October 30, 2012
Round 5, Very Low Calorie Day 22 of 23
This morning, I hit exactly 90 pounds off! Now, keep you wig on, I stopped taking drops on Sunday, so this is the time when I have to keep eating P2, but the weight off doesn't count. This weight is below my Last Dosage Weight (LDW) & it probably won't stay off long (this 1.2 pounds down from LDW) once I start eating P3 food. My plan it to keep cheese and nuts out of my diet for at least a week more, so I should stabilize well. Lord-willing!
My doc appointment went well on Friday. He was very excited about my weight loss & talked about my fasting blood test labs from April (I'm scheduled to take another one in the middle of November, once these HCG drops are out of my system). From October 2011 to April 2012, my cholesterol (which was just starting to creep up there) dropped 40 points in the bad and went up 20 in the good. My triglycerides are completely in the normal range & my blood sugar dropped from 107 to 101. Dr. Piers said he normally doesn't see changes in cholesterol like that unless the patient is on medication for it. So, losing 90 pounds had been good for a lot of reasons! My blood pressure, which was about 120-130 over 80-90 was 96/64. My pulse, which used to be around 90 was 56. I laughed out loud! Dr. Piers called it (jokingly) "obscene" when he took it an hour after the nurse and my BP went up 95/64. :-)
That's all for now.
Oh ... in case you wondered, I resisted the meatballs.
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