January 16, 2013
Round 6 (R6), Phase 2 (P2) Very Low Calorie Day (VLCD) 4 of 29
I still can't believe I'm typing 2013. It's hard to believe when I started this blog (and HCG), it was the end of 2011. As of tomorrow, I will have been following the HCG protocol for 15 months. Crazy, with a capital CRAZY!
So, I got my final vaccination for my March Asia trip yesterday, and it didn't seem to upset my weight loss. I was a little concerned, because the Yellow Fever vaccine (which was LIVE culture!) was incubated in egg. I can't have egg right now. But, I had to have the vaccine (and Hep A, Hep B, typhoid, TB). Since none of those were "live," they didn't have to be incubated. Yellow Fever did. Well, I'm happy to say, I didn't gain, I still lost, and (perhaps I should have put this first), I didn't get Yellow Fever. Although, as a Cat employee, I suppose I should have "Cat yellow" fever. Not that I do. :-)
So, I'm down 2.0 overnight. I'm making up some ground. I still have 12 pounds to go to my absolute lowest (when I was exactly 2 pounds below Last Dosage Weight). I'm tracking along with my weight-loss in Round 5, so I will be slowing down any day now. Each of my other 5 Rounds, my weight loss slowed down between days 5 - 9. So, that's what I'm expecting to happen this time. No surprises. And, as you know, I hate surprises (they are almost always bad -- except for the 2 surprise parties I've received and the 4 I've been a part of in the last 3 years). In weight-loss, it's generally not fun to be "surprised" because it's usually in the up direction. But, sometimes not. Today, actually, was a good surprise. Of course, my scale went all wonky on me, and I had to get on and off about 5 times to finally land on the same weight twice. That's the one I took. It actually showed about 0.7 pounds less in one of the tries, but I'm not counting that, as it didn't "stick." I think the battery might need to be replaced. Either that, or it's just wonky. But, I'm not switching scales now. 15 months, it's my friend. And, you don't dump friends, regardless of how silly they are. :-)
I'm hearing a BIG amen to that one -- all of you out there thinking how silly I am and you're not dumping me. Thanks!
So, that's all for today. No yellow fever. Check. Weight still going down on the sale. Check. Two blogs in two days. Check. Making up for lost time and gained weight. Check. Grateful for HCG. Check. Grateful for my friends and family. SUPER check. Signing off. Check.
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