Julia's progress

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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

R4P2D9/33 - Who knew? I'm normal after all!

July 31, 2012

Round 4 (R4), Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 9 of 33

Well, I'm almost 1/3 of the way through R4P2.  Seems a bit surreal!  I'm 14.1 pounds down as of this morning.  I still have 2.7 pounds to get to my lowest since 2001.  But, I'm happy with my progress thus far, because, it's tracking with what I've done in the past.  It's important to me that it's tracking about the same, because it's easy to get woo-ed by the numbers and realize that, actually, I should be losing at a quicker pace.  One of my friends is doing this at the same time as me, and she and I are having virtually the same losses each day.  That's good -- that means, the slow down I've experienced the last 2 weigh-ins is exactly as it should be.  I lost a lot the first week (which, I affectionately call, "The Honeymoon" part of Phase 2 -- the first week where pounds drop off rapidly), and am starting to move into the "Seven Year Itch" part of Phase 2.  That's the part where I start thinking, "WHAT have I signed on for?  I'm sacrificing all of this for no loss, or a minor loss, or (GASP!) a slight gain?!"  Well, yes, that's normal.

So, as of this morning, I'm 74.1 pounds down.  I'm working hard to maintain that, and, Lord-willing, drop another 3 - 5 in the next week.  This is the slow period (the next 2 weeks), and then, by week 4, it starts to pick up again. 

The funny thing about the 7 Year Itch time is that it's the time when I notice the most difference in me physically.  Even though the weight isn't going gangbusters down on the scale, each Phase 2 (and this is my 4th), this is the time in the Phase when I start to FEEL a difference in my body.  I mean it -- FEEL.  My body feels smaller when I touch it randomly (knees, hips, chin, whatever).  And, it starts looking a bit smaller too.  It's the "INCHES" part of Dr. Simeon's Pounds & Inches (HCG protocol).  My body is catching up with losing 14 inches (roughly) in 7 days.

That's about all I have to say for today.  I guess I'll leave you with some pearls of wisdom.  "Here's mud in your eye."  "Don't take any wooden nickles."  "Keep a stiff upper lip."  "See you later, alligator."

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