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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

R1P3D13/21 - The Steak Day Correction Paid Off

November 30, 2011

Day 13/21

Well, I lost 2.2 yesterday on my Correction Day (CD) of about 18 ounces of steak (I felt like barfing) and 2 medium tomatoes.  I also "splurged" and had about 3 heaping TBS of Fage Greek Yogurt (no sugar).  And, I drank 2 cups of coffee (I never do that) and a ton of water.

So, let's see what today brings.  For breakfast, I had 1/2 an avocado (yum!), 2 pieces of no sugar added (low sodium) bacon and 2 eggs fried in a pat of butter.  All P3 approved.  For lunch, I'm going to have some roast (that I cooked in my crock pot on Sunday), some steamed asparagus and a tomato and 12 macademia nuts and chocolate delite.  It'll be a feast.  But, all approved foods.  Not sure what's for dinner, but it'll probably consist of cheese.  : )  You know me and "my" cheese.  I'll see what the scale does tomorrow.  If it goes up 2, I'll know that the 2 pounds higher than today (what I was yesterday) is my LDW (see yesterday's confusing blog).

I guess that's about it for today.  I'm at 32.1 pounds off, but I'm not married to it.  I'm just doing what I should and moving forward.  Hallelujah!  I did have a coworker tell me my pants (one size down from where I started) were too big.  So, as nosey as that was, I'm taking it as a compliment.  : )

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

R1P3D12/21 - Correction Days!

November 29, 2011

Day 12/21

I had a birthday party last night and ate WAY too much approved food.  Yes, it's possible to do that.  I gained 2.1 pounds.  Yikes.  I even passed up cake.  But, I ate probably a cup of nuts and olives (black and green).  So, today is a correction day (CD), which means, I'll do the up-to-a-24-ounce steak & one apple CD.  I'll eat it for dinner tonight.  My only other CD that I did was on Saturday, and I lost 2.6 pounds as a result.  I'm hoping the same thing happens today (although, on Saturday, I ate 2 tomatoes and probably 16 ounces of steak).  I currently don't have any tomatoes in the house, but maybe I'll buy some tonight.

So, here's the deal.  You're supposed to stay within 2 pounds (up or down) of your Last Dosage Weight (LDW).  Last week, if you'll remember, I was ill from Sunday - Tuesday, and I dropped several pounds below my LDW.  Uh oh!  Well, the point of staying within 2 pounds above OR below is that, if you drop too much below, your body starts going after normal fat, so when you start eating normally again, it'll gain that back and then some.  Well, my body followed suit.  Last Wednesday, I was holding fast at 2.4 under my LDW (if I count Wednesday, November 16 as my LDW day, since I had one dose of HCG in the morning ... technically, it might be Tuesday, November 15, which would make me actually 0.2 pounds BELOW my LDW ... but I digress).  Either way, I was way below.  So, when I started eating more food (approved, non-carb), I gained a bit.  Then, Thanksgiving came, and I tried some Mary's Gone Crackers (which are supposed to be approved for P3, but I think it's really for P4).  Well, up I went at my weigh-in on Friday.  But, I was still within range.  Then, Saturday morning hit.  I was REALLY up.  2.4 to be exact.  So, I did a correction day.  I dropped 2.6 on Sunday morning's weigh-in, so the CD worked, and got me within 0.5 pound above what I was calling my LDW (from Wednesday, November 16).  So, yesterday, I maintained that weight exactly.  Then, I was STARVING at dinner (first time since mid-October that I felt "starving") and over-did it.  So, today, I correct.

That's the point of this diet.  Weigh everyday, make your best guess about why you gained, and correct.  So, hopefully, tomorrow, I'll be back down.

But, this brings up 2 more points.  The 1st is, I see a lot of people in P3 having to do correction days because they aren't exactly sure what their LDW really is.  The support group I am on FB said that people often chose the lower weight day, because they want to stay there (we all like lower weight numbers), and then they struggle to keep it off in P3 (which will mean the same in P4, I'm guessing).  SO .... perhaps I should stop counting all of my ounces and say that Tuesday, November 15 (the REAL last day I took drops) should be my LDW?  Maybe not.  We'll see if I gain again.  I mean, I DO have 4 more rounds of this that I plan on doing (starting on January 2 is Round 2!).  Okay, and 2nd is, you must MUST MUST stay within 2 pounds and correct the day you see the ounce (or pound) up or down.  Maybe I'll take my "lumps" and count November 15 as my LDW day, which will put me right at 29.9 off (not into the 30s like I wanted).  We'll see.  But, the whole point of P3 is to stabilize ... keep the weight loss flat.  I did a great job for the first 7 days, but it's been a see-saw the next 5.  So, since I have 9 days left (and Christmas time with birthdays, company lunches, potlucks, etc.), I want to stabilize well in these next 9 days. 

I think my plan will be, I'll see what the scale says tomorrow, and if it goes up 2 pounds again in a day or two, I'm going to count that as my LDW, because that's what my body will be telling me.  The fact that I keep hovering around this number might mean something a little more than, "stop eating nuts" (which it could be), but, you have calculated the wrong LDW day.  I never thought I'd say this, but I'm VERY happy I have more than 1 or 2 rounds to do with this, because the whole point of stabilization is for your body to realize that THIS is the new high mark.  Well, since I have a lot of rounds to do, this new high mark won't be my high mark for long!

