January 28, 2013
Round 6 (R6), Phase 2 (P2) Very Low Calorie Day (VLCD) 16 of 29
Well, you asked for it. Here's my "date" overview in 100 words or less. I survived. I didn't kvetch or hyperventilate on my way there. He didn't have a machete. Score!
I can't speak for him other than what he wrote to me afterwards and what he tried to do -- and was rebuffed by me -- as the 2 hour non-"date" in the middle of the day drew to its close. But, I can say, for my part, I am very content to keep him as a minor part (if at all) in my life. Was that diplomatic enough?
I'm sure some of my readers are rolling their eyes, thinking I'm looking for some vapid movie-star look alike (I assure you, I am not), or that I want someone to make big bucks (again, nope), or be smart like Einstein (thank you, no, I'd like to be able to keep up intellectually). I want someone who loves Jesus, has a compassionate heart, has some brains in his head, holds down a steady job (even if I make more money than him), can hold a conversation and has maybe 3 things he likes that I like (outside of Jesus and food, so we'll make that five things).
Okay, enough of the love (dis)connection.
Back to food. I had a good weekend of weight loss, and this morning, awoke to a 2 pound gain. It's official, the full moon makes me gain (regardless of the Phase I'm in). This is the 6th Round where I've seen it again and again. So, I press on, joyfully. I think I read that somewhere. ;-) (It's in the Bible, just in case you didn't know).
That's about all I have to say today. It seems like a good night for a book (Cranford), a cup of tea and a fire in the fireplace. Maybe I'll paint my nails. My old stand-by.
I hope you enjoy reading about my weight-loss journey: the good, the bad and the ugly (but, I hope, not for long)!
Monday, January 28, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
R6P2D13/29 - Disengaging my force fields
January 25, 2012
Round 6 (R6), Phase 2 (P2) Very Low Calorie Day (VLCD) 13/29
It's been a rather ho-hum sort of Round thus far. I'm not saying that in a dramatic, "I hate this" sort of way. More in a, "I don't have much to say about it" sort of way. My weight loss is tracking with other Rounds. It's not the worst, but it's certainly not the best. I am still making up ground from R5 Phase 4 (eating what I want in moderation). I realized after writing the last time, that not only do I blame myself (going a little nuts with movie theater popcorn and Christmas goodies) for gaining in R5P4, but the steroids I took for the first time in my life (thanks to my head cold) ... but also for the "sugar free" Halls cough drops I ate like they were the elixir of life. Something tells me that 100 sugar free cough drops aren't so "sugar free" when eaten constantly for a week. Duh, Julia!
So, on to the weekend everyone. This weekend, I will be trying something that I haven't done for a while. I'm going on a coffee "thing" with a guy tomorrow. I'm not calling it a date. In fact (I hope you're sitting down), I don't want to date. I haven't since I started HCG. My head is elsewhere. But, after being asked by a couple of random guys in the last two months (I skillfully deflected them ... FB can bring out some doozies, let me tell you), there's this guy. No, my heart strings aren't a-strumming. But, why not try something new? I did with HCG, and I'm at a place in my life I never thought I'd be. So, maybe this guy will be like HCG in my life. Or, maybe he'll be like Weight Watchers was -- NOT for me. But, how will I know, unless I put down the excuse force field ("I'm tired after work." "We have nothing in common." "I work long hours." "I don't like meeting new people." "I don't want to be distracted from my weight-loss journey." "He won't fit in with my life.") and just have coffee, like he suggested several times, and move on.
So, I accepted. I'm not losing sleep over it, but I must admit, I'm not sure if that was the right decision. But, nothing is forever. Certainly spending a couple of hours at Starbucks talking to some guy my friend recommended is not forever. One thing I've learned about myself (among the many) from doing HCG is, if I don't open myself up for new experiences, then I better like what I've got. Yes, I love my life as it is. Would it be enriched by the man God has for me? Absolutely. So, unless I expect for God to plop a man into my life, as he would drop a star from the sky, I better be open to meeting guys. I feel so dirty even writing that. Don't worry (Mom and Dad) ... I'm not joining a singles website, or club (do they even have those anymore). I'm just going for coffee and then meeting up with friends afterwards.
