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Monday, February 27, 2012

R2P4D1/40 - And so it (Phase 4) begins ...

February 27, 2012

Round 2, Phase 4 (eat whatever I want in moderation) Day 1/40

Yes, for those of you Lord of the Ring-ers (like me), the title of this was a quote.  Wow, a Sherlock reference the last time I wrote (on Thursday), and an LOTR reference today.  I'm letting my inner Geek shine through loud and clear!

So, it's official.  I am stabilized.  I had (for lunch on Saturday) a Hardee's low carb thick burger (it was 4 pm and I hadn't eaten lunch ... desperate times call for desperate measures), which means, it was a Frisco burger sans the bun (but with lettuce).  Can I just say it was about the best fast-food I have ever eaten?  Anyway, I also had a Coke Zero that day.  AND farro and Indian food (all home made) for dinner (all approved, but I had never had farro before, so I didn't know how my body would react).  I also had 1/2 a homemade brownie (uh huh) and a crumpet with Denise's homemade grape jelly for breakfast.  In short, I ate carbs (MUCH less than I would have before HCG, but I had them).  And the scale ... stayed flat.  On Friday, I had an entire stuffed bowl of popcorn, and the scale actually went DOWN on Saturday morning.  Funny.

This is what stabilizing means.  Now, it's going to take me the entire month of March to feel comfortable eating carbs.  I'm still going to weigh every day, and I'm still going to, as much as possible, eat low to no carb.  But, if I "splurge" with a little something special, then, "on my head, be it."  (Wow.  Another GEEK quote.  It was from Harry Potter.)  For example, I'm having dinner at Mom & Gram's next Monday, and I might, just might, try a little pie (if Gram makes one).  Maybe not, but I could.  Maybe a 1/2 a piece.

This weekend, I went through my closet (coat AND clothes) and tried on everything I own.  I ended up donating 1/2 of it.  At the start of this, I thought I would pay to get things altered.  But, as I tried on dress after dress and swam in them, I decided, "Seriously, Julia ... just wear what you have that fits, donate the rest, and buy off of the sale rack when you get to the size you should be at."  So, that's the plan.  I'm down 3.5 (ish) sizes from when I started, and I'm hoping to be able to be down at least another 2 - 3 sizes by the time I wrap all of this up next year at this time.

So, I'm securely into P4 (0.6 under Last Dosage Weight) and will continue to weigh every day.  If I see that scale go up 2.7 pounds, I'll correct and re-stabilize.  If not (which I'm praying it won't get to that), then I'll be starting Round 3 (loading on the Saturday before Easter, and Easter Sunday/my Dad's birthday) on April 9. 

May the force be with you.  Yes, I just went there ... a Star Wars quote.  It's like a GEEK quint-cathlon in this blog (LOTR, Sherlock, Harry Potter, Star Wars ... and I don't even LIKE Star Wars).   I'll leave you with another little goodie (for those of you Sherlock-ians like me) from Sherlock, Season 2, Episode 1 ...

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