Finally, I'll just say, today marks the birthdays of 2 of my favorite people ... my nephew Benjamin (who turns 3 today) and my favorite author, CS Lewis (who would have turned 113 today).  Since I can't see either one of them today, I'll just say, out here, happy birthday to 2 very slendid guys!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

R1P3D6/21 - Maintained

November 23, 2011

Day 6/21

Phase 3 is shaping up pretty well.  I'm rather uninterested in food, which is astounding.  My eyes still fill my plate up to the levels I used to eat, and then, I am lucky to finish 1/3 of it.  I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth!  : )

So, this will be a short one today.  I have Christmas decorations to put up at home (inside and out) and about 100 casseroles to make for Thanksgiving with Mom & the fam tomorrow, then Dad & Carol on Saturday, and a birthday party on Monday.  I'm a party-girl.

Things are going way better than I thought.  I still wasn't able to gain the 0.4 under my LDW that I weighed-in at yesterday.  I was the same weight today.  I ate 2 pieces of Eziekel bread (it's a grain bread that breaks down like a veggie, not a carb ... don't ask me how) for breakfast yesterday.  I thought that'd do it.  Nope.  But, I was schlepping everything I could yesterday, up and down 2 flights up steps and out to my car to donate to the Esther House, as I organized my closets.  It was EXHAUSTING, but totally awesome.

I don't think I'll write tomorrow, since it's Thanksgiving.  SO, have a HAPPY, blessed Thanksgiving.  Don't eat until you pop!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

R1P3D5/21 - OOPS! I lost more weight than I should have.

November 22, 2011

Day 5/21

First, before I begin to talk about weight, I'm going to write about what I'm thankful for.  I'm on FB, and each day in November, I write a different "thankful" status update ... 30 days of telling the world (at least the FB world of my 200 friends) what I'm thankful for.  So, this is what I wrote today:

Day 22 - I am thankful that 35 years ago today, I accepted Jesus as my Savior.  I love Him more each day. Happy anniversary to us!

So, that is what today REALLY is all about.  I hope you, dear reader (whoever you are) have also accepted Jesus as the Savior and lover of your soul.  Because He made you, and He loves you, just like He loves me.  Having a relationship with Him pays off WAY better than anything, including losing weight.  And, right now, that says a lot, with me saying it.  : )

Okay, onto the weight-loss journey.  I've been pretty quiet this week (for me) because of two things.  I'm on vacation preparing for 2 Thanksgiving parties (with Mom's side and Dad & Carol), a birthday for one of my dearest friends, a closet deconstruction & reconstruction in 3 closets in my home (which happens this afternoon, so it entailed ripping them up on Sunday & painting like the dickens yesterday), putting up Christmas in my house (NOT a small ordeal), my Mom's on Friday morning/afternoon & my dear friends' house (Linda & John) on Friday night.  Oh yes, and I've had a 100-ish degree fever (and TERRIBLE body aches) since at least Saturday night (but probably Friday).  Yippee!  Today, I feel a little more like a normal human.  But, that all culminated in me not wanting to eat very much.

So, today, I got on the scale and ... I lost 1.1 pounds for a grand total of 34.9.  Well, that equates to an oops!  Can you believe it?  That's because I'm in the stabilization phase (which I must say, I've been doing swimmingly with ... I have kept to EXACTLY my Last Dosage Weight (LDW) ... I mean EXACTLY to the ounce ... from Friday's weigh in, to this morning's.  Now, I'm down 0.4 more than I should be (everyone in P3 needs to stay within 2 pounds above or below with LDW).  I've gotta figure out what I need to do to correct that.  I think I have to have a steak and cheese day?  Maybe I'll just eat more calories.  I'm just amazed.  I ate nuts yesterday, and I even drank about 16 ounces of WHOLE milk for the first time in my life.  CRAZY.

Perhaps today, I'll introduce the Eziekel bread (sprouted grain bread, that breaks down as a veggie, instead of a starch).  Maybe that'll help?

We'll see.  I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

R1P3D3/21 - Holding Steady!

November 20, 2011

Day 3/21

You would think I would expect the scale to stay the same, right?  I mean, I AM doing this, I did a bunch of research before starting, and, if you know me at all, you know, I'm not going to waste my time on something that won't work.  Yet, for the last 3 days, when I step on the scale and see it hasn't moved and is behaving exactly how it should in P3 (remember, this is the no weight loss phase, when your body stabilizes and realizes that THIS weight is now your new "high") and isn't moving even one ounce, I am a.m.a.z.e.d.

Actually, amazed isn't the right word.  I'm grateful.  Grateful to God.  I truly believe He led me, gently, to HCG, because I was lost.  I was literally thinking, before Abbie, Amy and Carrie started this, that I had two choices left in life: 1) bariatric surgery or 2) give up and be at least 100 pounds overweight (and then some) for the rest of my life.  Both were drastic thoughts for me, and, they really made me sad.  I realize now, that's a lie the enemy tells people who struggle with weight (it can't be done, you're a waste of space, you should be ashamed of yourself, etc.).

Yesterday, I was at a wedding, pretty much all day.  For the first time in my life, I wasn't ashamed of myself.  Now, I'm still (even with the 33.7 pounds I've lost) about 100 pounds above where the doctors' charts say I should be for my frame.  BUT, I knew I was doing the right thing.  Many of the people there hadn't seen me since the summer, and yes, they do know I'm losing weight (some, like Mary and JoEllen -- hi girls!) are even reading this blog some times.  But, others, like JoEllen's Dad and her Aunt, the groom's Mom, talked to me on the side and told me how "great" I look.  Now, I know I don't look great.  But, I look like there's less of me, because there IS less of me.  40 inches less to be exact.

