken (and my 2 sliced up tomatoes) and IT WAS AWESOME! And yes, for those of you who don't like coconut flavor in any form, I can hear you wretching right now. Sorry peeps. But, for those of you who don't mind coconut flavor (not texture), it's really good. It makes the mayo taste slightly like it's, well, tropical. It's good.
And, for the rest of you nay-sayers who are thinking, "It's just because she's on a diet," you're probably right. Things taste better. BUT, they also taste worse. And this tasted better. Definitely better. I'm chalking it up to the fact that it's because there's not all of that muck-ity-muck in it (preservatives, sugar, etc., that I can't pronounce). So, I thought I'd share the "real mayo" recipe for you. It's completely easy to make, and, you can use whatever oil you want. If you are doing HCG, you should use either coconut oil (which you can buy anywhere) or MCT (that really refined coconut oil that I've only been able to find on line, but it's a LOT less coconut flavored):
Round 2, Phase 2, Day 5/35
I lost 1.3 this morning, bringing my total for this round (started January 2) to 8.9 and my grand total (started October 17) to 39.2. I'll take it! Yesterday was a bit of a scatter-brained day for me. First, I forgot to pack my grissini breadstick for lunch, so I was without those calories. THEN, at dinner, I forgot to eat my apple. And, I upped my HCG drops by an extra 6 (as an experiment) and I actually was MORE hungry. So, no more upping drops. And, no more forgetting to eat part of my food (who knew THAT was a possibility). I think I ate about 400 calories (instead of the 500) yesterday. Oh well. I still lost!
But, back to the real reason for today's blog. I rediscovered a yummy homemade mayo that I made last round and decided I should share some of the homemade things (mayo, ketchup, bbq, cocktail sauce, chocolate, salad dressing) that were REALLY easy to make, totally sugar/preservative free, cheap and, did I mention EASY?
Before I get into that, let me tell you a little story. You know me and my stories. Well, heck, you've been reading my blog, so OBVIOUSLY I like to tell stories.
Last night, I made my dinner (3.5 ounces of no skin/no bone chicken breast grilled on my George Foreman grill with mustard spice & sea salt was the protein ... yum!) and decided, since I've been incorporating 1 ounce of coconut oil into my day eating a chocolate delite (and am allowed 2 ounces a day), I was going to use some of my homemade mayo (with coconut oil) from last Round with my chicken (to add the other 1 ounce of coconut oil in). I thought I'd try to jazz it up a bit. Since I hadn't cracked it since I made it (great investment, Julia!), it had solidified a bit, so I took a lump of it, put it on the chicken (and my 2 sliced up tomatoes) and IT WAS AWESOME! And yes, for those of you who don't like coconut flavor in any form, I can hear you wretching right now. Sorry peeps. But, for those of you who don't mind coconut flavor (not texture), it's really good. It makes the mayo taste slightly like it's, well, tropical. It's good.
And, for the rest of you nay-sayers who are thinking, "It's just because she's on a diet," you're probably right. Things taste better. BUT, they also taste worse. And this tasted better. Definitely better. I'm chalking it up to the fact that it's because there's not all of that muck-ity-muck in it (preservatives, sugar, etc., that I can't pronounce). So, I thought I'd share the "real mayo" recipe for you. It's completely easy to make, and, you can use whatever oil you want. If you are doing HCG, you should use either coconut oil (which you can buy anywhere) or MCT (that really refined coconut oil that I've only been able to find on line, but it's a LOT less coconut flavored):
2 egg yolks (or use egg substitute equal to 2 large eggs)
4 teaspoons lemon juice, or use vinegar of choice
1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper
2 clove garlic, optional
1 cup oil Directions: Here's the basic mayonnaise recipe: In blender place egg yolk and everything but the oil. Start blender and let it puree everything for about 15 seconds, then very slowly drizzle the oil in. If you go fast, the mayonnaise will break -so take your time! Once that's done, let it blend for a few seconds and viola! You have mayonnaise!
Also last night, I revamped my ketchup and BBQ (the stuff I made last round was too runny), made more chocolate delight (I had run out) and made a variation of 2 salad dressing recipes (one from my friend Kate & one from an online HCG salad dressing recipe). I have decided to eat salad (plain lettuce, with approved dressing on it) this time around. Anyway, here are the recipes that I have tweaked for ketchup, BBQ (cocktail sauce, which I haven't made, but might), chocolate delight and the salad dressing. Anyone can make them or eat them, but again, if you're doing P2 (like I know you are, Lisa), try these ... they're easy:
No sugar added tomato sauce (1 can) or 1 tomato pureed (this is what I did)
Tomato past (1 small can)
Stevia (to taste)
Onion Powder (to taste)
Apple Cider Vinegar (to taste & consistency)
Salt (to taste)
For BBQ sauce only, add (after the salt):
Liquid smoke (to taste)
Cayenne pepper (to taste)
Chili powder (to taste)
Black pepper (to taste)
For Cocktail sauce only, add (after the salt):
Horseradish (to taste)
Lemon juice (to taste)
Heat the tomato sauce & paste. When it's warm, start adding ingredients, stirring and tasting until it seems right. Then, let it simmer until it thickens (it might already be thick, mine was) to a ketchup-BBQ-cocktail sauce consistency.
