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Friday, July 19, 2013

R8P2D13/23 -- Thanks for the prayer

Round 8, Phase 2, Day 13 of 23

July 19, 2013

Thanks for praying for me.  I felt a real peace the rest of the day, and, it has continued.  I'm not just saying that because my weight loss picked up in the next two weigh-ins.  I'm saying that because I feel peaceful and not afraid.  I attribute that to prayer.  Thank you, Lord (and you for praying).  Sometimes, when one is so close to something, it is difficult to pray in exactly the way that is needed because fear clouds our minds.  I'm grateful God put it on my heart to ask for help.  Because I felt uplifted.  What a gift.

After posting last time (on Wednesday), I had the owner of Miracle Skinny Drops (the drops I use) reach out to me in a private FB message saying she wanted me to send her my stats -- menus, everything -- so she could help me see if I was doing anything wrong.  She confirmed that I wasn't (Johnson & Johnson's baby oil is fine, the spices I used were fine, the menus I have been been eating are spot on).  THAT lifted a burden (I can't tell you how mental this is, until you actually DO this diet).  Then, she suggested, based on the number of Rounds I have done, that I should up my hHCG drops from 80 a day to 90.  Now, before you cynics out there say she's trying to make more money, let me assure you, I see on their private FB page that they give all sorts of free advice to all sorts of people (those using injections of the actual hormone, to those using other homeopathic HCG providers, to those like me who use their own).  They are Christians, they help people (like me) lose weight, and I am confident in their counsel.

So, I did up my drops on Wednesday by 10 drops.  The next morning, the scale showed I dropped 2 pounds.  Yesterday, I took the same number of drops, and this morning, I dropped another 1.8 pounds.  This is the type of weight loss I should have been seeing in the first week, not at Day 12 & 13 when the weight loss drops to nothing.

So, my only conclusion is, after 8 Rounds, I guess it was time to up my dose.  I suppose I'll need to up the dose again in Round 10 in January.  Round 9 is the end of August-September.

Anyway, I'm back in the window (at the bottom of the window, but it's opening), and I'm feeling calm.  THAT is huge.  And, fortunately, thanks to Shawna at Miracle Skinny Drops, your prayers, and of course, God (the one to whom the arrow in the picture above is pointing), I am NOT as huge today as I was 2 days ago.  :-)

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