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Monday, January 9, 2012

R2P2D8/35 - Calmly moving onward & upward through the "stalls"

January 9, 2011

Day 8 of 35

As of this morning, I am 1/7th of the way done with Round 2 Phase 2.  Remember, I'm all about mini-milestones!  I "only" lost 0.3 this morning.  It's still a loss (I'm officially at 41.5 off), so I'm not thumbing my nose at it.  I figure that it is one of 4 reasons why I "only" lost that much, when I've been drinking water like a fish and I slept more yesterday than I have in a month (nap, early bedtime, etc.).

1st - I'm in the 2001/2003 WW start weight zone (I'm 1.5 pounds under the starting weight) and, while I lost about 40 pounds (2001) and 30 pounds (2003), I hovered around this weight for a couple of years (give or take).  So, as Dr. Simeons (HCG's discoverer) says, it's possible to have a stall (some mini, some for as long as 2 weeks) when you reach a weight that you've been at for a decade.  Well, as we all know, I didn't stay at this 2001/2003 WW start weight for 10 years, but I did stick to it for a while, so my body may be recognizing this as a weight I "should" stay at.  I'll just have to teach it otherwise!

2nd - A lot of people (practically all) don't experience the same weight-loss rates in R2, R3, etc., as they did in R1.  I lost 32.5 pounds in 31 days (as of my last dosage weight on November 16), so, realistically, I should not expect more in R2.  I can hope for the same or more, but I should not expect anything. 

3rd - I have lost a good amount for my 1 week back on HCG.  My body needs a bit of time to catch up.  I have lost 11.2 pounds and I'm on Day 8.  By Day 8 last time, I had lost 12.1.  So, that seems about right.  Oh, and I slowed down just like this on Day 8 last time (and GAINED 1.1 the next day because I mixed my approved veggies which is a no-no!).

4th - I will admit that I have been a bit liberal in my consumption of the approved coconut oil in this Round 2 Phase 2, unlike last time.  I have been eating green salads with that yummy dressing on it (and it's hard to measure dressing) which is made with coconut oil, as well as some of my yummy mayo (again, coconut oil) and about an ounce of chocolate delights every day (made with -- anyone? -- coconut oil).  So, I'm probably having about 3 - 4 ounces a day.  And, it's catching up with me.  I'm supposed to have no more than 2. My thought was, keeping it in this time will help keep my skin moist, since it's VERY dry right now.  Like that little bit of justification?  ; )

In reality, I'm sure it's a combo of all, but I'm hoping #1 isn't it (the WW weight-stall thing).  So, today, I'm continuing on in my quest to drink water (lemon, tea) like a fish, and I'm cutting out virtually all (except for one moderate serving) of coconut oil (dressing for my salad).  Just like eating a grissini, or a piece of fruit or the Tbs of milk (all amounts approved), I want to keep eating coconut oil, because I want my body to stay used to the carbs (fruit, grissini), calcium (milk) and fats (oil) so when I bring myself into P3 and re-introduce them to my system.  I love cheese (as you all know), milk, yogurt, and now, this dressing (I can't sing its praises enough!), so I will definitely be eating them in P3 unless this next time they cause a gain.

So, on to charging headlong into today!  Here's to all of us being healthy, happy and safe!


  1. heather anonymous here...just read through all your posts so far this year--and i'm thinking, i better see you soon or i won't recognize you ;) ....seriously, hurray for you julia! what an amazing accomplishment--proud of you girlie--looking forward to more posts

  2. Hahaha, Heather! Yah, I think it's going to take a LONG while before people don't recognize me anymore ... I've got too much fat to emerge from!

    Thanks for your encouragement -- pretty bold of me to add you to the list of folks I send this to when I post -- like you have time to read these while you homeschool! But, I'm honored that you have done so. Love you!

  3. Are you measuring your coconut oil in ounces or Tablespoons? I think we are allowed 2 Tbsp. That's what I've been doing, but I have found that I have to make my salad dressing and my Chocolate Delite daily in small amounts so I don't overdo my 2 Tbsp. allotment! You could try using 1 Tbsp. of your dressing and 1 Tbsp. of Chocolate Delite, and see how that works for you. I love my coconut oil additions!!!

  4. Abbie, that's a great point! No, I was measuring it in OUNCES. Yikes! I'll change that ASAP and see what happens.


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