I measured myself on Friday morning (the official start of P3) and I've lost 40 inches since I started this on October 17 (I took my measurements on October 15, the first day of loading).  So, in 1 month & 3 days, I lost 40 inches.  I know I measured EVERYTHING (calves, thighs, upper arms, lower arms, neck, above, below and at chest level, waist, stomach, rear, hips, even my chin!), and it's still 40 inches.  The protocol says to measure yourself every week in the 3 weeks of P3 because even though you aren't supposed to lose weight, you still lose inches (that's why Dr. Simeon's book is called Pounds & INCHES).  So, I will do that.  I'm expecting I'll be amazed with that too, if my experiences in HCG continue forward!

So, here I go, into Day 3.  I've been amazed at how little food I actually want to eat.  I had pre-meditated all of this cheese that I was going to eat, and eggs, and sausage.  So far, when I eat, I am STUFFED in no time.  Pretty darn awesome.  I've read on forums and in Dr. Simeon's book that the problem people often have is that they don't eat ENOUGH in P3, because they get full so easy.  I ended up having a piece of roast beef, one piece of cheese, some cauliflower, tomatoes, cucumber, pickles, black olives (my first in over a month!) and celery at the wedding last night.  I couldn't finish my plate.  And that's WITHOUT HCG in my body.  That's what I love about this ... the time on HCG, it helps you break bad habits, and for me, that was stuffing myself at every meal and eating late.  Heck, I only want to eat at meals now, anyway.

Oh, and here's one more "shout out" to my sweet Mom, who told me yesterday that she reads this everyday.  Hi, Mom!  I love you.  Remember, you can post by typing something in below and leaving your name (Mom is good, because, obviously, I know who you are) in the comment box, and then clicking on the drop down and select the Anonymous feature (unless you want to create a google account, which who wants to do that?!).  That'll let the system allow you to post, AND, I'll know who you are because you put your name in the comment box

Friday, November 18, 2011

R1 Phase 3 Day 1/21 - Bring on the protein and cheese!

November 18, 2011

Day 1/21

Today is Day 1 of 21 in the Phase 3 (proteins phase).  I couldn't BE more excited.  For numerous reasons really.
  1. I got on the scale, and after increasing my calories from 500 to 800 the last two days (that I didn't "do" drops), I lost weight.  SHUT UP!  I lost 1.3 this morning.  Go figure.  I added 3 more servings of protein to the 2 I normally ate, and the weight came off.  Nice. 
  2. I get to eat more meat!  Always a good thing in Julia-ville.
  3. I get to eat CHEESE (in smallish-doses mind you, but my fridge is FULLY stocked)!  I personally believe Heaven will be paved with golden cheese, but I could be wrong.
  4. It's Friday.  And, seriously, who isn't just a touch bouncier on Fridays?
  5. I have the week off next week.  I feel like I have Senioritis ... I'm coasting today.
  6. Tonight is a rehearsal dinner for my friend's daughter (who gets married tomorrow) and I'm going to be there as the wedding coordinator (should be interesting, since I've never been a bride!)
  7. I have my menu planned for Thanksgiving with Mom, Thanksgiving with Dad & Carol and a birthday party for my dear friend Kate.  Three things that COULD derail me, but since I have a plan, I'm betting I'll maintain.
So, I have a euphoric feeling today.  This is one of the things I love about this diet ... you don't stay in one Phase forever (well, at the VERY end, when you've hit your goal weight, you are in the "eat whatever you want, but make it sensible" phase forever).  I can do anything for 33 days (I just proved that to myself).  I can easily make it through 21 of MORE calories (you have to eat more [of the right things] to lose more -- go figure!).

So, happy weekend, everyone.  If you're doing HCG, happy fat cell releases (I guess that's the term ... dumping sounds disgusting!).

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Weight Loss Comparison With Everyday Objects

November 16, 2011

Okay, normally I don't do 2 posts in one day.  But, I'm going to.  I just found this on the HCG forum (on FB), which has a ton of great stuff.  But, this was not only an eye-opener, but fun!  All of us on any sort of weight-loss journey use the word "only" when describing how much weight has come off.  Yet, we quickly follow it with how much better we feel.  Well, this is why ...

Go to the chart below and find how much weight you have lost (from 1 pound to 400, they are all there).  Then, it'll say what your "lost" from your body.  After you find it, message me here (as anonymous so it'll post, but then put your first name so I'll know who I'm talking to).  FYI -- I've lost a cinder block.  That makes me feel awesome, because I have 4 of them in my garage and they are REALLY hard to pick up!

1 pound = a Guinea Pig
1.5 pounds = a dozen Krispy Kreme glazed donuts
2 pounds = a rack of baby back ribs
3 pounds = an average human brain
4 pounds = an ostrich egg
5 pounds = a Chihuahua
6 pounds = a human’s skin
7.5 pounds = an average newborn
8 pounds = a human head
10 pounds= chemical additives an American consumes each year
11 pounds = an average housecat
12 pounds = a Bald Eagle
15 pounds = 10 dozen large eggs
16 pounds = a sperm whale’s brain
20 pounds = an automobile tire
23 pounds = amount of pizza an average American eats in a year
24 pounds = a 3-gallon tub of super premium ice cream
25 pounds = an average 2 year old
30 pounds = amount of cheese an average American eats in a year
33 pounds = a cinder block
36 pounds = a mid-size microwave
40 pounds = a 5-gallon bottle of water or an average human leg
44 pounds = an elephant’s heart
50 pounds = a small bale of hay
55 pounds = a 5000 BTU air conditioner
60 pounds = an elephant’s penis (yep, weights more than his heart!)
66 pounds = fats and oils an average American eats in a year
70 pounds = an Irish Setter
77 pounds = a gold brick
80 pounds = the World’s Largest Ball of Tape
90 pounds = a newborn calf
100 pounds = a 2 month old horse
111 pounds = red meat an average American eats in a year
117 pounds = an average fashion model (and she’s 5’11”)
118 pounds = the complete Encyclopedia Britannica
120 pounds = amount of trash you throw away in a month
130 pounds = a newborn giraffe
138 pounds = potatoes an average American eats in a year
140 pounds = refined sugar an average American eats in a year
144 pounds = an average adult woman (and she’s 5’4”)
150 pounds = the complete Oxford English Dictionary
187 pounds = an average adult man
200 pounds = 2 Bloodhounds
235 pounds = Arnold Schwarzenegger
300 pounds = an average football lineman
400 pounds = a Welsh pony
No matter how much, or how little, way to go!!!!!!!!

