January 28, 2013
Round 6 (R6), Phase 2 (P2) Very Low Calorie Day (VLCD) 16 of 29
Well, you asked for it. Here's my "date" overview in 100 words or less. I survived. I didn't kvetch or hyperventilate on my way there. He didn't have a machete. Score!
I can't speak for him other than what he wrote to me afterwards and what he tried to do -- and was rebuffed by me -- as the 2 hour non-"date" in the middle of the day drew to its close. But, I can say, for my part, I am very content to keep him as a minor part (if at all) in my life. Was that diplomatic enough?
I'm sure some of my readers are rolling their eyes, thinking I'm looking for some vapid movie-star look alike (I assure you, I am not), or that I want someone to make big bucks (again, nope), or be smart like Einstein (thank you, no, I'd like to be able to keep up intellectually). I want someone who loves Jesus, has a compassionate heart, has some brains in his head, holds down a steady job (even if I make more money than him), can hold a conversation and has maybe 3 things he likes that I like (outside of Jesus and food, so we'll make that five things).
Okay, enough of the love (dis)connection.
Back to food. I had a good weekend of weight loss, and this morning, awoke to a 2 pound gain. It's official, the full moon makes me gain (regardless of the Phase I'm in). This is the 6th Round where I've seen it again and again. So, I press on, joyfully. I think I read that somewhere. ;-) (It's in the Bible, just in case you didn't know).
That's about all I have to say today. It seems like a good night for a book (Cranford), a cup of tea and a fire in the fireplace. Maybe I'll paint my nails. My old stand-by.
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