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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

R8P2D11 of 23 -- I need prayer

July 17, 2013

Round 8 (R8), Phase (P) 2 (wonky food menu), Day (D) 11 of 23

This Round sucks.  I'm sorry if that word offends you, but I can't think of a better way to say it.  I have never, in 7 other Rounds, worked this hard at being perfectly on plan (POP) and had such little results.  Literally, it is the worst Rounds for weight loss in all 8 Rounds.  Here's how it has been -- each weigh in so far:

Day 1 was the weight I start at (it's the weight that I register after the 3 days of load, so no loss, which is normal).
Day 2 loss = 4.7
Day 3 loss = 3.2
Day 4 loss = 1.5
Day 5 loss = 0.4
Day 6 loss = 0.2
Day 7 loss = 0.1
Day 8 loss = 0.5
Day 9 loss = +1.9
Day 10 loss = 3.2
Day 11 loss = +1.4

Yep.  ANOTHER gain.

I did an Apple Day on Monday, after waking up to a 1.9 pound gain.  Lost 3.2 the next day (yippee) and promptly gained back 1.4 of that today.  How?  I have no idea.  I'm eating the foods I should (NO cheating), I've cut out all lotions, etc., like I should (and have in every other Round).  I'm not mixing my veggies, eating extra portions of meat, and I was drinking over 120 ounces of liquid (non-sugary) a day.

Go figure.

By Day 11 in every other Round, I had lost this:

Round 1 Day 11 lost = 16.4 pounds
Round 2 Day 11 lost = 13.1 pounds

Round 3 Day 11 lost = 14.7 pounds
Round 4 Day 11 lost = 15.5 pounds
Round 5 Day 11 lost = 13.9 pounds
Round 6 Day 11 lost = 13.7 pounds
Round 7 Day 11 lost = 14.9 pounds
Round 8 Day 11 lost = 10.5 pounds

Yep.  See, I'm not kidding.  This Round SUCKS.  What's really frustrating, is this is usually right around where the weight loss stops for a week to 10 days.  I feel like that's exactly where I've already been.  So what faces me ahead?  The desert of weight loss? 

Yet, I press on.  I cannot give up, even when I feel like this is completely futile.  I'm still making up MAJOR ground here.  Blargh. 

See, I need prayer.  I prayed for strength before I got on the scale this morning (the words of 2 Chronicles 20:15b came to mind -- "Do not be dismayed or discouraged because of this vast army, because the battle is not yours, but God's" -- that brought me so much comfort last year when the job felt like it was closing in -- and believe me, it's no easier now, I'm just used to it) ... and saw the gain.  I barely thought about it, but since I am facing dinner (and ate the same lunch I had yesterday, albeit, a little less tomato), I'm starting to feel fearful.  And I know I shouldn't fear.  I just literally have no idea what I can do.  Besides, keep on keeping on. 

So, would you pray for me?

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