R1P2D31/31 - WOW!

November 16, 2011

Day 31/31

I just got off of the scale.  I lost 2.8 pounds.  WOW.  Talk about going out of P2 with a bang!  I took my last drops (for this round) a few minutes ago, and now, I go into the next 2 days without drops (to get them out of my system before Friday and the start of P3).

It's funny.  I read all sorts of blogs and internet posts and talk to my friends doing this, and it looks like week 3 is always the most difficult (no progress) -- CHECK -- and week 4 is the week the weight starts dropping off again -- CHECK -- so by this point (the homefront) everyone thinks, "Maybe I should keep going a few more days?"  I'd by lying if I said anything else.  I want to keep going, since I know I won't lose any more until I start Round 2 in January.  But, honestly, I need to be done.  32.5 pounds is an awesome 1st time (or so I'm told) and it's a very easy round number for me to end on, because I started with a XXX.5 number, so now I have a whole number to try to stick with (2 pounds above or below) for the next 6 weeks.

So, I enter my next slight Phase of this today at lunch, when I don't take the drops and still eat 500 calories.  Dr. Simeons says I can go up to 800 calories a day, eating double the amount of protein.  I'll probably do that.  Evidently, when I start Phase 3 on Friday, I have to be careful and "eat clean" (Phase 2 foods, just more of them) for the first week, but I'm going to go to Phase 3 foods right away and see what happens.  I don't think my body will be able to eat a lot more (of Phase 2), but I'm ready for some variety (small amounts of Phase 3).

Next week, I'll talk about P3 Thanksgiving foods (that will be at the party I'm going to), what I can eat from that fare and what I'm bringing.  Thanksgiving day is the Carb-o-licious of all holidays.

So, here's to a good day for all.  I feel 100 pounds lighter!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

R1P2D30/31 - Transparency

November 15, 2011

Day 30/31

Okay, in the spirit of full disclosure, I TECHNICALLY am not at 30 pounds off like that little ticker says.  I'm 29.7 pounds off.  I don't round DOWN when the scale is at XX.2, so, I don't round up.  The number on the scale today was my determining factor ... tomorrow I'm doing one more day of drops (I'll take them all tomorrow morning, so by Friday morning, I'm good).  I really want to see it hit 30 pounds off for real.  Something about that number seems more definitive.

Yesterday, I saw my chiropractor (after a month) and she kept feeling my hips saying, "THERE IS A LOT LESS HERE."  So, I can't wait to measure myself on Saturday morning!  Hopefully, I have lost more inches.  We're supposed to measure ourselves weekly in P3, because while we aren't losing pounds, they are getting redistributed.  I'm not exactly sure how, but they do. 

So, unless I'm completely wrong, tomorrow will be my last dose and I will count whatever the scale says as my Last Dosage Weight that I have to stay within 2 pounds (North or South) for the 6 weeks I am stabilizing and maintaining my weight loss.  Then, as of January 2, I'm back on the weight-loss wagon for Round 2.

Monday, November 14, 2011

R1P2D29/31 - Almost time to enter the next Phase

November 14, 2011

Day 29/31

Well, Phase 2 is almost done.  It seems like I've been doing this for a year (because time really whips by), and like I've only been doing it a week.  But, It's been over 4 weeks.  I start eating between 1,500-2,100 calories a day on Friday (I stop by drops on Wednesday).  I think my body will go into shock!

I made some chocolate mousse (cream cheese, heavy whipping cream & cocoa), which is Phase 3 approved.  Real foods.  And this is a diet.  Amazing.  I'll have some for breakfast on Friday.  I got the recipe from my friend Amy, and she said when she's on P3, she has that for breakfast. 

Then, I made crispy chicken (about an 8 ounce chicken breast, dipped in egg and then covered in pork rinds [I've NEVER bought those] as breading and covered in liquid whipping cream) for lunch.  I added celery salt, garlic, dill, herbs de provence, pepper and sea salt.  I'll add some veggies (boiled cabbage) and maybe one chocolate delite.

I have a rehearsal dinner to go to on Friday, so, I plan on getting a steak or chicken (plain) and some veggies and a salad for dinner.  I think that'll be safer.  I've heard 2 schools of thought on P3 ... slowly add food in or go for it.  I think I'll go for it.  And, if the scale goes up a bunch the next day, I'll rachet it back.

So, here's to my last 2 days on drops, and my last 4 days (counting today) on P2!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

R1P2D27/31 - Another pound bites the dust! And another one gone ...

November 13, 2011

Day 27/31

I almost can't believe I just wrote Day 28 in the title of this blog.  28 days?  Can that be possible?  I haven't had one taste of junk (including soda) for almost a month.  It's been 4 weeks exactly.   I have never done that in my life.  Wow.  I DO have will power!