Chocolate Delight
1 cup coconut oil (or MCT oil)
1 cup cocoa or carob powder (I usually do 1/2 cup of each so it's not so bitter)
Stevia to taste
Melt the coconut oil in the microwave. Add cocoa/carob and stevia to the liquid and stir. Pour into silicone tray (I have found little people shapes in the $1 bin at Target, but you can also use small ice cube trays) and refrigerate. I recommend tasting before putting in the fridge so you can adjust the flavor if it's too sweet or bitter. Some people put chili pepper in for a kick, or cinnamon. I haven't done that yet, but probably will. In P3, you can also add peanut butter, peppermint, nuts, etc.
Salad Dressing
1 cup oil (I used MCT)
Chives (to taste)
Garlic (to taste)
1/2 c Apple Cider Vinegar
Stevia (to taste)
Mustard (check sugar content) or mustard powder (to taste) - I used 2 huge Tbs of gourmet mustard I found at TJ Maxx
Salt (to taste)
Pepper (to taste)
Put all ingredients into a salad dressing container and shake. Taste. Add ingredients if too sweet, salty, mustardy -- basically to what you want to taste.
I can't WAIT to have this tonight with my chicken for dinner. YUM!
4 teaspoons lemon juice, or use vinegar of choice
1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper
2 clove garlic, optional
1 cup oil Directions: Here's the basic mayonnaise recipe: In blender place egg yolk and everything but the oil. Start blender and let it puree everything for about 15 seconds, then very slowly drizzle the oil in. If you go fast, the mayonnaise will break -so take your time! Once that's done, let it blend for a few seconds and viola! You have mayonnaise!
Also last night, I revamped my ketchup and BBQ (the stuff I made last round was too runny), made more chocolate delight (I had run out) and made a variation of 2 salad dressing recipes (one from my friend Kate & one from an online HCG salad dressing recipe). I have decided to eat salad (plain lettuce, with approved dressing on it) this time around. Anyway, here are the recipes that I have tweaked for ketchup, BBQ (cocktail sauce, which I haven't made, but might), chocolate delight and the salad dressing. Anyone can make them or eat them, but again, if you're doing P2 (like I know you are, Lisa), try these ... they're easy:
No sugar added tomato sauce (1 can) or 1 tomato pureed (this is what I did)
Tomato past (1 small can)
Stevia (to taste)
Onion Powder (to taste)
Apple Cider Vinegar (to taste & consistency)
Salt (to taste)
For BBQ sauce only, add (after the salt):
Liquid smoke (to taste)
Cayenne pepper (to taste)
Chili powder (to taste)
Black pepper (to taste)
For Cocktail sauce only, add (after the salt):
Horseradish (to taste)
Lemon juice (to taste)
Heat the tomato sauce & paste. When it's warm, start adding ingredients, stirring and tasting until it seems right. Then, let it simmer until it thickens (it might already be thick, mine was) to a ketchup-BBQ-cocktail sauce consistency.
Chocolate Delight
1 cup coconut oil (or MCT oil)
1 cup cocoa or carob powder (I usually do 1/2 cup of each so it's not so bitter)
Stevia to taste
Melt the coconut oil in the microwave. Add cocoa/carob and stevia to the liquid and stir. Pour into silicone tray (I have found little people shapes in the $1 bin at Target, but you can also use small ice cube trays) and refrigerate. I recommend tasting before putting in the fridge so you can adjust the flavor if it's too sweet or bitter. Some people put chili pepper in for a kick, or cinnamon. I haven't done that yet, but probably will. In P3, you can also add peanut butter, peppermint, nuts, etc.
Salad Dressing
1 cup oil (I used MCT)
Chives (to taste)
Garlic (to taste)
1/2 c Apple Cider Vinegar
Stevia (to taste)
Mustard (check sugar content) or mustard powder (to taste) - I used 2 huge Tbs of gourmet mustard I found at TJ Maxx
Salt (to taste)
Pepper (to taste)
Put all ingredients into a salad dressing container and shake. Taste. Add ingredients if too sweet, salty, mustardy -- basically to what you want to taste.
I can't WAIT to have this tonight with my chicken for dinner. YUM!
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