November 20, 2011
Day 3/21
You would think I would expect the scale to stay the same, right? I mean, I AM doing this, I did a bunch of research before starting, and, if you know me at all, you know, I'm not going to waste my time on something that won't work. Yet, for the last 3 days, when I step on the scale and see it hasn't moved and is behaving exactly how it should in P3 (remember, this is the no weight loss phase, when your body stabilizes and realizes that THIS weight is now your new "high") and isn't moving even one ounce, I am a.m.a.z.e.d.
Actually, amazed isn't the right word. I'm grateful. Grateful to God. I truly believe He led me, gently, to HCG, because I was lost. I was literally thinking, before Abbie, Amy and Carrie started this, that I had two choices left in life: 1) bariatric surgery or 2) give up and be at least 100 pounds overweight (and then some) for the rest of my life. Both were drastic thoughts for me, and, they really made me sad. I realize now, that's a lie the enemy tells people who struggle with weight (it can't be done, you're a waste of space, you should be ashamed of yourself, etc.).
Yesterday, I was at a wedding, pretty much all day. For the first time in my life, I wasn't ashamed of myself. Now, I'm still (even with the 33.7 pounds I've lost) about 100 pounds above where the doctors' charts say I should be for my frame. BUT, I knew I was doing the right thing. Many of the people there hadn't seen me since the summer, and yes, they do know I'm losing weight (some, like Mary and JoEllen -- hi girls!) are even reading this blog some times. But, others, like JoEllen's Dad and her Aunt, the groom's Mom, talked to me on the side and told me how "great" I look. Now, I know I don't look great. But, I look like there's less of me, because there IS less of me. 40 inches less to be exact.
I measured myself on Friday morning (the official start of P3) and I've lost 40 inches since I started this on October 17 (I took my measurements on October 15, the first day of loading). So, in 1 month & 3 days, I lost 40 inches. I know I measured EVERYTHING (calves, thighs, upper arms, lower arms, neck, above, below and at chest level, waist, stomach, rear, hips, even my chin!), and it's still 40 inches. The protocol says to measure yourself every week in the 3 weeks of P3 because even though you aren't supposed to lose weight, you still lose inches (that's why Dr. Simeon's book is called Pounds & INCHES). So, I will do that. I'm expecting I'll be amazed with that too, if my experiences in HCG continue forward!
So, here I go, into Day 3. I've been amazed at how little food I actually want to eat. I had pre-meditated all of this cheese that I was going to eat, and eggs, and sausage. So far, when I eat, I am STUFFED in no time. Pretty darn awesome. I've read on forums and in Dr. Simeon's book that the problem people often have is that they don't eat ENOUGH in P3, because they get full so easy. I ended up having a piece of roast beef, one piece of cheese, some cauliflower, tomatoes, cucumber, pickles, black olives (my first in over a month!) and celery at the wedding last night. I couldn't finish my plate. And that's WITHOUT HCG in my body. That's what I love about this ... the time on HCG, it helps you break bad habits, and for me, that was stuffing myself at every meal and eating late. Heck, I only want to eat at meals now, anyway.
Oh, and here's one more "shout out" to my sweet Mom, who told me yesterday that she reads this everyday. Hi, Mom! I love you. Remember, you can post by typing something in below and leaving your name (Mom is good, because, obviously, I know who you are) in the comment box, and then clicking on the drop down and select the Anonymous feature (unless you want to create a google account, which who wants to do that?!). That'll let the system allow you to post, AND, I'll know who you are because you put your name in the comment box
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