Okay, so here's what I did yesterday.  I went back to basics.  I ate tilapia for both meals with a tomato, a grissini breadstick, and a roasted apple.  This morning, I was down 2 pounds, bringing my total lost to 28.2.  I'll take that.  If I don't lose anything more in the next couple of days (my last days on the drops), then, I'll be satisfied with 28 off.  It has a nice ring to it.  Of course, then my little pea brain starts thinking ... "Well, 29 is prime.  I'd really like 1 more pound off and for the number to be prime."  Then, it immediately goes to, "But, 30 is a nice round number and easy to remember."  Which then follows up with, "But, 31 is actually the best.  It's prime, it's a milestone of 30 off, AND, it'll be easy to remember."  Simmer down, brain.  Don't be greedy.  28 pounds off is a beautiful thing.  : )

Anyway, I dumped the chocolate delites (so many conflicting messages ... some saying not to eat macademia nuts in P2, which makes sense, because Dr. Simeon never said it was okay) yesterday, thinking that they might cause the gain.  And, I don't need chocolate in my life to be happy.  I know, that's odd since I'm a woman, but I've never needed it.  Neither do either of my parents, so I come by it naturally.  Oh, and I took antibiotics AND steroid eye drops for pink eye.  So, if there was any question about them, I am walking proof they are okay.  That old adage that your body is in crisis mode when sick is true!

I also made homemade ketchup, French dressing, BBQ sauce, mayonnaise and horseradish yesterday.  It was fun.  I didn't have the tomato paste that the recipes called for, so I used my little magic bullet/wand blender and zipped them into a juicy froth and used them.  I do think they would taste a little better with tomato paste, because the tomato flavor would be thicker/more pronounced.

Also, I made the mayo with coconut oil, but it does make it taste a bit like coconut.  Which, I don't mind, but I think my guests won't like it.  I didn't put enough real horseradish (from a ROOT, since all other horsey sauce has sugar) in it, so you can't taste it very well over the coconut oil.  I need to add some to it.  I'm thinking I'm going to try to find out what other oil I can use and make one with oil that is less "fruity" flavored.  I did put a dollop of mayo on my fish yesterday, with dill, onion powder, curry, garlic and pepper.  It was yummy!

So, onwards and upwards.  I'm either stopping my drops on Tuesday morning (so that will be my low dosage weight) or Wednesday (again, 2 schools of thought there).  Dr. Simeons says 72 hours (and I want to be eating in P3 by Friday morning, so I'm thinking I better follow his instructions), but I like having 1 more day on the drops because they stave off hunger AND I have the opportunity to use Wednesday's weight as my low dosage weight (and I haven't given up hope to hit 30 off).

Saturday, November 12, 2011

R1P2D27/31 - Chest Cold & Pink Eye & HCG

November 12, 2011

Day 27/31

In case you are doing HCG or considering it, I want to share something with you that may help you this winter.   Antibiotics are okay to take on Phase 2 of HCG.  I have had a chest cold for over a week, and a sinus thing going on (which officially moved into my eyes on Friday, so it looks like I have pink eye).  When that happened, I bit the bullet & called my doc and get an antibiotic.  I figured I'm close to the end of the Phase, so I better do what's right (no matter how it affects the scale) because it's better than infecting people.

Side note: Phase 2 is the only Phase where stuff like this could/might make you gain ... this is the Phase where it's known as "the diet from Hell" because the HCG causes even a little bite of something to make you gain, since your blood is so saturated with fat from the dissolving abnormal fat cells.

So, I went onto the HCG forum that I'm a part of on Facebook and asked about antibiotics.  I heard from the developers of miracleskinnydrops.com (who are on the site) that antibiotics are imperative because sickness causes the body to hang onto water.  THAT explains why I'm drinking like a fish and hardly using the restroom.  So, even though I only have only a few days left in Phase 2 (which means I have until Tuesday to lose more weight), if I don't because I'm sick, I'm cutting myself a break.  26 pounds less in 27 days is nothing to be ashamed of!

Friday, November 11, 2011

R1P2D26/31 - And now for something completely different ...

November 11, 2011

Day 26/31

I'm on the homestretch.  It almost feels like I'm preparing for vacation.  How weird!

The chocolate delite rocked, but, I'm thinking I ate too many macademia nuts right out of the gate (I ate the 12 max).  I'm thinking I should have eaten the choco delite WITHOUT nuts.  So, I'll eat around them today.  Or eat a total of maybe 6.  But, I think I'll cut them out.  Because, this morning, I was up 1.2 from my 3 pound loss the day before.  So, while I ate cabbage for the first time (on plan, practically no calories, no problem), I drank the 1 TBS of milk (gotta get my body used to dairy, because I'm gonna eat-me-some-cheese in P3) and had the choco delite.  LOTS of new stuff in one day.  I probably put my system into freak-out mode. 

But, overall, I'm at 1 pound off a day.  If I keep that up, I'm going to be at 30 pounds off on my last dose day (Tuesday).  I like that.

Have a great rest of your day!  And remember, "I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me."  Philippians 4:13.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

R1P2D25/31 - Apple Day Pay Off

November 10, 2011

Day 25/31

For those of you who know me at all, you know that I love (LOVE) prime numbers.  Well, even though tomorrow is a tri-prime (11/11/11), today, I feel prime.  Why?  Because I powered through an Apple Day yesterday (I ate 5 of my 6 apples and that was it) to jump start me out of my stall.  As a result (and I also say the Smooth Move cup of tea, and the cup of Detox tea I drank helped as well), I lost exactly 3 pounds.

I checked my ketone levels and they were rock bottom.  So, today, I start adding the coconut oil/carob/cocoa powder chocolate I made last night, with 1 macademia nut in each.  It's supposed to increase ketone levels (which, if you don't remember, is the level of fat that is circulating in your blood stream, which, during the HCG phase 2, should be VERY high).  Mine was at 5 today.  It should be in the 100s.  Yesterday, it was at 40.  So, we'll see what the tri-prime day brings.  Technically, I'm at a prime number of lost weight anyway (27.4), but I'd love to be at 29 (but, I shouldn't be greedy).  I'll take 27. 

