April 15, 2012
Round 3, Phase 2 (Very Low Calorie) Day 7 of 25
Before I begin today, I have a new reader whom I'd like to welcome. They have changed the format of this blog, so you'll have to scroll all the way down and click on the links under each month to really get to my beginning, explaining hHCG (homeopathic HCG) and the protocol. I pretty much dive right in here. But, welcome! These are pretty out there and transparent, so strap in. It's a bumpy ride!
Today marks one week of doing the VLCD. I've really only had a handful of moments of feeling hungry. It's more like "cravy." I'll think of something I used to eat around that time (for example, a crumpet) and my head will think, "OOh, yum." But, it's funny. My stomach doesn't feel hungry. Until it's time to eat. Then, I'm hungry. I eat my stuff, and I"m satisfied and I move on. Go figure. Thoughts of food (what I can and can't eat) don't consume me anymore. That's really amazing, because, in the past, when I've been uber-stressed (like I'm fighting right now with work), I have actually fantasized about what naughty, comfort food I will get to consume at the next available opportunity and THAT brought me peace. Now? I think about God. And HE brings me peace. What a difference. This time, I know that, while I might yank back that stress the second after I sincerly hand it over to Him, He'll still be right there to take it back when I get my head clear and remember, "Oh yah. I gave this to Him. Stop grabbing the wheel." With food (or shopping ... my two vices of choice), I'd "numb my disquieted mind" with them, and then, after the numbness wore off (sometimes minutes later), I'd feel empty. Not so now. Way to go, God!
That's all for today. I need to get ready for church. I hope you attend one too, but most importantly, I hope that you talk to God. You don't have to be in church to do that. Open a Bible and see where God leads you. Or, Google verses in the Bible. If you're struggling fear, like I am about work, I suggest Googling "fear verses in the Bible." Then, read the verses. Then, talk to God about them. If you're reading this, you HAVE to have a computer and internet (busted!). It'll be worth your time.
Another informative blog… Thank you for sharing it… Best of luck for further endeavor too.