Julia's progress

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

R3P4D6/29 - Still plugging away!

June 26, 2012

Round 3, Phase 4 (eat what I want in moderation), Day 6/29

For those of you faithful readers (and you'd have to be this Round with my whining, sporadic blog entries!), this Round has been rather, um, different.  As you know, I'm not 100% sure what I should call my Last Dosage Weight (LDW) -- either May 1 or May 29 -- but I'm stabilizing at the May 1 LDW (which is about 5 pounds higher than my May 29 LDW).  So, if I look at the May 1 weight, I am within the 2 pound window (1.6 above my May 1 LDW), but, that means, I'm 7 pounds exactly above my May 1 LDW (which was right when I took my planned break).  SEVEN POUNDS?!  69.1 pounds off doesn't have nearly the nice ring as 76.1 pounds off.  But, oh well.

I'm still plugging along.  I took advantage of the nice weather last night and went for a walk with my friend Kate and her dog, Lucy.  It was a beautiful night, weather-wise.  The walk wasn't hard-core, but it was moving around, and that's always good.  I had protein and strawberries for dinner, and this morning, was down 1.8.  I'm planning on cycling tonight after work (before it hits 100 degrees on Wed/Thu) and eating proteins again.  Maybe, just maybe, I'll lose a little more and get closer to the LDW on May 29.  Either way, I'm starting up again (Round 4), with Phase 1 loading on July 21-22 (if I'm up this much, I'm only doing a 2 day load), and Phase 2 starting July 23.  I'm going "down" -- but where I start that downward spiral (and yes, I'm using that in a POSITIVE way, instead of the normal negative connotation) is still up in the air.

I have noticed something.  I'm not being hard on myself.  I'm still almost 70 pounds down.  I still get compliments from people about my weight loss (1 yesterday, 1 this morning).  So, I'm not going to sabotage myself.  Yes, I'm tired after work.  I get so distracted with work, that often, I forget to eat (I've had 1/2 a piece of bacon today, it's 12:35, and I'm not yet hungry -- but don't worry, I will eat when I hit PUBLISH).  Then, dinner, I feel ravenous -- and not tummy ravenous, but emotional ravenous.  So, I should say, it's a victory that I'm NOT up 20 pounds.  I'm not eating the way I used to.  But, I do have the occasional P4 foods (Oreo, or pizza).  But, I'm not getting fast food, or eating double or triple the amount of food.  So, that, my friends, is a victory.

See?  I'm smiling, even though I'm not perfect.  I'm far from it (as you all know very well).  But, it's okay -- I'm trying, and THAT'S a step in the right direction.  So, for those of you who I will be seeing soon -- I'm still praying you will see "less" of me.  Progress, not perfection.  That's a victory!

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