January 29, 2012
Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 28 of 35
I lost 0.9 pounds this morning! Yesterday, it was 0.6. That means, since I upped my drops last Monday, I have consistently lost weight every day. Thank you Lord! I'm thinking I like this "more drops" thing. Gee, following the correct dosage works? Go figure.
So, my grand-total of weight loss is at 53.8 pounds off (or 21.3 this round -- I'm not counting the loading weight I gained and lost). Not bad. I would like to lose another 1.8 (for sure) to put me in the next decade (the decade I hoped to be at the bottom of when I started Round 2 all large-and-in-charge ... pun intended). Ideally, I'd like to lose at least 6.7 pounds in the 6 weigh-ins that I have left (taking me to Saturday's Last Dosage Weight weigh-in), so I can be solidly below the top end of that decade, so if I do go 2 pounds above my LDW (which will happen, probably at least once in P3). That'll bring my total dreaming of loss to 60.5 pounds. I know that sounds greedy, but I at least want to challenge myself. No senior-itis or coasting in the last days for me!
Honestly, I think I might extend my P2 days if I'm not where I want to be. I'll take a page from my HCG guru friend, Abbie, who just wrapped up 60 days on P2. That's right ... 60! She just hit 80 pounds off (she started in May 2011, I believe) and wrapped up her 3rd Round. That's amazing in my book. And, I told her that -- if HCG were an Olympic sport, she'd have a gold medal. I'd like to try for maybe a Bronze this time around. My Round 3 is going to be a short one (compared to the 31 days + 2 loading days I did in Round 1, and the (at least) 35 days + 3 loading days I'm doing in Round 2, because I want to start Round 3 loading days over Easter (also, my Dad's birthday) and end before my Gram's 98th birthday (and Mother's Day weekend). I plan my Round around special days. Brave Abbie just goes right through them! She did P2 through Christmas! See, brave. Not me ... I try to be out of P2 for business trips (I think the China or UK business trip is still on for the end of March when I'm in P4). But, since my Round 3 will be a short Round of 25 days, at best, I'll only lose about 15 - 20 pounds in that Round. Unless I take a "planned break" -- which are on protocol, but I don't understand them, so I'll have to probe Abbie's wealth of info on how to do it before I even contemplate doing it. If I do it, I'll tell you what it means at that time.
Okay, enough about me already! I think I'll end today's post as I did last week --> let's all sign off of our computers and go to church!
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