So, here goes ... force fields disengaging.
Round 6 (R6), Phase 2 (P2) Very Low Calorie Day (VLCD) 13/29
It's been a rather ho-hum sort of Round thus far. I'm not saying that in a dramatic, "I hate this" sort of way. More in a, "I don't have much to say about it" sort of way. My weight loss is tracking with other Rounds. It's not the worst, but it's certainly not the best. I am still making up ground from R5 Phase 4 (eating what I want in moderation). I realized after writing the last time, that not only do I blame myself (going a little nuts with movie theater popcorn and Christmas goodies) for gaining in R5P4, but the steroids I took for the first time in my life (thanks to my head cold) ... but also for the "sugar free" Halls cough drops I ate like they were the elixir of life. Something tells me that 100 sugar free cough drops aren't so "sugar free" when eaten constantly for a week. Duh, Julia!
So, on to the weekend everyone. This weekend, I will be trying something that I haven't done for a while. I'm going on a coffee "thing" with a guy tomorrow. I'm not calling it a date. In fact (I hope you're sitting down), I don't want to date. I haven't since I started HCG. My head is elsewhere. But, after being asked by a couple of random guys in the last two months (I skillfully deflected them ... FB can bring out some doozies, let me tell you), there's this guy. No, my heart strings aren't a-strumming. But, why not try something new? I did with HCG, and I'm at a place in my life I never thought I'd be. So, maybe this guy will be like HCG in my life. Or, maybe he'll be like Weight Watchers was -- NOT for me. But, how will I know, unless I put down the excuse force field ("I'm tired after work." "We have nothing in common." "I work long hours." "I don't like meeting new people." "I don't want to be distracted from my weight-loss journey." "He won't fit in with my life.") and just have coffee, like he suggested several times, and move on.
So, I accepted. I'm not losing sleep over it, but I must admit, I'm not sure if that was the right decision. But, nothing is forever. Certainly spending a couple of hours at Starbucks talking to some guy my friend recommended is not forever. One thing I've learned about myself (among the many) from doing HCG is, if I don't open myself up for new experiences, then I better like what I've got. Yes, I love my life as it is. Would it be enriched by the man God has for me? Absolutely. So, unless I expect for God to plop a man into my life, as he would drop a star from the sky, I better be open to meeting guys. I feel so dirty even writing that. Don't worry (Mom and Dad) ... I'm not joining a singles website, or club (do they even have those anymore). I'm just going for coffee and then meeting up with friends afterwards.
So, here goes ... force fields disengaging.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
R6P2D4 - Yellow Fever Isn't Killing Me!
January 16, 2013
Round 6 (R6), Phase 2 (P2) Very Low Calorie Day (VLCD) 4 of 29
I still can't believe I'm typing 2013. It's hard to believe when I started this blog (and HCG), it was the end of 2011. As of tomorrow, I will have been following the HCG protocol for 15 months. Crazy, with a capital CRAZY!
So, I got my final vaccination for my March Asia trip yesterday, and it didn't seem to upset my weight loss. I was a little concerned, because the Yellow Fever vaccine (which was LIVE culture!) was incubated in egg. I can't have egg right now. But, I had to have the vaccine (and Hep A, Hep B, typhoid, TB). Since none of those were "live," they didn't have to be incubated. Yellow Fever did. Well, I'm happy to say, I didn't gain, I still lost, and (perhaps I should have put this first), I didn't get Yellow Fever. Although, as a Cat employee, I suppose I should have "Cat yellow" fever. Not that I do. :-)
So, I'm down 2.0 overnight. I'm making up some ground. I still have 12 pounds to go to my absolute lowest (when I was exactly 2 pounds below Last Dosage Weight). I'm tracking along with my weight-loss in Round 5, so I will be slowing down any day now. Each of my other 5 Rounds, my weight loss slowed down between days 5 - 9. So, that's what I'm expecting to happen this time. No surprises. And, as you know, I hate surprises (they are almost always bad -- except for the 2 surprise parties I've received and the 4 I've been a part of in the last 3 years). In weight-loss, it's generally not fun to be "surprised" because it's usually in the up direction. But, sometimes not. Today, actually, was a good surprise. Of course, my scale went all wonky on me, and I had to get on and off about 5 times to finally land on the same weight twice. That's the one I took. It actually showed about 0.7 pounds less in one of the tries, but I'm not counting that, as it didn't "stick." I think the battery might need to be replaced. Either that, or it's just wonky. But, I'm not switching scales now. 15 months, it's my friend. And, you don't dump friends, regardless of how silly they are. :-)
I'm hearing a BIG amen to that one -- all of you out there thinking how silly I am and you're not dumping me. Thanks!
