Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Round 7 (R7), Phase 3 (P3) Proteins, Day 20 of 21
It's been a while. Sorry about that. Plugging right along. I'm a little up (about 4 pounds) from Last Dosage Weight (LDW), but I'm not worried. Last week was my Gram's (Mom's Mom) 99th birthday, and my Grandpa's (Dad's Dad) 98th birthday. Grandpa died 2 days after he turned 98. So, on top of a week's vacation, I had yard work, birthday celebrations and life celebrations for two nonagenarians (90-year-olds).
But, aside from that, something happened last night that I just have to share, before the memory of it flies out of my head.
Last night, as I was wrapping up my evening of Aunt time with Samuel & Ben which consisted of Bicycle Safety Town, DQ small ice cream cones (for them) & listening to their favorite, tried & true Sunday School songs while cruising in my car (they were both singing along, which made MY heart sing), I got an enthusiastic hug from Ben (4). That's not surprising, as he is probably the happiest, most carefree child I know (and that's saying a lot). Samuel (7), on the other hand, is a wild card. Sometimes he's reserved & other times, he's Mr. Wrestle-Me-To-The-Ground-When-Hugging-Me (I'm not kidding, he actually has knocked me off of my feet!).
Well, last night, after one of the longest, non-"wrestly" hugs I've ever received from him (he wouldn't let go ... not dramatically, just really, really hugging me for a long time). I guess I was speaking his love language yesterday. Anyway, I told him I loved him (like I always do when I say goodnight to kiddies) & we discussed when I will see him again. He smiled, sweetly (again, not his usual "wrestly" self), and turned to go back into the house. Suddenly, he stopped and abruptly turned back to me. He took his hands out of his pockets and I could tell there was something in them as he outstretched them to me. "Aunt Julia?" he said, almost sheepishly. "Yeah, Buddy?" I replied. "Here, I want you to have these." He quickly thrust three little "somethings" into my hand. When I opened up my hand, I saw what they were -- three little pieces of candy that look like white, speckled Sprees (I have no idea what they are). He mumbled, "I've been saving these for a special time later. But, I want you to have them." I thanked him and told him he didn't have to give them to me. He insisted, "No, I want you to have them. They are special." Those three pieces of candy meant a lot to that little 7-year-old. And, they mean the world to this 41-year-old, because he offered them to me freely, when I didn't even know they were there. Yes, they most certainly are special. He wanted to give me something, like I had given him somethings all night. Who am I to deny him the pleasure of giving that I get when I give to others?
I just found those three little pieces of candy tucked away and it reminded me to share this story, before it fades into the oblivion and business of the day. I have put them in a special place, so when I see them again, I'll remember this story. I'm sharing it with you so I won't forget, and so maybe Samuel's gift and the lesson I gleaned from it might resonate with one of you. Here is the lesson ...
I think the joy I felt in receiving Samuel's gift (that had no real monetary value, but was priceless to me because I know how much they meant to him) must be how God feels about my meager sacrifices (time, money, attitude) that I give to Him. It's nothing compared to what He has given me (life, health, love, happiness, the world) and the price He has paid (His life for my salvation). But, He willingly, and with joy the Bible says, accepts my gifts of love and gives back in ten-twenty-million-fold. And, that makes me want to give Him more. It took three little pieces of candy from a beloved 7-year-old for me to really realize that lesson today.
I'm grateful.