So, as of today, I have 7 days left on P2, which means 5 days left on the drops.  I've been doing a LOT of healthy grocery shopping to prepare for P3, and I've compiled a 40 page (Word doc) cookbook of recipes I've found on line from HCG-ers who have gone before and kept the weight off.  So, it's starting to look like I'm on the home stretch.

My friend, Amy, who is on her 2nd round of HCG (so she's in P2 for the 2nd time) was slow moving on weight loss for over a week, and recently, without doing an apple day, she started losing over a pound a day.  She's at over 50 pounds off!  I'm hoping the same thing happens for me ... that I start losing a pound a day again.  I want to break the 30 off mark this round, so next time, I can get to 50+ off.

I will say this ... I see a difference and feel a BIG difference in my body.  It's almost like I feel like I'm thin (which, I'm not ... still obese by medical standards).  But, I did blow by 3 milestones just by buckling down yesterday (5 apples in 1 day is a lot weirder than you'd think ... but it cleans you out!).  I passed the 25 pound off mark, I passed my lowest weight in a year (the tonsillectomy weight)/2006/2007 WW start weight, and I hit a new decade.  Nice.

Here's the verse I'm claiming for the day:

"Blessed is she who believes that what the Lord has promised her will be accomplished!” -- Luke 1:45

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Commenting on my blog -- GO for it!

Just an FYI.  I've heard from several readers that they are having troubles posting comments to this blog.  I've made the comments instantly post, as well as, you should be able to post anonymously.  Here's how you do it:
  1. Write a comment.  Please leave your name if you want me to know who is writing it (no other info needed).
  2. Click on the pick box under what you write.
  3. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the selections & choose ANONYMOUS. 
  4. Type in the squiggly word underneath (so the blog can tell you're not a hacker or a computer writing ads).
  5. Hit okay.
Your comment should post!  If not, Facebook me.  ; )

R1P2D24/31 - Hope

November 9, 2011

Day 24/31

I got on the scale this morning, after doing everything right yesterday, and lost ... 0.0.  That's okay.  I was expecting it, actually, so I'm glad it happened.  Does that sound weird?  Well, that's because I knew I was in a stall.  8 days of down 0.1 up 0.1 and 0.0 is frustrating.  So, I'm doing an apple day today.  That's where you eat up to 6 large apples in a day (with very little water, you get your water from your engorged fat cells and the apples) and the next day, at least a pound should be off.  So, we'll see.

I am still sick (coughing up nasty stuff), so I know my body is fighting stuff off too.  That can stall HCG, from what I've heard and read.

Yesterday, two things happened that were MAJORLY encouraging.  First, I found a website called miracleskinnydrops (http://miracleskinnydrops.com/videos/) that houses very practical and helpful blogs by a lady named Carol Ensminger (if you are on Facebook & request to be her friend, she'll actually answer your questions!).  She shows products (and where you can buy them ... Walmart, Target, Whole Foods, etc.) and recipes (makes them in front of you, or at least shows you the ingredients).  It's VERY helpful, at least to someone like me, who likes to see things to learn.  Also, she talked about ketone levels and how you can buy test strips at Walmart (you pee on it first thing in the morning, wait 15 seconds and then see what color it is against the provided chart).  Ketone (from my very basic understanding) levels show you how much fat is in your blood stream (in P2, there should be a lot that HCG has released).  Well, my levels were at 40 (which was low).  She said hers were too, until she started consuming 3 TBS of apple cider vinegar every day, AND, 2 TBS of coconut oil in the form of chocolate delite.  I'll put the recipe on later (it's got about 3 ingredients) and 12 (count them, 12) macademia nuts a day.  She was 5 pounds away from her goal weight, had been losing about at the same rate I had been in the last week, started doing that, and she lost 1 and 1.2 pounds a day.  So, after my apple day, I'm trying it.  I'm making the choco delite tonight (and I'm putting macademia nuts in them) and I'll try them tomorrow.

2nd -- and this is more exciting -- I heard from one of my former coworkers (hi, Lisa!) yesterday who said that she's been following my blog.  I didn't even know anyone else was reading it besides my Mom, Dad (hi, Mom & Dad!), and Abbie, Amy, Carrie, Linda and JoEllen (hi, chickies!), my friends who know I'm doing this.  Anyway, she said she started reading it when I began, and, as of October 30, SHE STARTED HERSELF and lost 9 pounds!!!!  I am so excited, for her, and very honored that by reading my story, I had passed this along (like Abbie did for me)!  I never expected it to happen so fast!

So, today's blog is about hope and encouragement.  We can't always see the big picture.  We can't always see the good and the bad influences we are having.  I sincerely hope my bad influences are little to none -- but you never know.  But, regardless, yesterday, I found out I had made a positive influence on someone who had never heard of HCG until reading my blog.

So, tomorrow, hopefully, I'll have positive results (higher ketone may not be until the next day) and a loss.  And, I'll put the choco delite recipe on soon (or link to it) and to Carol's vlogs (video blogs).  They're excellent.

Today, I'll leave off with the verse that I picked for today (yesterday, before I even THOUGHT of entitling this HOPE a few moments ago):

Jeremiah 29:11 -- "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord.  Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.  Plans to give you a hope and a future."  Take that, Satan & minions who are trying to derail me with despairing thoughts.  God's got my back.  And He's got your back, too, dear readers.  