So, that's all for today. No yellow fever. Check. Weight still going down on the sale. Check. Two blogs in two days. Check. Making up for lost time and gained weight. Check. Grateful for HCG. Check. Grateful for my friends and family. SUPER check. Signing off. Check.
Round 6 (R6), Phase 2 (P2) Very Low Calorie Day (VLCD) 4 of 29
I still can't believe I'm typing 2013. It's hard to believe when I started this blog (and HCG), it was the end of 2011. As of tomorrow, I will have been following the HCG protocol for 15 months. Crazy, with a capital CRAZY!
So, I got my final vaccination for my March Asia trip yesterday, and it didn't seem to upset my weight loss. I was a little concerned, because the Yellow Fever vaccine (which was LIVE culture!) was incubated in egg. I can't have egg right now. But, I had to have the vaccine (and Hep A, Hep B, typhoid, TB). Since none of those were "live," they didn't have to be incubated. Yellow Fever did. Well, I'm happy to say, I didn't gain, I still lost, and (perhaps I should have put this first), I didn't get Yellow Fever. Although, as a Cat employee, I suppose I should have "Cat yellow" fever. Not that I do. :-)
So, I'm down 2.0 overnight. I'm making up some ground. I still have 12 pounds to go to my absolute lowest (when I was exactly 2 pounds below Last Dosage Weight). I'm tracking along with my weight-loss in Round 5, so I will be slowing down any day now. Each of my other 5 Rounds, my weight loss slowed down between days 5 - 9. So, that's what I'm expecting to happen this time. No surprises. And, as you know, I hate surprises (they are almost always bad -- except for the 2 surprise parties I've received and the 4 I've been a part of in the last 3 years). In weight-loss, it's generally not fun to be "surprised" because it's usually in the up direction. But, sometimes not. Today, actually, was a good surprise. Of course, my scale went all wonky on me, and I had to get on and off about 5 times to finally land on the same weight twice. That's the one I took. It actually showed about 0.7 pounds less in one of the tries, but I'm not counting that, as it didn't "stick." I think the battery might need to be replaced. Either that, or it's just wonky. But, I'm not switching scales now. 15 months, it's my friend. And, you don't dump friends, regardless of how silly they are. :-)
I'm hearing a BIG amen to that one -- all of you out there thinking how silly I am and you're not dumping me. Thanks!
So, that's all for today. No yellow fever. Check. Weight still going down on the sale. Check. Two blogs in two days. Check. Making up for lost time and gained weight. Check. Grateful for HCG. Check. Grateful for my friends and family. SUPER check. Signing off. Check.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
R6P2D3/29 -- "Roid" Rage
January 15, 2012
Round 6 (R6), Phase 2 (P2) Very Low Calorie Day (VLCD 2 of 29
No, you're not seeing things. My progress scale went back from 91 (90.8 actually) to 68. Whuh?! Well, I blame myself and I blame "roid" rage. What's that, you ask? It's my pithy way of saying, for the first time ever, I was put on steroids (January 1 - 12) to get over a head cold. What happened? Well, besides eating off of plan, the "roids" helped me gain back my R5 weight. WHAT? You are right to be astounded. I was. Rather disappointed in myself, actually. But, I'm glad I had the medication (to get over my cold) and that I had hHCG (homeopathic HCG) Round 6 to look forward to. I got back on that wagon by loading January 10 - 12 (Happy Birthday, Jim Wallace on January 12!), while I was on my business trip. And, boy, did I load.
