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Monday, January 30, 2012

R2P2D29/35 - The old "slip up"

January 30, 2012

Round 2, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 29/35

Yesterday was a slip up, but a well intentioned one.  First, I didn't eat anything until after 2 p.m. (because I was at church & then ran errands with my friend Linda).  By the time we got back to her house, it was after 2.  I scarfed down my lunch.  Then, I got a call from my cousin's wife inviting me to a 6 p.m. (30 minutes away) baptism for 3 of their 4 children.  So, off I went, but I scarfed down my dinner before going, thinking I'd need to eat before I'd get home at 8 pm.  So basically, I had all of my food within 2 hours of each other.  Since I'm not supposed to take the HCG drops until 30 minutes after eating has passed, I waited until I got to Morton before taking my drops.  But, I forgot!  So, I didn't get to take them until AFTER I left the church (at 7:45).  By the time I got home, I had completely forgotten that I had eaten dinner already, so, in an attempt to not scarf my food, I ate my 2 tomatoes and thought I'd sit and wait for the rest.  Um, yeah.  Right after I ate them I remembered ... I ALREADY ATE MY DINNER.  Uh huh.  So, I overate -- TOMATOES.  Funny.   And, to top off my colossal bumbling yesterday, I couldn't get to sleep until after 1 a.m., so I ended up with 5 hours of sleep (no sleep is a no-no on this diet).   

I went up 1.5 today as a result of my shenanigans yesterday, but I'm okay about it.  I didn't cheat.  I didn't even plan to cheat.  And, I ate real food when I waltzed backwards into extra food.  So, in the big picture, it's okay.  Today's a new day, and at least I've lost 52.3 pounds!

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