( : ) )

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

R1P2D23/31 - What a difference 0.1 pounds make

November 8, 2011

Day 23/31

Today, the scale said I gained 0.1 ounce.  Ouch.  Why is that an ouch?  Because that little ticker over there rounds up at the 0.5 mark, and I was 24.5 pounds off (so it did say 25 pounds, but thanks to today's gain, it now shows I gained a POUND, which I didn't).  Maybe that's the good news.  I only gained 10% of what that ticker is showing.

But, that doesn't mean this has been a fun 7 days for me.  I've struggled and struggled to lose 1.1 pounds.  Of course, my positivity says that good comes from anything.  For example, I've stuck with it, haven't gone over my 500 calories a day, and had a good attitude.  But, the bloom is off the rose for this phase in the diet.  Just for now.  But, it'll bloom again.  I'm sure I'm in that "my body thinks this is my normal weight because I've been at it SO many times in the last 5- 8 years" thing.  So, I'm going to shock it into submission.  Here's what I've already done, or plan to do.

1st -- I'm going to drink so much water that I float today.  If you know me, and see me, don't be surprised if you hear bubbles, or a buoy bell dinging when I glide on by.

2nd -- I dumped the homemade chicken/tomato/onion flake/chicken broth/tomato paste soup I made.  It was quite salty, actually (hello, water retention) and, even though I triple checked ingredients for any sugars, honeys, cane juice, etc. (I made sure to follow the, "if you can't pronounce a word in the ingredients, don't eat it" rule), it probably just wasn't right for my body.  So, I was pretty happy to see that go into the garbage disposal this morning.

3rd -- I'm going back to the HCG roots.  Chicken and tilapia.  Unfortunately, I didn't have either made this morning, so for lunch, I'm having 12 plain (mini) shrimp as my protein (I had even weighed them 1/2 frozen, so they probably aren't at the 100g mark now that they've thawed).  For dinner, I'm going to make all of the tilapia and chicken I have (which are thawing in my fridge as we "speak") and I'll have one of the portions for dinner.  Probably chicken.  Just to make it not an all fish day.

So, that's the plan.  Even if I don't lose one more ounce this round, I'm sticking with the program.  And that's a HUGE victory for me.  So, this diet has changed me in a good way.  And, 24.4 pounds is nothing to sniff at.  I have more energy, I don't look like a sausage, and (here's a bonus), when my sweet Mom came over for a movie and a fire on Sunday afternoon, she said (unsolicited) that she could "really tell" and that I looked good.  : )  Bonus.

I'm going to think about that ... because:

"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- think about such things."  - Philippians 4:8

Sunday, November 6, 2011

R1P2D21/31 - Three weeks and 24.5 pounds off (pretty slow for a hard week's work)

November 6, 2011

Day 21/31

I haven't written for a few days because I was trying to figure out what's going on.  As of this morning, I have lost a total of 24.5 pounds (not the 25 the little heart ticker over to the right is showing ... I guess it rounds up).  I had been enjoying miraculous (in my eyes) weight loss for the first 14 days of the program (usually over 2 pounds a day), which was well above average (0.5 - 1.0 pound a day).  Well, then this week arrived.  Here is my weight-loss at weigh-ins:

Monday, October 31: 0.0
Tuesday, November 1: 0.9
Wednesday, November 2: 1.2
Thursday, November 3: 0.4
Friday, November 4: 0.0
Saturday, November 5: 0.5
Sunday, November 6: 0.2

Since that averages to 0.45 pounds a day, I'm thinking today, I'm going to do an apple day.  Either today, or tomorrow.  Maybe I'll give it one more day.  

The reason I'm being so impatient is, I only have 11 weigh-ins left.  Honestly, after 7 days of molasses-slow weight-loss when I have been 100% on-plan with my eating, does not feel like impatient.  That means, if I start losing 1 pound a day (again), I'll "only" lose 34.5 pounds.  I had really, really been hoping to get to 35 (at least) off (because I have so much to lose), and with my first 14 days, I thought it was possible.  Now, after this week, I think I'm going to be lucky (I don't believe in luck) to get to 30 pounds off in 33 days, since I've been trying to get to 25 off for a week!

Okay, sorry to be Debbie Downer.

So ... I'll reconfigure.  I am either going to go back to chicken for both meals today (maybe red meat for 1 meal -- 3.5 grams of lean ground sirloin for lunch -- and fish -- 3.5 grams of sole for dinner -- isn't the right combo for my body), or I'm going to do an apple day.  Maybe I'll do that tomorrow.

The protocol does say 0.5 - 1.0 a day, and I'm averaging (in the 21 days) 1.16 a day.  Dr. Simeon's protocol says a couple of things:
  • A stall is 4 days of no loss (technically, I've lost)
  • When your body gets to a weight that it's been at (if you've been a habitual dieter) for a while in the past (which is where I'm at now), then you can plateau for up to 2 weeks.  In my book, this is a plateau of a week.  Maybe others will say no, since it's almost 3.5 pounds off.
  • 0.5 - 1.0 pounds per day average, so my body may be catching up with itself since I lost a lot (22 pounds in 14 days).
  • Even in times when the scale doesn't go down, we're still losing inches.  That's why his book is called Pounds & INCHES.
Maybe I'll measure myself.