Business trip food, coupled with steroids ... I was one uncomfortable camper. Actually, I forgot, until today, that part of my gain was because of those. But, let's be real. After stabilizing like a champ (no correction days for me), I hit the mid-December mark, went to the Hobbit 12 times (yep) and ate enough movie theater popcorn to fill a small theater, but I didn't stop there. I ate other stuff, like candy, and fast food. What did I learn? CONSTANT VIGILANCE. Yep. That's the name of the game.
So, I'm learning as I go, not beating myself up, and moving forward.
Today was my 2nd weigh in on P2. I've lost 8.8 pounds in 2 days, which is my highest (by about 1/2 a pound) loss in all 6 Rounds. I'll take it. I have 12 pounds to go to recover my Last Dosage Weight (LDW) from Round 5 (October 28), but it's do-able.
So, my next big adventure is preparing for my Asia (India, Singapore, Shanghai) trip from March 9 - 22. I'll be safely ensconced in Phase 4 (eat what I want in MODERATION). Since I can stabilize like a champ (at least, I proved THAT to myself), my next goal (or one of them) is to stay stabilized in P4. That will be right when I travel. Yikes! But, I'm not giving into fear. I'm going to do what I can to pack protein bars (I'll take suggestions on what ones are low carb too) and eat those. So, buckle up. I plan on zooming at jet speed back to my LDW, and hopefully, in 29 days of P2 (instead of the 23 days that I did last time), I'll be able to make up ground and deplete a few more pounds from my scale to boot.
Sorry about the radio silence in December and 1/2 of January. Not sure where the time went, but it wasn't spent blogging, that's for sure. I'll try to be better about staying plugged in and accountable.
Round 6 (R6), Phase 2 (P2) Very Low Calorie Day (VLCD 2 of 29
No, you're not seeing things. My progress scale went back from 91 (90.8 actually) to 68. Whuh?! Well, I blame myself and I blame "roid" rage. What's that, you ask? It's my pithy way of saying, for the first time ever, I was put on steroids (January 1 - 12) to get over a head cold. What happened? Well, besides eating off of plan, the "roids" helped me gain back my R5 weight. WHAT? You are right to be astounded. I was. Rather disappointed in myself, actually. But, I'm glad I had the medication (to get over my cold) and that I had hHCG (homeopathic HCG) Round 6 to look forward to. I got back on that wagon by loading January 10 - 12 (Happy Birthday, Jim Wallace on January 12!), while I was on my business trip. And, boy, did I load.
Business trip food, coupled with steroids ... I was one uncomfortable camper. Actually, I forgot, until today, that part of my gain was because of those. But, let's be real. After stabilizing like a champ (no correction days for me), I hit the mid-December mark, went to the Hobbit 12 times (yep) and ate enough movie theater popcorn to fill a small theater, but I didn't stop there. I ate other stuff, like candy, and fast food. What did I learn? CONSTANT VIGILANCE. Yep. That's the name of the game.
So, I'm learning as I go, not beating myself up, and moving forward.
Today was my 2nd weigh in on P2. I've lost 8.8 pounds in 2 days, which is my highest (by about 1/2 a pound) loss in all 6 Rounds. I'll take it. I have 12 pounds to go to recover my Last Dosage Weight (LDW) from Round 5 (October 28), but it's do-able.
So, my next big adventure is preparing for my Asia (India, Singapore, Shanghai) trip from March 9 - 22. I'll be safely ensconced in Phase 4 (eat what I want in MODERATION). Since I can stabilize like a champ (at least, I proved THAT to myself), my next goal (or one of them) is to stay stabilized in P4. That will be right when I travel. Yikes! But, I'm not giving into fear. I'm going to do what I can to pack protein bars (I'll take suggestions on what ones are low carb too) and eat those. So, buckle up. I plan on zooming at jet speed back to my LDW, and hopefully, in 29 days of P2 (instead of the 23 days that I did last time), I'll be able to make up ground and deplete a few more pounds from my scale to boot.
Sorry about the radio silence in December and 1/2 of January. Not sure where the time went, but it wasn't spent blogging, that's for sure. I'll try to be better about staying plugged in and accountable.
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