Update at 8:45 a.m. -- I measured myself.  Among the many other measurements, since October 17, I have lost the following inches:

Waist -- 3.25 inches
Hips -- 4.25 inches
Thighs -- 1 inch each

I didn't lose anything in my stomach yet, but I'm not surprised at all.  I can tell my upper torso (as I said above) has lost.  Come on next 11 days.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

R1P2D18/31 - Reconfigure

November 3, 2011

Day 18/31

Okay, I'm looking at the rest of November, and, when I had planned this 1st Phase, I had planned on getting into Phase 3 (no starches or carbs or sugars) on November 21.  Well, I had forgotten that my friend's daughter is getting married on November 19, and that I will be helping at the wedding, so I am also attending the rehearsal dinner.  Well, it won't really "do" for me to go to the dinner and just sit there not eating.  And, since it's the 2 last days of P2, I can't really "take a break."  So, I'm toying with the notion of finishing my P2 on November 17 (Thursday), so I can begin to eat normally (proteins ... I bought Lara bars yesterday and am excited to try them ... they are highly recommended as a protein filled treat) and move into P3.  I think, by then, I'll be ready for it.  One of the reasons I'm doing this is because the bride-to-be and her 2 cousins will be staying at my house the night before the wedding and I can't very well wake up and tell them I only have tomatoes and cucumbers for breakfast for them.  I think eggs and bacon will be a better bride-to-be breakfast.  : )  Very Phase 3.

Also, my weight loss has been slowing down lately.  I lost 0.4 pounds on the scale this morning (which is nothing to sniff at), 1.2 yesterday. 0.9 on Tuesday and 0.0 the day before.  That's an average of 0.5 loss a day.  That's still within protocol, but, well, we'll see.  I might not make it to a record 40 pounds off, but 35 pounds off (10.2 pounds away) is still do-able in 14 days.  I hope to hit that.  At least, I want to hit 30 pounds off, but I will admit to you, that I'll actually be disappointed if that's "all" after working so dilligently.  But, I'm still encouraged.  23.8 pounds total (as of today) is nothing to be down in the mouth about!  That's an average of 1.32 pounds a day (yes, I count that .32).  : )

Anyway, I'm just toying with the idea, but I'm thinking I'll go for it.  But, either way, as of today, I'm 1/2 way done.  So, that's a nice milestone!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

R1P2D17/31 - Milestones are no longer Millstones around my neck

November 2, 2011

Day 17/31

The first thing I'd like to do today is thank God.  I hope you are, too.  It's a new day that He's given you and me.  I don't want to waste it with a bad attitude.

This time last year, I was preparing to get my tonsils and uvula removed.  Today was the big day.  Among other things, I looked at it as a drastic way to lose weight.  Which I did.  I got down to 3.1 pounds less than I am today (hooray, I lost 1.2 pounds this morning!).  Of course, one of the big differences with that is, it came back on (and then some) because I didn't plan, prepare and consume the right foods.

You know what this diet is like?  It's an encouragement.  All other diets will tell you to do the three things I just said (plan, prepare, consume the right foods).  BUT, they don't all have these encouraging results.  I'll tell you what ... being surrounded by grilled cheeseburgers, brats, hotdogs and all sorts of yummy cookout treats every day Friday - Monday ... normally, I would have caved by, at best, Sunday.  And caved in a BIG way (eating a BUNCH of stuff).  If I fall, I fall HARD.  But, I didn't.  Why?  There were 2 lights at the end of that denial tunnel.  One, is that this phase changes by November 21 (at the latest).  And the second light is the biggest ... the scale.  I want to stick with the plan (which is really satisfying) to see the scale go down as much as possible in Phase 2 (the only weight-reducing phase).  I'm on a mission.  Which, obviously, I have chosen to accept.  But, the difference is, with all of those other weight-loss programs (or made up programs), the scale doesn't move.  For example, I unearthed a spreadsheet I had made in 2005 when I was doing WW, showing my progress.  I started in January.  By AUGUST, I had lost 12 pounds.  Now, I was really trying for a while.  But, what I saw was a major see saw.  Planning was hard, the food wasn't real (SMART ones and other pre-packaged foods are easy but NOT satisfying to me) and the weight was slow going.  Nothing kills my motivation like working hard and seeing little to no benefit.

So, that's it.  I have 1.7 pounds to go until I hit 25 pounds off (next milestone ... hopefully hit by Friday when I see my Dad for the first time since starting this ... I wonder if he'll notice?), 2.2 pounds to go until I'm in a new decade (another milestone I hope to hit by Friday) and 3.1 pounds to surpass my lowest weight I've been at since August 2005 (milestone #3, I hope to hit by Sunday).  Those are do-able goals.  I'll check in to be transparent about how they are going.

Oh, the last thing.  I had two of my friend's husbands and one of my friend's daughters say that they can see a difference in me.  All three of them know I'm doing this, but it's still pleasing!  I'm not showing the tell tale signs of losing weight (droopy skin that you'd expect with almost 25 pounds off), but I am smaller.  I can't wait to measure myself in the middle of the month to see what inches have come off.  Woo-hoo!

Again I'll say it ... thank you, Lord, for leading me to the HCG diet, and giving me the strength to make it through, joyfully!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

R1P2D16/31 - Continuing the Good Fight

November 1, 2011

Day 16/31

I don't know if I've ever been so happy to see November come.  Why?  Because (wait for it), I have a plan.  My plan is to weigh less at the end of November than I did at the beginning.  It certainly worked in October!

This morning, the scale showed a loss of 0.9 pounds.  I'll take it.  That means, my total weight loss is at 22.2.  I kind of like that.  It's hard to forget.  : )

As I drove to work this morning, I found myself trying to figure out what I can bring to Thanksgiving this year and what I can eat that's there.  I really don't want to have to answer 500 questions about this protocol (it's not all about me!), about why I'm not eating rolls and mashed potatoes and corn casserole.  So, tonight, I'm going to read my HCG cookbook and plan out my meals for the next 19 days of this diet, as well as the first week or two of Phase 3 (week 1 of phase three is Thanksgiving week).  If I've learned anything, it's that planning really helps me (and others) be successful in dieting.

So, until tomorrow, I bid you adieu!  Hopefully, I'll be writing to you with a fewer abnormal fat cells.